Chapter Seven

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A/N: hello everyone! im so happy to see that people are enjoying this story. thank you for all the messages and comments, they really made me smile.

so, this chapter honestly isn't my best so far. I was only trying to pick everything up so I could finally get this story going. but don't worry! there is going to be more tension and problems and all that stuff, but not just yet.

don't forget to comment and vote! See you next Thursday! ♥

Love was a feeling I could never truly identify. Sure, I got butterflies every time Astrid got close, but that was nothing compared to what I experienced around Jack. It was almost like I didn't want to be near him. I got almost sick there. Physically, I felt horrible. But mentally, I had this sense of giddiness. I felt like I could say whatever I needed, but due to my physical state, I could never spit the words out. Jack made me feel like I was on air; he made me feel like I was floating on a cloud, and at first, I thought that was only because I had found someone I could talk to, but later I discovered it was something more. Even though it had felt like I was sitting on coals, that kiss was the best moment I had ever experienced. I laid awake in bed that night. The video of Jack leaning in and just forcing us together kept replaying in my mind. But the thing that really kept me up was the thought of that smile Jack had plastered on his face after I had muttered "I love you". The flutters in my stomach came back every time it popped into my head and I had this overwhelming urge to smile and hide my face in my sheets. Why didn't I feel this way about anyone before?! And why is this person I've fallen in love with a guy?! I had so many questions for myself. My mind was a cluttered mess. I couldn't sleep. I was aggravated at myself and I was confused about everything. I shoved my face into my pillow. I stayed like that for a while until I needed actual air and not just the carbon dioxide I must have reinhaled a whole fifteen times. I grumbled and roared. Soon I was just too tired and somehow passed out. Although the memories only continued to play back in my dreams.

My mind rose back into consciousness. The sun shined through my window and hit my face. I draped my arm over my eyes, protecting my pupils from the burning light. It was late, I could tell, but I was grounded for another four days so it wouldn't have mattered if I had gotten out of bed or not. I just layed there for a while, trying to wake myself up. I rolled out of bed just when there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Hiccup?" It was my father.

"Come in." I grumbled.

My father slowly opened the door and stucke his head through. I was sitting on the edge of my bed. He cleared his throat and stepped inside.

"You're free to go."


"You already missed whatever plans you had last night, so you're not grounded anymore."

"Really?!" I asked in surprise.

"Yes! Really! Now go feed that dumb dragon of yours!"

I jumped up, hugged my father then hurried out of my room. I scooped up my boots and, hopping out the front door, attempted to put them on. The snow was falling quickly and everything was pretty foggy. I started to run, excited to see toothless, but ended up crashing into someone. I toppled back and fell into the snow.

"Owwww..." someone groaned.

"Oh my goodness!" I hopped up, "I'm sorry! I-I wasn't watching where I was going." I held out a hand and helped whoever it was up.

"Oh, h-hi Hiccup."

"Oh. Astrid..."

Saying the moment was awkward would be a total understatement.

"So, um, how have you been?" Astrid asked, breaking the silence.

"I've been okay. I guess..."

"I heard that you got grounded for staying out all night..."

I was a bit taken aback that she had known about that. "Oh... y-yeah... I was out with a friend and, uh..." I trailed off, leading us to another drawn-out pause.

"Hiccup," Astrid spoke up again, "I know we didn't end on the best terms. I really want to be friends and asking you about that was a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Oh," I was a startled that she had brought it up, considering she was more than distraught after I had rejected her.

She held out a hand to me, "Just friends?"

I took her hand and we shook on it. "Just friends."

She smiled and brushed her bangs out of her face.

"I have to go feed Toothless, I'll see you later. Okay?"

"Alright! See you then."

We both walked away with a smile. I was glad that the two of us had cleared that up. It made me feel like a part of me was put back into place.

Soon I had made my way to the barn where I was allowed to keep Tooth for the time being. I swung open the doors but there was nothing inside. This isn't the first time this had happened, but he didnt know I was coming. So he wouldnt have tried to play a round round of side and seek. "Tooth?" I looked around in the barn and around the outside. "Toothless!" I searched behind the trees and in the bushes all around but the nightfury was nowhere to be found. I growled and decided it would be best to go looking for him. I pushed back branches and crawled through the brush while calling Toothless' name. I was sure for a moment that someone was laughing but I brushed it off and continued searching. Wasn't long and the laughing was audible again. I followed the sound until I came across, who else, Jack. He was playing with Toothless near the frozen stream.

"There you are!" I called aloud.

"Hiccup!" Jack laughed.

Toothless was smiling and rolling in the snow that covered the bank. I ran up to Jack and wrapped myself around his waist. I could feel his muscles tense up for a moment. Alothough ere long he relaxed and envoloped me in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked, "I thought you were still grounded."

"My Dad let me go early. He said I had already had enough."

I peeled myself from Jack and smiled up at him.

"I-I fed toothless for you while you were gone."

Toothless smiled, flashing a mouth filled with gums. I laughed and gave him a scratch on the head.

"Where did did you get the fish? The pond is frozen."

Jack awkwardly chuckled, "yeah, that. I sort of took a few from the fishers boat..."

"So, you stole them?"

"I didnt really steal them... it's more like borrowing."

"Like I haven't heard that one before."

Jack laughed again and decided to change the subject. "Hey! how about we go take toothless back to the barn?" He hopped up onto the back of the nightfury and smiled. Toothless started to turn in circles and tried to shake him off.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Alright. Let's go you two."

Toothless bucked Jack off and pinned him to the ground. He licked the whole side of his head making his hair stand up. "Aah! Yuck!" Jack screamed. Toothless and I laughed.

"Alright thats it. Let's go."

Jack stood up and tried to shake out his hair, only making it worse. "You need to learn to keep that dragon under control." He turned and stuck his tongue out at Tooth, who responded with the same gesture.

"You need to accept that he's smarter than you think he is."

Jack rolled his eyes and threw his staff onto his shoulder.


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