Chapter Twenty-Three

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My eyes fluttered open. I groaned, in pain from sleeping upright all night. I raised my head up from my shoulder and lifted my arm from around Hiccup. I reached behind my head and attempted to kneed the knot out of my neck. A short time after I heard a yawn. Hiccup's head slowly lifted off of my chest. He glared up at me with a look of surprise. "Jack?" He marveled. I slowly nodded. He quietly unwrapped his arms from around my chest, getting up and stretching out his back. His warmth had left with him and my skin turned cold again. I held my lower lip between my teeth. His body was covered in leather and pieces of armor but I could still see how thick his muscles had gotten. His hair I looked into those beautiful eyes of his, the color like twinkling emaralds. And, oh god his hair- I snapped my head away. 'Get ahold of yourself!'

"So those bits I remember..." he scratched the back of his neck, "they weren't a dream. Were they?"

I rubbed my eyes while I shook my head. "No."

He sighed and held out a hand to help me up. I hesitated, looking at his hand, then up at his face. I took it and he yanked me up. I nearly stumbled over. He was so strong! I bit my tongue, telling myself that now was not the time to compliment him.

"Could you... maybe- uh, like, help me walk home? I'm not feeling well." Hic stumbled over his words.

I flushed, but nodded. "Y-yeah. I guess I could do that..."

We started on our way. Hiccup was sluggish and kept his head held low. I stole a few glares out of the corner of my eye. He led us to a small cabin towards the edge of the woods. He opened the front door and held out an arm, inviting me inside. I mumbled a thanks and quickly made my way inside. He came in after, shutting the door behind him. He kicked off his shoe and started to unbuckle the pieces of armor from his body. I ignored him and proceeded to look around. It wasn't too big, there was a nice little table with chairs and a door that must have lead to the bedroom. Adjacent to the table was a desk filled with books and pencils. Against the wall was what looked like a sort of stove top (probably one of his great inventions) and an icebox. I turned around, "Hey, do you- Whoah!" I held up my hands. Hiccup peeled his shirt from his body, throwing it to the side. My cheeks set on fire as I looked over his abdomin.

"Calm down!" He shot me a rotten look, "I'm just changing my shirt."

I was relieved, yet a bit... disappointed. He walked past me and I made eye contact with him for a moment before we both yanked our eyes away. He seemed like he was begging for my attention, but refusing it at the same time. He opened the door behind and walked in. I took the moment to walk over to his desk. There were drawings of dragons scattered about. I filed through them and sighed. I missed seeing him draw, he was so cute. He would scrunch his eyebrows together while focusong on his sketching. I picked up one of the books up off of the side of his desktop and slowly opened it. There were drawings of landscapes, each with a layer of snow covering it. I guess he had been thinking about me... I heard the door behind open and I threw the journal back down. I scampered over to the wall and tried to look casual. Hic came through the door, pulling a shirt over his head.

"While you're here do you want some soup or something?"

I laughed, "no thanks, I'm not a big soup kinda guy."

"Oh... yeah..."

Everything was quiet for a while. The silence was unnerving. I chewed on my cheek. I wanted to speak up and spill everything and explain my feelings, but I couldn't. Now would be a horrible time for that. I stared at him from the corner of my eye.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"Don't be."

"No, I shouldn't have gone drinking. It wasn't the right way to cope." He looked up at me, his green eyes rimmed with tears.

"Why did you go drinking in the first place?"

He bit his lip and rolled out his shoulders. He hesitated, "it- um... it started to snow.."

We stared at eachother for a long time. The pit in my stomach grew deeper and I started to pick at the bark on my staff. It felt like we were standing there for hours, making me feel even more awkward and even more nervous.

Hiccup coughed, "but that's not important. The past is in the past."

"You mean the fact you were drunk and stumbling around only 6 hours ago is in the past? Or the relationship we had?"

"Quit yelling, you make my head hurt."

"I'm not yelling!"

"Yes you are, stop."

I growled furiously, "great! It's been six years and we still sound like an old couple!"

"SHUT UP!" Hic erupted.

I took a step after being taken aback by his uproar. He pulled out a chair from the table and fell into it, rubbing his temples profusely. "I love you..." he whispered, "these past six years have gone by in a flash; these years were like a dream, But you're so damn difficult."

"Only because I'm trying to keep you from hurting yourself!"

"We've been reunited for not even 24 hours! You make it sound like you've known what I've gone through! Jackson, my father is dead, I found out my mother is alive, the village was completely destroyed and we had to rebuild everything- I am now chief! That is so fucking stressful for me! Not being able to get over you has thrown more emotional shit onto the pile of manure my life already is!"

"I love you too"


I walked over to his chair and repeated again, "I love you too."

His face flushed of all color and he looked as if he had frozen solid. I slowly brought my hand up to his cheek, placing my finger along the outline of his jaw. I examined his face. His freckles were exactly where I remembered them, the scar on his chin hadn't faded at all, and his eyes were as deep as the ocean. I studied him, memorizing his features. The white in his face was suffused with pink. I chuckled and looked him over one last time. I slowly leaned in, lighty brushing our lips together. I breathed in his scent and exhaled through my mouth. I could feel Hiccup as he shivered. I took his mouth in mine, lifting his head in order to bring him closer. The sudden flutter in my stomach exhilarated me. I had to have more. I gently manipulated his lips, weaving them with mine. We kissed for a while, until I slowly pulled away from him just to make sure I didn't go too far for my own good. His hands gripped the arms of the chair as if his life depended on it. His cheeks appeared as if they were smeared with red paint and I smiled.

"What's wrong, o' great viking chief?"

He scowled, proceeding to shoved me away. He crossed his arms and pouted like a toddler. He may have been grown, but he was still my little Hiccup.

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