Chapter Nine

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A/N: oooohhhh my gooosh

I am sosososo sorry. I feel so bad for missing an update. I was a bit busy. I had a family reunion, a 10 hour drive to and from Ohio, my father had surgery-  BUT that doesn't mean I haven't found time to write! this one is pretty long (compared to my other chapters) and where we starting to (slowly) reach the climax of Part 1 of the story. so, I hope you enjoy, be sure to vote and comment, and see you next Thursday! ♥♥

"Crap..." I stared out at the village that was now wallowing in rapid oxidation. Vikings were scurrying to place water over the fire in the attempt to extinguish the flames. I felt horrible, this was practically my fault.

"Want me to ice it over?" Jack offered.

"No," I mumbled, "it will probably just cause more panic."

We stood there, looking at the havoc we had caused. The flames sizzled as the snow fell over it. A light flickered in my mind and I looked at Jack, who was already staring. He blushed and turned away, brushing it off as if it had never happened. I smiled at his idiocy.

"Do you think you could make it snow a little harder? If we can then maybe we can stifle the fire."

The winter chortled, "I'm Jack Frost! Of course I can make it snow!" His teeth shined and and his eyes sparked with amusement. I honestly wanted to stare but I nonchalantly I rolled my eyes, "let's go get Toothless then."

I swung open the doors to the barn. "Toothless!" the dragon tackled me and pinned me to the ground. His large feet wrapped around my wrists. He let out a large roar, causing my ears ring and my hair blow away from my face. I giggled and looked him in the eyes. "Your breath stinks." His tongue dragged across my face. "Ugh! Toothless!"

"How do you like it?" Jack chimed.

I shoved Toothless, who then proceeded to climb off of me. I shot Jack a miffed expression.

"Hey bud, you wanna go for a flight?"

The nightfury smiled and started to jump around. Impatient as always. I pet him on the head and proceeded to put on his belts. Toothless was nearly quivering he was so excited to go flying. I snapping on the last piece of saddle, I hopped up onto his back. I patted the spot behind me and, without hesitation, Jack hopped on. Toothless didn't even wait for an "okay", he shot up into the air as quickly as his wings could carry him. The takeoff had daunted me a bit, but I quickly got myself together.

"Are you ready Jack?"


We were coming up on Berk, and Jack was ready to dump an avalanche on that fire. But before we got close Toothless got a little discomposed. He slowed down and his ears perked up. I could tell that his current state was an uneasy one.

I patted him on the head, "What's wrong Bud?"

He grunted as his ears layed flat again. I was confused and a bit tense, because something wasn't right here.

"Hiccup?" Jack whispered in my ear. I turned around to see what he was so perplexed about. His finger was extended,  stretched towards a figure in a cloud nearby. Before I could make out whatever it was Tooth rocketed up into the clouds. My sight was blurred and flooded with nothing but white. Ere long the same figure as before appeared next to us. This time it was clear what ilk it had been from. A dragon. Of course. I should have guessed. Roars from the opposite caught my attention and I turned. More dragons. Looked back to the other side. A hoard of them.

Jack pushed me onto Toothless' back. "Get down!" He whispered.

"Toothless!" I pleaded, "you got to get us out of here!"

The nightfury only grunted and continued flying.

"What the hell Toothless?!"

Through the clouds a large mountain appeared. The side was covered with caves and cliffs. I had never known this was here. The dragons flew in and out. 'Maybe this is the big nest?' I thought to myself. We approached the entrance to the mountain, and Toothless hung low and far from the group. Upon entering a wall of heat hit us. I could tell this wasn't going to be good. The twists and turns through the caverns only made the sour feeling in my stomach a whole lot worse. As Jack wrapped himself tighter around me, he muttered in my ear. "What is this place?"

I didn't answer because, well, I didn't have one. I didnt know what we had gotten ourselves into and I didnt know what would be at the end of the tunnel. As we traveled even deeper, the heat only became more more searing. A roar echoed through the tunnels. None like any roar or dragon call I had heard. This one was deep and resonant and eerie. It got louder and louder. The tunnel opened up and revealed what seemed like hell itself. Smoke arose from the trench that had come below us, and dragons perched on the stalagmites that erupted from the sole. Toothless landed on a deep, covert cliff. He backed up and attempted to conceal himself behind the rocks. We watched as each dragone dropped something into the abyss. Sheep, a horse, a cart filled with fish,-

"It looks like they're hauling in their kill..."

"But they aren't eating any of it, they're just throwing it down that hole."

Jack was right, they weren't eating anything. I watched closely as a small gronckle flew up. It didn't have anything in its mouth and it looked a bit distressed. A roar came from the pit, indicating that whatever was down there, it wasn't happy it had come empty handed. The gronckle slowly opened Its mouth and dropped what looked like a minnow into the pit. Flapping its wings as fast it could the little dragon tried to get away, but it was no use. A huge set of jaws came shooting out of the abyss and snapped around the gronckle. The other dragons started to panic as the biggest dragon I had ever seen emerged. Six eyes, large nostrils, and enormous spikes protruding from its skin, it had to be at least five hundred feet long and it was by far the most horrifying dragon I had ever seen.

"Alright Bud, we gotta get out of here!" The dragon's eyes turned to us, "Now!"

One flap of his wings and Toothless was already rocketing into the sky. Just in time too. The dragon's jaws snapped behind us. A swarm started to form a twister, exiting through a hole at the top of the chamber. Toothless joined the group and dashed through the top, sailing into the sky.

"What the hell was that." I gasped.

Toothless swooped down and landed on a cliff.

"Oh my god!" Jack exclaimed, jumping of of Tooth's back, "it totally makes sense!"

"What? How does that make anything make sense?!"

"Hic, that thing is the reason the dragons are still attacking Berk! The dragons are like little workers and that's their queen!"

Now that he said it, it did kinda make sense. "Yeah..."

"We need to tell someone! If we get rid of that thing all the dragons will stop attacking, right?"

"Jack! How in God's name is anyone gonna be able to take down THAT?!"

"I-I don't know..."

I sighed "look, I'll figure something out. I just know I can't  tell my father. He'll most likely do the stupidest thing possible."

"But he's the only one who would know how to fight anything like that."

"I know," I grumbled, "I know."

I sat on the ground and burried my hands in my face and groaned. I felt a hand on my back and I looked up. My eyes met with that beautiful pair of blue orbs. He smiled and sat next to me. His arm made it's way around my side and his head rested on my shoulder.

"I- I'm sorry Jack... I'm just overwhelmed."

"Rightly so. You know, I think I'm going to go." He stood up and fixed the tie on his shawl.  "You need time to think and so do I. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Oh... o-okay."

I stood up and attacked him with a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." I unwrapped myself from around him and he stepped to the edge of the cliff and flew off into the clouds. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Toothless came up and raised an eyebrow at me.

"W-what?! What are you lookin' at?"

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