Thank you (Author's Note)

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Yay! Well maybe not yay but it's over (maybe...). Did you guys like it? I remember when I first posted this towards the end of eighth grade I had such high hopes for this story and, now, I see how great it has become. You guys are the best! Whether you've stuck around since the very beginning, or you just read all the way through on a binge, I want to say thank you. Thank you for sticking around. Thank you for suffering through crappy writing moments. Thank you for putting up with my late updates. The votes and comments and support I've gotten through these couple of years (wow it took me that long) have been the reason I've not only finished this book, but the reason I've aspired to be a better writer. I'm not going to beg you to comment or vote because, right now, I'm just grateful for your reads. Live long and prosper friends and may the force be with you. ♥♡♥

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now