Chapter Eight

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A/N: *spits out cereal* ALMOST 600 READS?! THATS LIKE 300 IN ONE WEEK. GUYS. WOW. thank you!! ;-; wow im a dork haha. anyways, im really sorry but I was super duper busy this week so honestly, this weeks chapter is pretty sucky. but its got some action and a cute moment. I promise ill make it up to you guys next week with even more action and cute moments!

P.S. I've gotten a lot of questions about where this is in relation to the movie. this is before Hiccup loses his leg.

Til next week everyone! Don't forget to vote and comment! ♥

The fire roared as the heat came blasting out of the furnace. I looked away and stuck the sword inside. I counted to ten then yanked it out of the flames. I sighed and wiped my forehead with my apron. Working at the armory wasn't the best job, and definitely not my job of choice, but since the recent attacks we've been pretty busy building new armor and weapons. I flattened out the metal with a hammer, hitting it as hard as I could. I looked at it, turned it around, inspected the tip. All it needed now was a little sharpening. I was proud of myself. "Now only 23 more to go and I'll be caught up..." I sighed. I hadn't been around much these past fee days and my weekly objective hadn't been met. I knew Gobber would be pissed if he found out I had been slacking, especially with all the dragon attacks lately. I didnt know what was going on with them, no one did. For some reason (even though we had befriended an assortment), dragons were still attacking Berk. So with all the weapons being used up and destroyed, me and Gobber were a bit busy at the armory.


I turned around to find Jack standing on the other side of the counter.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled.

"I wanted to go for a fly with you and Toothless today!"

I frowned, "I'm sorry jacket but I'm pretty busy today."

"Come on!" Jack pleaded, "It will only be an hour!"

I shook my head continued to hammer out a stick of iron. Jack growled and blew a wind, cooling my work and causing the fire in the furnace to disappear.


"Why can't we go this one time?!"

"Stop acting so childish! You-"

I was cut off my a loud roar. I looked off into the distance as the clouds flashed with shades of red. I pulled Jack over the counter and yanked him under a table.

"What the-?!"

I placed a hand over his mouth, shutting him up. I lowered my voice to a whisper. "There's dragons coming, stay quiet. We can't let them know anyone is in here."

Jack nodded and I slowly removed my hand from his mouth.

"Wait," he whispered, "I thought the vikings were cool with the dragons now."

A screech echoed outside and I brought my voice to a murmur."That's what we thought too."

Sheep started to wail and a large gust blew through the workshop. I immediately put my hand to Jack's mouth, though he slapped it away. The floor was shaking and the growls were getting louder. I could hear my heart in my ears. A set of spikes and a large horn were visible from over the counter. A pair of yellow eyes searched around as it sniffed the air. A Nadder.

"Shit." I hissed.

The dragons spikes flared out and it turned its head searching for the sound. It could probably smell us anyways. We were doomed.

"You idiot!" Jack mouthed. He smacked me in the arm. Oh no! It heard us!

The dragon roared and blew flames at the building. I closed my eyes, I was going to die so I might as well have embraced it. But Jack wouldnt let that happen. I could feel the cold spray back from his icy shot. He picked me up and started to run. The heat was getting more and more intense. I opened my eyes and peered over Jack's shoulder. It was right on our heels. I could hear my heart in my ears and feel it down in my feet. My mind was a scrambled mess but my conscience kept muttering "six".

What the hell do I mean six?! I looked back again. This time the nadder only coughed and sputtered. Shot limit. I gasped.

"Jack! Jack, it's hit its shot limit! Freeze it now!"

I grabbed tight as he swung around and shot a storm from the tip of his staff. Ice pierced the creature and as it squealed it flew away, all the other dragons following it.

Jack panted and coughed. He placed me down. I looked at him and he looked up and stared me in the eyes.

"You're an idiot."

I laughed and tackled him with a hug. He chuckled and snaked his arms around me. I would have preferred a kiss, but anything Jack did made me happy. I loved him.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now