Chapter Two

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A/N: okay, so before you read this chapter I'm going to tell you I put a lot of references to both the Guardian's and the HTTYD books in this story. Okay, thank you for your time. Enjoy!

I woke up on the floor in front of the fire. The logs had burned away and all that was left was warm crackling ash.

I streched out and curled into a ball again. My sleep was undisturbed until-


My father stormed into the room, stomping and growling.

"Get your lazy butt up and go get ahold of that damned dragon of yours!"

I slowly got up and looked at him. His nostrils were flaring and he looked as if he was about to explode.

"Why? What has Toothless done now?"

"He's in the village scaring our people! Now get up and get him out of here!"

I dragged myself to my feet and complied with my father's orders. I opened the door to find Toothless on the lawn, sleeping.

"He isn't doing anything Dad!"

"Does it look like I give a rat's ass?!"

I rolled my eyes. I walked up to the nightfury. He was snoring ever so slightly. I tapped him on the top of the head. He didnt budge.

"Come on tooth! " I tapped him again. His foot raised up and he scratched the top of his head. He grumbled and proceded to roll over.

"Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus, if you don't get up right now there will be hell to pay!"

He groaned and slowly sat up. His long yawn revealed a mouth full of gums.

"Come on buddy, lets get you back to the barn."

He grouched and whined but still obeyed.

The forest had a fresh layer of snow. This was the most beautiful I had ever seen Berk. The blanket of ice shimmered and so soft you would sink into it every step you took. I extolled the beauty of the trees and how each leaf was covered in a thick layer of snow. Although something odd stuck out of one of the trees; a twisted brank with no leaves at all. I stopped Toothless and walked towards the tree, inspecting the stick.

"Hey it's you again!"

I nearly jumped out of my own skin, and a few curses slipped from under my breath.

"Sorry about that."

"Hi Jack..." I sighed.

He was perched up on a branch, his staff balancing on it next to him.

"What's up with you?" He asked, taking a seat on the tree's offshoot.

"I'm just taking Toothless back to his barn."

"Oh my gosh!" He gasped, "That's the night fury!"

"Um yeah..."

Jack hopped down from the branch, leaving his stick behind, and ran up to Toothless. "I used to see you in the skies all the time! You are a beauty aren't you?"

Tooth stood proud. He loved getting attention. Jack laughed and pet his head. But I wasnt paying much attention to those two. I looked at the staff. It was covered in frost. I looked at Jack, who was now tackling Toothless. I reached up for the staff and grabbed it in one hand. I took a deep breath and pulled it down from the tree. I inspected it. The wood seemed to shine with some sort of essence.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now