Chapter Twelve

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I crept through the house, trying to get to my room unnoticed. I wasn't late or anything, I just didnt want to have to talk to my father. The floor creeked and I clenched my teeth. I silently prayed to Odin that I wouldn't get caught.


Shit shit shit shit!!!


"Uh... yes dad?"

"I want to talk to you in your room. Now."

Oh fuck no! I am dead!

I slowly slinked through the door way. My father was sitting on a low stool, though his head still touched the ceiling.

"Sit." He commanded.

I pulled out the chair at my desk and set myself in it. He stared at me for a while. If looks could kill I would be slowly dieing, suffering on the floor in front of him. I coughed in attempt to break the silence. "So?" I awkwardly chuckled.

"I know you're hiding something from me."

My stomach dropped. Which thing was he talking about? Oh god. That huge dragon? Maybe but he would already be ambushing that cave if he found out. Astrid? That wouldnt be too bad but I don't want anyone else thinking we're dating. Jack? My father would kill me if he ever found out I was kissing another guy.

"What? Ha! I- I don't know what your talking about."

"You know." My father leaned forward, staring into my soul. I gulped, scratching the back of my neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I- er... well, I thought you might be upset." I was so stressed I felt like I was going to pop. I still didnt know what he was talking about and I was hoping I could get him to bring something uo to hint to which situation he was confronting me about.

"Why would I be mad? This is great!"

"Wait wha-"

"You've come to your senses and you've taken up Astrid's offer! You two are perfect! I'm not at all upset!"

I released a breath I didnt even know I had been holding. I laughed a little, "well I mean we aren't dating or anything its just a meet-up at the lake."

"Still!" He chuckled, "it's the start of something great."

"Yeah..." if only he knew. If only he understood. It wouldn't be so hard. I wasn't interested in Astrid and I wasn't even sure I would be interested in any girl. The thought of coming out to my father itself sent shivers up my spine. He would probably disown me or something. No strong viking man would ever love one of his own gender.

"Well," he stood (not really, but sort of crouched) and walked out of my room. "I'll let you get some sleep. You have big plans tomorrow."

He closed the door behind him. I sighed. I didn't even bother to take of my clothes and climbed into my bed of wooden planks. I pulled my blanket over my head and groaned into my pillow. The crap that has been going on is too much for me. I would love to just run away, or maybe start all over. It seems like it would be easier. Who knows? Maybe one day things would get better. I and Jack would have a beautiful relationship and my father would accept it. Astrid would find another guy, someone who could love her. And that damn dragon overlord thing wouldn't even exist. But, of course, that could only happen in a perfect world. I decided that ranting about my problems wouldnt fix any of them and drifted off to sleep.


I sat in front of the pond, my feet dangling from the side of a rock. I waited with Toothless for Astrid to show up. I threw rocks at the ice just to pass the time. I was nervous. A little more than nervous really. I didn't wan to have to break Astrid's heart a second time, particularly because everyone was expecting this rewrite sort of date to go well.

A screech came from the sky above. The girl and her Deadly Nadder landed on the rock behind us. Astrid hopped off of Stormfly, letting her rush over to Toothless to attack him with hugs. Stormfly loved to play with Toothless, and Toothless loved having another dragon to mess around with. Sometimes I tease about him and his "girlfriend", saying they should just have little Night Nadders already. He would always growl at me.

"They're so cute when they play together." Astrid giggled. "I'm glad you're here! A lot of people said you wouldn't show."

"Well here I am." I stood. Astrid hugged me. I stiffened for a moment, but patted her on the back.

"So what do you want to do?"

I sat back down on the escarpment and patted the spot next to me. "Let's catch up."

She plopped down beside me. "Well I mean there's not much to really catch up on..." she twiddled her fingers, "I mean, since the last time we really talked."

"Well, there has to be something new with you. We haven't talked in a while."

"No... I've just kind of been lounging around, helping out where help is needed. Nothing great." Stared at her feet.

"Really?" I asked, "but why? You're one of the strongest vikings in the village! You could easily take out any of the guys!"

"B-because..." she stammered,  "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

She looked up at me. I could feel a rash spread everywhere from the neck up.

No no no! Don't blush! Hiccup you moron!

"I really like you..." she scooted closer, I scooted away "and I have for a while," she trapped me there, putting her hands on both sides of me, "I know you felt the same before," she leaned closer, I leaned back, "but things seem different between us now." She slowly slid her finger down the outline of my face. I shivered. I felt the balls of my cheeks swell up even more.

"Well- I- I uh..."

She shushed me, placing the same finger over my lips. I was shaking so bad. I was so nervous I thought I was gonna puke. I closed my eyes bracing for what was about to come. I could feel her warmth getting closer. But she screamed as a stampede came through the two of us. I breathed, wiping my forehead.

"Stormfly!" She screeched.

The two dragons were wrestling over a branch, growling an snarling playfully.

"Ugh! Stupid dragons." She huffed.

"Oh, yeah I know right. Dragons. Ugh." I quickly got up and took Toothless by the ear, leading him away. "Well we gotta go Astrid see you later bye."

I could hear her scold Stormfly as we walked into the woods. Tooth grumbled and snapped his ear away.

"Look! I'm sorry I took you away from your girlfriend, but..." I leaned in and lowered my voice, just in case, "she tried to kiss me."

His eyes widened and his eypars perked up. A smile spread across his face and he started to chuckle.

"Shut up! Its not funny!"

We walked the rest of the way to the barn. I really really REALLY didn't want to go home and have to relive my "date" In order to describe what happened to my father. I decided to stay with Toothless. Maybe Jack would come and visit or come out here looking for me. I just didn't want to go home. I just sat in the barn with my notebook sketching the nightfury as it napped.

A/N: Wow I am just rolling out the chapters this week. screw Thursday, I can update whenever I damn wanna. well enjoy! And thank you all for getting me over 100 votes! It means a whole lot to me! ily all and I'll update soon! ♥

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