Chapter Sixteen

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I and Toothless flew in and landed in front of the group. I jumped off his back and greeted everyone. "Everyone here?"

Fishlegs nodded, patting the side of his gronckle. Astrid ran up and huged me as Toothless roared at Stormfly. Ruffnut and Toughnut were already mounted on top of Barf and Belch, weilding hammers. Astrid retreated and walked next to Stormfly.

"What ya need us to do, boss?" Toughnut shouted.

"Yeah," Astrid spoke up, "we're ready for whatever you throw at us!"

I noticed Snotlout, who didnt have anyone beside him.

"Snotlout, I know you're against this, but this is serious! You need to trust me."

"Yeah, I'll trust you, and get eaten in the process. I love getting eaten," he scoffed sarcastically.

"Look, you need to trust me. All the others have dragons and they haven't been eaten."

"Look, toothpick! I-"

"Hey!" We both turn, facing Astrid, who does not look happy. "Why don't you stop and listen? Our whole tribe is in danger! Our families could be dead already because of you being a meat-faced coward!"

I looked over at Snotlout, who's mouth was totally agape. He coughed it off, straightening himself.

"Fine, I mean its just a stupid dragon. I can take it."

Astrid rolled her eyes. I took it as an okay and stepped over to the wooden door. A rattling came from inside, but I opened the door nonetheless. The dragon in side puffed, blowing smoke from its nose. I stepped back from the door, drawing the Monstrous Nightmare out of its cave. It snorted, stepping into the ring, calmed by my outstretched hand. Snotlout nervously reached for a spear laying near his foot. Astrid elbowed him in the side, making him stop. I slowed to a stop in front of everyone, with the Nightmare inches from my hand. I reached over and grabbed Snotlout's trembling arm.

"Wait! What are you..."

"Relax. It's okay... it's okay." I reassured him. I replaced my hand with Snotlout's, putting him in control of the massive beast. The monster snorted, but remained calm. Snotlout, by contrast, chuckled nervously; it's at once terrifying and amazing.

"Snotlout," I announced, "this is Hookfang. He was the last of the trapped dragons. I trained him a while ago, Gobber has been taking care of him for me."

Snotlout exhaled, "I never thought I would touch a Monsterous Nightmare..."

"Well there's no time to celebrate!" Astrid spoke up, "we need to get going!"


I could see flashes in the distance. I could hear roars and screams echo through the air. My dad had gotten to the cavern before I could stop him, and he must have really pissed off whatever was in there. I could tell that all hell had broken lose. As we approached flames appeared over the horizon, only kept held back by waves of water. All the boats had been set aflame. I was panicking on the inside, but I knew I had to stay calm if I was going to be the leader of this pack. We approach as the Red Death herself starts to rampage and thrash the burning ships with its tail.

"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move Fishlegs! Snot and Astrid, you too!"

We all managed to fly around the monster, dodging it and landing behind on the island. My eye caught the sight of my father. Gobber hobbled over to him and shook him by the shoulders. He was obviously speechless. I turned back to the team and stayed focused on our battle. "Guys, we're gonna need to get back up there and take it down! Just follow my lead and listen to what I say. Got it?" They all nodded in compliance. Toothless and I took off and everyone else strang along.

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