Chapter Ten

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I'll admit, I sort of lied when I had said I would figure something out. I had been thinking and maybe it would be best to tell my father. After all, he is the greatest dragon fighter there is. But he would have gone crazy. So, I decided that if anyone knew how to handle my father, it would be Gobber. Gobber is my father's best friend and second-in-command. Appearntly, they'd met when Gobber flirted with my mother, and somehow the two became friends. He's very supportive of my father, but he will call him out on his mistakes. I made my decision,  I would go to him and ask what I should do before confronting my dad. I trampled out into the snow. I knew he would be at the armory, fixing the mess I had made and making up for what work I hadn't done. The shop is literally right aeound the corner. Our little village isn't hard to navigate, and it takes a maximum of two minutes to get from one side of town to the other. I aprouched the hut with my mouth wide open. The thing was good as new! Two days and the meat-head had fixed the whole thing!

"Gobber!" I jogged over as he was hammering in the last nail with his prosthetic hammer, "how did you fix this thing so fast?!"

"Ah! Hiccup! Its about time ya showed up!"

"Yeah... sorry I haven't been around, I- uh, I've been sorta busy."

"Well it doesn't matter now! You've got work to do!"

He threw me a sword and motioned at the sharpening wheel. I sighed and did as I was told. As I started on the first, a loud tumble echoed from the front of the shop. I got up and peared around the corner.

"Thanks for getting some wood for the furnace! We'll have it turned into coal by mornin'."

I couldnt tell who Gobber was talking to and stepped out to get a better look.

"Oh! Hi Hiccup!" Astrid greeted with a smile. "Hey, Mr. Belch? Do you think I could borrow Hic for a couple minutes?"

"Well sure! Just make sure he comes back, he's got a lot of work to catch up on."

Astrid knodded and motioned for me to come out. Gobber gave me a nudge and a wink before I walked outside.

"What's up?" I asked as she drug me around the corner.

"I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go to the pond with me and Stormfly. The water is iced over and its really nice."

"Oh, well yeah I'm sure I could come. What day do you want to go?"

"Is Wednesday good for you?"

I pondered over the suggestion, "The day after tomorrow? Yeah I can do that."

Astrid beamed, "great! I have to go but I'll see you then, okay?"


She ran off and I returned to the sharpening wheel.

"So you've got a date then?" Gobber chuckled.

"Oh be quiet, its not a date."

"Sounded like a date to me."

I scoffed and continued to hone the swords.

"So... I have a question about my dad."

"Oh no! What did you do this time?"

"Nothing!" I spouted, "nothing... but, if I did and I knew I had to tell him about it, but I also knew he would get mad, but I also knew that it would maybe destroy the village if I didn't, should I tell him?"

Gobber laughed, "someones gonna get hurt either way, and I would rather you take a hit in attempt to save the village from destroying."

He was right, although I would rather a few buildings take another hit before I took one. Even though I was displeased by the answer, I knew what I had to do.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now