Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: WARNING this chapter contains sexual situations (and crappy writing from like 2 am). If you are uncomfortable with reading smut you may stop reading at the page break (this thing: ~●~) (p.s. it will not effect the plot or anything). ENJOY!! ♥

Toothiana, deflated, sat on the ground with an empty tooth box in her hands. Baby Tooth, resting on a nearby rock, looked to Tooth with concern. I walked up and crouched down alongside her.

"You should have seen them all," she forced the edge of her mouth into a thin smirk, "they all put up such a fight..."

"Do not worry!" North smiled, "I'm sure we will find a way to get all the teeth back."

"But why would the boogeyman want teeth?" Hiccup asked, puzzled.

"It's not the teeth he wanted, it was the memories that they hold." Tooth looked at the box in her hands, "that's why we collected them; they hold the most important memories of childhood... but it's too late now."

"Woah!" Bunny chuckled, "there's no such thing as too late!"

North suddenly jumped up onto his feet, " Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Idea!! HAHH!!" The rest of looked at each other as if he was nuts. "We will collect the teeth!"

"Hey, yeah!" I agreed happily, "that sounds like a blast!"

"Wait- what?" Tooth got to her feet.

"Simple!" North chuckled, "we collect teeth, children keep believing! Ta-da!"

"But do you know how much work that is?!" Tooth questioned us, "we are talking millions of teeth- seven continents!"

North smiled, "do you have any idea how many presents I deliver in one night?"

Bunny scoffed, "you know how many eggs I hide in one day?"

"And me and Toothless could help!" Hiccup spoke up, "me and Jack would just have to go back to Berk."

I looked to Tooth, who gave me a reassuring smile. Sandy gave to enthusiastic thumbs up while Bunny rolled his eyes. I looks back to North with a smile.

"Then I guess we're in!"


The wind gave me and Hiccup a ride back to Berk, dropping us off on the coast. The walk back to Hic's house was terribly long. I was too excited to get out there and have some fun collecting teeth. After what felt like two hours we reached his cabin. He held the door open for me and let me inside. We stood in the main room until my impatience finally got me to speak up.

"Well, get what you need and let's go."

Hiccup sratched the back of his neck and chuckled softly, "I don't know, Jack..."

"What do you mean?" I quirked a brow at him.

"I just feel sort of... different? I'm not sure. I feel like I'm sixth wheeling."

"But you're not. Why would you say that?"

He simply shrugged. I walked up and wrapped my arms around his ribs, pressing our foreheads together in the process. He sighed loudy, but he didn't move.

"It will be fun. I promise."

"I'm still not sure."

"Do you want to..."

He smirked deviously, "could we maybe go later?"

I laughed, "what will we do before 'later'?"

Out of nowhere, he kissed me deeply, sucking the air out of my lungs and the strength from my knees, "have your way with me," he begged, "I know you've been thinking about me all this time. I don't know what you do with yourself but I can't stop thinking of you. All I can think about is your body and your face and you."

My heart shattered. I pulled him close and kissed him like a man dying for air, taking everything in during that one moment. I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears as his hand moved behind my head, pulling me into a more intimate position. My tongue pressed on, following the loving curve of Hiccup's bottom lip before he inclined his neck and captured my willing mouth with his own. All too soon he broke us apart.

He took me by the waist and pulled me over to the door. His lips took hold of my neck and spread a sudden warmth through me. His hand fiddled with the door knob as his lips tinged my skin, leaving what felt like fire wherever they went. He finally got the door to click and swung open the door. We nearly fell inside, but I was able to quickly kick the door shut. He reached under my jacket and pulled it quickly over my head. The second I was away from him pained me but as he threw my jacket away he was able to feel me. His hands added fuel to the fire he had started with his lips. His teeth grazed my collarbone and his tongue massaged my skin. I moaned as he peeled himself from me and fell back onto his bed. I waisted no time and crawled on top of him. I slowly peeled his shirt off of his torso and tossed it onto the floor. I acted quickly, taking advantage of the moment and pulling him into another mashing of lips and tongues, bitten back moans and grazed teeth. I hesitated but ignored everything other than him, reaching my hand into his pants and grabbing his cock. His eyes fluttered close. "Jack..." he sighed shakily.

I hushed him gingerly before joining our mouths again. His hand drifted down my sides, slowly pulling down my pants. I shifted, allowing them to fall to the floor. I kicked my leggings to the side, neglecting them. Hiccup then pulled off his own, throwing them into the corner as well. His arms snaked around my shoulders, fingers clawing at the hairs at the base of my neck. I ducked my head, and Hic opened his mouth, tongue slicking against the wet heat of my own. I ducked my pelvis, settling into his, rolling my hips. Our skin grinded and I whimpered, our faces peeled apart and my body filled with a deep heat that pooled in the base of my stomach. Hiccup rammed forward, suddenly covering his mouth so I couldn't hear his wails.

"Let it go," I urged, "no one can hear us, babe."

He shook his head. But I wouldn't have any of that. His breathe hitched when I loosely stroked him. I used my free hand and grabbed his wrist, catching him off guard and pinning his hand above his head. I rutted against his skin, and my hand caressed his member. Hic moaned, attempting to pull his wrist out of my grasp but I wouldn't allow it. The sound of his shouts were driving me fucking crazy. He was so sexy and so good. I rubbed the both of us and teased his neck with my lips every so often. The bed whined under us. Hic rocked forward, fucking himself into my hand.

"Jack," the grip he had on my thigh tightened, "Jack!"

"Shh. I- it's okay, I've got you."

I pressed my hips onto his and gently squeezed. He suddenly wailed, his back arching off of the bed and his nails digging into my thigh. I stroked him through his orgasm, but I as well couldn't hold it any longer. I cried out his name, my back curving forward, my head lashing to the side. As I finished Hiccup whispered a sweet-nothing into my ear, but in the heat and the intensity of it all I couldn't take it in. I fell on top of him, my heartbeat echoing through my ears. I released his hand, which he used to comb through my hair. Our bodies were sticky and hot but I didn't give a fuck.

"I want to stay her forever, Hic." I cried as dragged my hand up his bare chest.

"Me too." His voice was hoarse and gritty, the sexiest I've ever heard it. I stayed pressed against his chest, feeling it rise and fall, lulling me to sleep. I knew we didn't have forever, but I wish we did.

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