Chapter Five

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A/N: hey everyone! so things are starting to pick up and I've written two chapters for this week (yay!). I'm glad some of you are enjoying this story so far. 200 reads is like a big thing to a dork like me. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote! ♥

I woke up in the snow. My jacket was soaking wet and my pants were soppy. My eyes opened and I noticed I was laying on something. I was laying on Jack! My head was resting on his shoulder and my arm was draped over his chest. I panicked and upsprang.

"Hey, you're up." Jack grumbled.

My heart skipped a beat. "I- uh... yeah, yeah I am."

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah..." I sat up and crossed my legs.

"You woke up just in time to see the sunrise."

I looked up over the trees. The sky was a deep blue that merged with shades of red, yellow, orange, and a hint of purple.

"Pretty huh?"

"Yeah..." I gasped.

I looked back at Jack who was already staring.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked, rubbing forearm in assurance.

"Yeah I've just been feeling weird lately. But enough about me, um, how did you sleep?"

Jack chuckled, "I didnt really sleep."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"I mean I slept about an hour but I don't really need sleep."

"Oh..." I started to get a bit of anxiety thinking about me falling asleep and Jack staying awake. "I- I'm sorry but I've got to get home." I started to walk away.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Jack called.

My stomach did a flip. "Okay!" I called.

I ran home, tripping a couple of times. I slow down approaching home, knowing I would be in some pretty deep shit with my father. I slowly opened the door and tiptoed inside. I gently closed it behind me.

"You thought you could sneak in and me not notice?" My dad stepped out from around the corner.


"You were gone all yesterday and all last night. I thought you got eaten."

I stood quietly as my father shook his head.

"Where were you?"

I hesitated, "um..." I gulped, "with a friend."

"A friend?" His tone sharp.

"Um, yeah. We met a few days ago and we were just hanging out that's all." I pretended to blow it of and started to walk past him. The back of my vest was snatched up and my father proceeded to lug me back in front of him.

"Hiccup, you skipped dragon training, you were gone all day, you were missing all night- Do you think Im going to let you get away with all that?"

I sighed. I knew the question was rhetorical, but I wish he would. He raised his eyebrows and continued to wait for an answer.

"No sir.." I grumbled.

"You're grounded for the next week."

"Week?!" I screeched, "but I have plans this Wednesday!"

"I don't care."

"But dad! That isn't fair!"

"Hiccup I am your father and will do as I say now GO TO YOUR ROOM!" his voice nearly shook the foundation. I held back my shouts as best I could, only letting myself growl before storming away.

I threw myself on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. I was so upset I just... spilled over. I had brushed everything off for a while, now it was like it all came back and pushed me over the edge. The one thing that kept surfacing was what jack had said: "I'll see you tomorrow". It wasn't a big deal, but I still felt as if I had broken a promise. My heart ached and I couldnt figure out why. All these feelings and all this drama was just too much. I honestly had no idea what was going on in my mind.

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