Chapter Thirteen

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I regained consciousness, slowly rolling over and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be greeted with pure darkness.

"Toothless?" I groaned.

The dragon grunted and rolled over, moving his wing and uncovering me. The light burned my eyes so I draped my arm over my face.

"Toothless, I have to go home."

He grunted again. I needed to leave but honestly, I was pretty damn comfortable on the ground. I slowly sat up. I rubbed the back of my neck, attempting to crack it. I stood up and twisted out my back. I picked up my shoes from across the room. I must have kicked them off while I was sleeping. I slipped them on and walked over to the door.

"I'm coming back with lunch later. Okay bud?"

The nightfury only moaned in return. Although, for all i knew, it could already be time for lunch. I opened the door and exited. I turned to the door and got my key out of my pocket. I yawned and attempted to lock the door, just so I wouldnt have to track Toothless down later.

"I saw you."

Screeching, I dropped the keys at my feet.

"What the fuck Jack?!" I picked them up and locked the door.

"I saw you last night." He repeated.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You mean me sleeping with Tooth in the barn?" I turned. Jack was leaning against a tree, his staff stuck between his crossed arms.

"No, but you might have slept with someone else."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I sighed. It was too early for this shit.

"I saw you with Astrid yesterday. Smoochin' all up on each other."

I scoffed, "we didn't kiss Jack."

"Really? Really? 'Cause it looked like you did. I don't wanna kiss so you go and make out with someone who's willing to."

"Jack! We didn't kiss! She wanted to kiss me and I didn't want to kiss her!"

Jack rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're gonna roll your eyes at me? Huh? Well maybe I went on a date with Astrid because I didn't want to see someone who thinks everything I say is a lie!" I must have yelled a little louder than expected. Jacks knuckles grew white clenching his staff.

"Fine." He croaked, "fine."

"Wait, Jack. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry! I-"

"No," he interrupted, "I get it. I guess we need some time apart then. You can come and find me when you know who you want." His voice was shakey, and his eyes shined like glass. He wandered off into the woods, hand still tight around his staff.

"Wait! No!" I ran after, "That's not what I-" my voice got caught in my throat, seeing he was already gone. I coughed a little, covered my mouth, trying to hold back sobs. I didn't love Astrid, I loved him. I loved Jack. I fell to my knees, hand still over my mouth. I could feel the tears dripping off of my chin, but I was too stunned to wipe them away. Did it really happen? Was he gone? Where would I find him? I sobbed. That's all I could do, all I could think to do.

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