Chapter Three

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My legs ached and my head fealt like it had an ax through it. I was sitting in front of the fire, hugging a cup of hot water between my palms. I felt absolutely horrible. Both emotionally and physically. I had beat up on myself all night because of what I did to Jack. I practically abandoned him. He had told me that I was the only one who could see him and I discarded him. All because I was a little shaken up.

I put down my cup and slipped on my vest. I walked out the door into the snow. I shivered forthwith. My boots crunched in the snow and I followed my footsteps back into the forest.

"Jack?" I called out, "Jack!"

My heart started to sink after about another ten minutes of searching. But my hopes were lifted when I saw a head of white hair sticking through the trees. His head was low and him staff was in the snow next to the tree.

I walked over and picked it up, dusting off the powdery snow. "I believe this is yours," I said, holdin it up to him.

He turned his head away without saying a word.

"Please don't be upset," I pleaded, "I was only in shock."

He didn't move. I attempted to climb up next to him but didnt have the strength. I just hung off the side, keeping a tight hold.

"Please don't be like this."

"Why shouldnt I?" He scoffed.

At least he was starting to talk again.

"I know what I did and I feel absolutely horrible about it."

"Its alright," he sighed, "I've just been alone for so long..."

"Invisible to all..." I quoted.

Jack helped me up onto the branch. I rubbed my arms.

"Thank you for coming back." He smiled.

I could feel my cheeks swell up and a heat in my midsection made my stomach start to churn.

"You-you're welcome." I shuddered.

Jack wrapped his arms around me and that feeling in my stomach got worse. I slowly wrapped my arms around him as well. He was really cold.

"Hey," he started once he un wrapped homself from me, "what is it like to be a viking?"

"Well, its kind of hard. Especially when your only friend is your tribes sworn enemy."


"Yeah, he's all I have left."

"Well now you have me!" Jack smiled.

I returned the favor, a bit more awkwardly than intended though.

"You seem so carefree." I blurted.

"Well, I guess you could say that." Jack answered, "I mean one hundred years alone makes you a little easygoing."

"How is that?"

"You just make fun wherever you go. If you don't have anything to do or anyone to talk to you just dust over a layer of snow and watch everyone enjoy your creation."

"That honestly doesn't sound very fun."

Jack sighed, "not really, but a laugh is pretty contagious."

"I wish I heard laughter more often..." I looked down at my boots.

"Why? What is it that keeps you from laughing?"

"My father, friends, work, stress."

"Aren't friends supposed to cheer you up? Not stress you out."

"Not these friends. I sort of... uh... broke a girls heart. And now everyone kind of hates me."

"Well why did you break her heart?"

"I just felt like- maybe I'm just not meant to love someone. Every girl I'm with... it just doesn't feel right."

"At least you can talk to a girl..."

I turned to Jack. His head hung low and he was staring down at his feet.

"Hey," I said, his head lifted up and he looked in my eyes, "girls aren't that great anyways. People as a whole aren't. You have it good."

Jack chuckled, "thanks Hic." His smile was genuine and his eyes twinkled. I could tell he was happy to finally have someone to talk to.

"Well I uh- I have to go..." I hopped down from the branch, "I'm sure my father is looking for me."


I turned and looked back at Jack.

"I'll see you again. Right?"

"Of course," I smiled, "Tomorrow? Here?"

He nodded, a smile spread from ear to ear.

I walked away, feeling a little better than I did when I had arrived. I was glad I had found someone I could talk to.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now