Chapter Eleven

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"Jack!" I whined, "give it back!"

The winter flew in circles in attempt to keep me from reaching my vest. He giggled and squealed watching me struggle in attempt to retrieve it.

"Come on! I'm cold!"

He landed in front of me and wrapped the vest around my shoulder. "You need to learn how to have more fun." He smiled.

I began to blush as I crossed my arms. "I know how to have fun." I grumbled.

"Well, we're surrounded by snow. Show me how you have fun."

I looked around. I was thinking of a snowball fight but I remembered what happened the last time. I flopped down on my back and started to wave my arms and legs.

"Snow angels!" I giggled.

"Oh come on!" Jack hovered over me, "that's so boring!"

"Try it!"

"But snowballs are so much better!"

"No! You nearly killed me last time!"

"Fine," he muttered as layed next to me. He opened and closed his legs while keeping him arms crossed over his chest in protest.

"Oh come on!" I laughed sitting up.

"Still not as fun as snowballs..." Jack grumbled.

I looked down at him, his arms crossed as he pouted like a child. He looked cute. Even with his eyebrows furrowed his eyes still sparkled that beautiful blue. I leaned over and kissed his nose. His eyes widened and a blush spread over his cheeks. He sat up and looked away, his arms tieing tighter across his chest. I layed a finger under his chin and turned his face to me. I couldn't keep it back anymore and attacked him with all that I had been holding in. Intertwining our lips and wrapping my arms around his neck, I gave myself away. I slowly made my way into his lap. His hands shakely wrapped around my hips. He was trembling and the heat radiating from his body was so intense. I pulled back and looked at the mess he was. He was drenched in sweat and he was shaking like a leaf.

"Are you okay?"


"Do you want to stop?"

"It's f-fine." He stuttered.

"No, if you're uncomfortable it's not fine."

He sighed. I slid off his lap and let him lay back down in his snow angel. I layed next to him and we stared at the sky. I felt his hand make over to mine and our fingers intertwining. I turned to him, his eyes already fixed on me.

"Im sorry Hic."

"You're not ready for it, and I'm okay with that." I said it but in the back of my mind I knew I had lied. I loved Jack and would love to take it to the "next level". But if he's not ready for anything physical then I'll hold back for him. I'll do anything for him.

A/N: Hi everyone! thank you sososososo much for getting me over 1k reads!! it means a lot to me! here's a short little update to help you survive. please vote and comment! ILY ALL!!!! ♥

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