Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We burst out of the vortex, finding ourselves on the outskirts of the tooth palace. A black streak passed by the sleigh before an entire storm poured out from inside the place. Small fairies and black horses were flying past the sleigh.

"What the hell?!" Bunny ducked down into the seats.

It hit me, and I saw that the nightmares were actually gulping down the sprites as they fly by. "They're taking the tooth fairies!" I looked up to see a lone fairy with a nightmare biting at its heels. I jumped into the air and pulled it down before the nightmare could snatch it away. "hey, are you okay?" The baby tooth nodded.

"Jack!" North called over his shoulder, "take the sleigh!"

I handed Baby Tooth to Hiccup and quickly took a hold of the reigns.

North readied his sword as he stood on the edge of the sled. He suddenly jumped, and completely sliced one of the mares in half. Tooth boxes and dark sand rain down into the sleigh. I peered behind me.

"They are stealing the teeth!" North worried.

Hiccup yawped from the back seat, "Jack! Look out!"

I whipped around, pulling the reigns on impulse, yanking them just in time that the reindeer missed a large pillar. But I couldn't be relieved yet. The sleigh's skid clipped the column and we came skidding to a rough stop on a nearby platform. My heart stopped for a moment, sure we were dead. I took a deep breath once I came to senses and realised we were safe. I spotted Tooth who was flying around, cursing under her breath and was visibly frustrated.

"Tooth, are you okay?" North jumped out.

"They took everything!" Toothiana suddenly started sobbing, "they took the teeth! They kidnapped all the fairies! Everything is gone!" Her wings dropped and she fell to her knees in defeat.

Hiccup and I jumped out of the sleigh, followed by Bunny and Sandy, who rushed up and attempted to comfort Tooth. Hiccup stayed behind with me when his hand broke open and Baby Tooth popped out. She sqeaked and flew up to Tooth. 

She gasped and smiled brightly, "oh, thank God one of you is alright!"

It was a happy reunion, but only for a short moment.

"Oh... how adorable..." a thick voice echoed throughout the chambers. I and Hiccup stood alert. Hic drew out a sword from his belt, which suddenly emerged in flames.

"It's not only the big four, but it seems we have a few guests!"

A dark shadow moved along the walls before disintegrating after passing through a beem of light. A limber body stepped from behind a nearby column. His ashen skin blended with his long tunic. He smirked at me before stepping out of sight again. I searched around for the monster thatnhad revealed itself to me only a second ago. I was becoming panicked and anxious.

"Is that who I believe it to be?" A warm voice chuckled in my ear. I jumped away, turning quickly and weilding my staff. Pitch Black was smiling menacingly between two columns. His cheek was pressed against the heal of his hand, resting his neck. "Jack Frost? Since when are you so chummy with The Guardians?"

I narrowed my eyes, "who ever said we were?"

"Hm... a neutral party. I guess I'll just ignore you then."

Bunny went after Pitch, but he disappeared and reemerged on an opposite column, behind Hiccup.

"And I think I remember this one..."

Hiccup whipped around, swinging his sword, but Pitch vanished before it could strike him.

"So much fear..." his voice dripped with malice and bounced off the walls of the palace,

"What do you know about me?!" Hiccup shouted.

"Fear that he wouldn't come back... fear your father was really gone forever! Fear that you might lose another limb! Fear that he wouldn't save you!"

Hiccup dropped his sword as the flames extinguished. The noise clattered, and sounds echoed through the caverns. He covered his ears in attempt to block out Pitch's tormenting. "No!" He shouted, "you don't know!"

"But I do!" His rancorous voice continued, "I gave you those nightmares! Those reverberations of agonising memories!"

Tooth spotted Pitch the same time I did. She grabbed one of Bunny's boomerangs and flew it at him in a rage. "You monster!" A nightmare darted out of hiding in the shadows, sheilding Pitch and taking the hit. He hushed the snarling horse and yanked the boomerang out of its side, throwing it over his shoulder and disposing of it. His deep laugh rumbled, "Don't be nervous, it only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know."

Bunny was getting agitated, "Were not scared! You're too weak to take us on!"

A sound rumbled behind Pitch and one of the columns of the Palace began to crack and crumble, as if decaying. Tooth gasped.

"Oops," Pitch snickered, "Too late!"

"What?" I panicked, "what's going on?!"

I looked to Tooth, who's eyes welled up with tears. "They don't believe in me anymore..."

"Didn't they tell you, Jack? It's great being a Guardian, but if enough kids stop believing, it all goes away. And so do they."

It really hit me at that moment. I finally realized how evil his plan really was and the magnitude of his scheme. The castle continued to crackle. A shot of adrenaline coursed through me, taking over. "We need to get out of here!" I ran up to Hiccup. I grabbed his hand and made a dash for the sleigh. A nightmare emerged from the shodows, scaring the both of us. Hic hung tightly onto my hand.

"We don't have time for this!" Bunny yelled out, "buckle up!" He tapped his foot twice. A hole opened up below me and Hic. We plummeted down into the hole, becoming separated. I was scared for a moment but the fun of sliding through the tunnels was too much. I laughed loudly, "Woo Hoo!" I held my arms up and laughed. Something grabbed my hand and I looked over my shoulder. Hiccup looked like he was having a panic attack. I laughed again, pulling him over and kissing his cheak. The tunnel opened up, a light shining through. We spun out of the slide and landed on grass. My head fell to the side. I smiled over at Hiccup.

He chuckled, "alright, that sort of fun."

Laughter and screams echoed through the tunnels. Everyone else spilled out, dispersing over the ground.

North tumbled out with a thud. "Buckle up," he laughed, "that is good one."

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now