Chapter Fifteen

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It was late, Jack was nowhere in sight, I was tired, and I was hungry. I decided to leave because I knew my dad would be pissed if I spent another night away from home. I trudged in the door and started to walk to my room.

"Dad, I'm home!"

"Good! I need to talk to you!"

I growled. 'How many times is he going to need to talk to me?'

"What is it?"

He held up my sketch book. "This."

"That's where that went! You stole it?"

I stepped foward to take it but he held it back from me. "No. I just took a peek inside."

"You looked in my journal?! Why?"

"I knew you were hiding something hiccup! What's this Red Death thing you drew?! You said something about the volcano in here? What do you know? Do you know something about the recent attacks?!"

"I was going to tell you!" I pleaded, "you had no reason to invade my privacy!"

"You tell us not to hurt these things when there is something more out there that is hurting us!"

"The dragons only hurt us because they have to! That dragon! If they don't bring enough food to that island they will be eaten!"

"You have kept this from me this whole time! How do you know about the nest?! How did you get there?!"

I stepped back and held my hand uo in defense, "The dragons! The dragons are the only ones who know how to get to the island!"

"Then we're going." He started to storm towards the door. I grabbed him by the wrist and pleaded, "Please! Dad! You don't know what you're up against! This dragon is like nothing you've ever seen! You'll be killed!"

He threw me off and tossed me on the floor. He stormed out the door, "ready the ships!"

I layed on the ground, unable to find the strength to stand. This is exactly what I thought would happen. He's going to die out there. I'd lost Jack, and now I was loosing my father.


Everyone worked all night, fixing the ships, fixing the weapons and getting everything together. I yanked on the door, my father had locked it. I screamed pounding the wood with my fists. I was starting to panic now, because that dragon is more than anyone could go up against. The ships were almost finished and everyone was preparing to leave. I yanked on the windows in hopes that one would give in. I ran my fingers through my hair. I was starting to sweat like mad. My chest felt like a had a bewilderbeast sitting on it. I was losing it, as I ran to the last window I could think of; the one in my room. I said a small prayer before I snapped the window open. I jumped out into the pile of snow outside. I ran for the docks. But I was too late, the horn blew, signaling departing. I ran as fast as I could, my lungs burning, blazing, stinging as I used all my might to get to the docks. The last of the ships were leaving by then. I roared in frustration. 


I turned around to be greeted by a waddling mass..


"What happened?!"

"I'll explain later! Just get everyone together at the arena! I need to get Toothless!"

I rushed into the woods, sprinting all the way to the barn.

"Toothless!" I pushed open the doors, nightfury batting around a fish head. He looked up.

"We need to go to the arena now! My dad found out about the hive and he's going to try to kill the Red Death and we need to stop him!"

He stared at me blankly for a moment.

"Come on!" I screamed, as I snatched his saddle off of the wall.

A/N: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME TO NOT ONLY 3K READS BUT OVER 200 VOTES!!!! I love you all!!! thank you for enjoying and sticking around! ♥

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