Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You're such an ass!" Hiccup shouted at me.

I laughed, "you say that but-"

"But what?!"

I couldn't help myself, leaning over the chair and raking my fingers through his hair. I combed the back of his head with my hand and he shivered. I was so lost in my actions, I just hadn't seen him in such a long time. Back then I would have been fine without any touching whatsoever. But that was then, and now I wanted every piece of that man. I leaned forward, laying my face in the crook of his neck, and lighty started to suck his skin. He gasped, tensing up when my tongue lashed out on his collarbone.

"Calm down," I quietly giggled, "you're acting like me."

He slowly eased into it. He relaxed, but I knew he wasn't going to give up that easily. He hummed in attempt to suppress his moans.

"You're not going to..." he took a deep breath, "are you?"

"You think I'm man enough to do that?"

"No," he grunted, "why're you doing this?"

I smiled, sponging kisses up his jaw. I paused when our eyes met. We stared into each others minds for a moment. Hiccup laughed and he rubbed his eyes. "Wow."

"Hm?" I hummed as I looked over his face.

"I just never thought you would come back," he took his hand off his face as he rested his arm onto my shoulder, "let alone do this."

"Are you saying you're not enjoying it?" I asked as I layed a hand on his bicep.

"Not at all..." he sighed, wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling me in for another round. The twists and knots in my stomach made me feel like Hic had me wrapped around his finger, and I couldn't escape no matter how hard I had tried. I was so caught up in the moment I nearly forgot where we were. My mind snapped back like a rubber band. I noticed the sound of light sucking that filled the room and the hands that brushed the back of my neck. I quickly pulled away, eager to spill.

"What's wrong?" Hiccup asked, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

"Hic," I breathed, "they want me to become a guardian."

"Wait- what do you mean? Why are you bringing this up now?"

I brushed his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear. "They want me to help fight Pitch Black. I don't know if I can do it, Hic.

"You mean the Boogeyman? Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"I just got you back, and I don't want to leave you again."

Hiccup sighed as he stared at me. "We've survived without each other for six years, Jack. I can wait however long it takes if it means we don't have to get hurt."

"But that's just it." I could feel my heart pushing up the back of my throat, "this is a real big thing. There's a possibility I won't come back!"

Hiccup shook his head vigorously, taking my face in his hands and caressing my cheeks. "No. This is just a little scrap, right?"

I shook my head. I could see the worry in his eyes and it made my heart melt.

"I'll fight with you." He blurted.

"What? Are you crazy?!" I grabbed his wrists and his hands gripped my face tighter, "I can't let you do that! Nuh-uh! No way, no how!"

"No, Jack! I have missed you for six whole years and I can't lose you now! I know I said I could wait but knowing that you could be out there dying- I just can't do that..."

He crushed our lips together with a bruising force. It was as if he read my mind, moving our lips so perfectly in sync it was driving me mad. The moment filled me with a deep heat that rose from my abdomen. His mouth opened wide, taking mine with it. His tongue slid into my mouth and I hitched forward. My knees grew weak and I collapsed over him. I moaned with such volume I was afraid for a moment the entire village might have heard. 

"Do it..." he cried softly before a force brought us together again. I glided softly against his lips, following the curve of his mouth. It was all in; mouth, lips, teeth, tongues.

I pulled off of him, my heart pounding and my stomach churning with a feeling I wasn't familiar with. My mind was nothing but static. "I can't."

"Do it for me, or-"

A rapping at the door interrupted Hic halfway through. He repined, sneaking a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth before ordering me, "go sit in a chair."

I nodded as I slowly got off of him. I pulled out a chair and buckled down. I combed the sweat out of my hair, wiping my hand on my sweatshirt afterwards.

"Come in!" He hollered.

The door creaked as it slowly opened. The girl stepped in, carrying a bag around her shoulder. "Hey Hic! Heard you had a rough night, so I brought you some bread and some water."

Astrid. My teeth grit just hearing her voice. I glared over at Hiccup and he just shrugged. She turned around. Suddenly, our eyes caught. She stared at me for a while. I could feel the apples of my cheeks tint, if they weren't red already.

"Oh... I didn't know you had company..."

"Yeah..." Hiccup spoke up, "Astrid... this is... this is Jack."

She immediately blushed. She looked at me, then at Hiccup, then at me again. "I feel like I interrupted something. Should I leave or-"

"No, no." He quickly answered, "Jack, this is Astrid."

"Hi," I squeaked.

"You're Jack?" Her eyes immediately lit up.


She looked over to Hic and smiled frantically, "I think I need to leave, yeah? I'm gonna leave." She giggled a bit and walked back over to the door. "It was nice meeting you Jack! I'll see you later, Hiccup!"

The door slammed behind her and the two of us were left alone. There was a long moment of silence. I was honestly surprised she even knew who I was. "So, what was that?"

Hic carded his fingers through his hair, "Just Astrid being Astrid."

I stood up, "think I'm gonna go too..." I made my way towards the door, but was stopped my a hand on my shoulder. Hiccup turned me around. "Be careful. And please come back tomorrow." He lightly pressed our lips together, making my stomach flip. I nodded. He let me go and I turned away so he didn't have the chance to take hold of me again. I made my way out the door. Before I knew it I was off the ground, the wind carrying me away.

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