Chapter Twenty-Two

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It had been six years since I'd been to Berk. Six years since I'd seen Hiccup. My heart kept telling me I was overreacting, that I should fly down and give myself up to him. But my head would tell me Hiccup would move on and I would be cursed to go on without him. I scolded and wacked myself in the side of the head with the heal of my hand. He was still alive and I was already suffering. I needed to see him, it had torn me apart. I wouldn't have real fun anymore, I would go from playing to the kids and faking a smile to sulking around and moping about Hiccup. I was so mad I couldn't be the guy he wanted. But I wasn't ready because I didn't know what the hell to do! How the hell was I supposed to act or behave? I didn't know. But I wasn't completely alone. I think Hiccup shared stories about me or something because I had some believers popping up and around. And that must have gotten someones attention, because now the guardians were asking me to join them and help take on that asshole, Pitch Black. The Boogeyman had tormented me before the guardians even brought up any kind of offer so i wasnt unfamiliar with his antics. Now, don't get me wrong! I would love to beat some sense into that shit-head, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to be a guardian of childhood. That's a little too much responsibility. I mean, I already had enough problems, and it was time to confront a few...


I wandered the streets for a while, listening for any sign of him. He apparently had moved out of his father's house because none of his things were there. I sighed. Maybe this wasn't the best choice. I should just crash a North's place. I pulled my hood over my head as I walked past a few people, though I was sure none of them could even see me. I came up on the bar and saw someone outside, their face in their knees and the snow falling on their back. I slowly approuched, and I as I did I noticed who it was. There was a strong stench of alcohol coming off his body. "He's never going to come back to me..." he whimpered. I stood there for a short time, seeing if he would notice me. But he didn't, so I mustered up everything I had and announced myself.

"You're drunk." I said flatly.

His head rose out of his knees and he stared up at me. His eyes were red as hell and his cheeks were all discolored. He looked surprised for a second, but the expression faded.

"I thought you'd never come." He tried to sound calm, but his voice cracked in a few places, "why?" He blandly asked.

"Get up." I ordered while staying as calm as possible.

He tipped over onto his hands and stretched out his knees. I choked for a second. He was so... handsome! You know, despite his drunken state. He stood only a bit taller than me. Maybe and inch, at most. That sort of... got my attention, I guess you could say.

"Why?" He questioned me again.

"We need to get you home. You're going to get mugged if someone finds you like this."

There was a long silence. Suddenly, He lashed out and I squeaked as he suddenly pinned me against the wall behind him. He had knocked the total wind out of me.

"WHY?! Why did you leave me?!" He shouted. His breath reaked of scotch.

I collected myself and answered as confidently as I possibly could. "We've been over this, Hiccup. You know why."

"Then say it again!" He ordered me.

I took a breath and turned away so he couldn't see my frailty. "Mortals and immortals cannot be together."

He huffed as he let me go and threw his hands down at his sides. He rubbed his eyes and grumbled, "can you not understand that love knows no bounds? I loved you and you left me and I still continued to love the shit out of you."

"Why do you think I came back?" I mumbled in hopes he wouldn't hear me.

"To tell me that we can't be together. To make me feel even worse."

"Now, why the hell would I do that?! I'm only telling the truth! If we-!"

He grabbed my forearms, pulling me into his chest. "I GAVE YOU MY HEART! Doesn't that count for something?!" He suddenly pulled me up, forcing our lips together. I was surprised at first but slowly relaxed into it. I felt his lip start to tremble. His hands got shakey as well. He quickly let me free and dropped me back on my feet. He whimpered and grumbled to himself, and on the spur of the moment he crumbled in front of me, falling to his knees and sobbing. My heart melted while I watched him come apart at the seams. I wasn't one hundred percent sure how to react so I bent down and patted him on the back. He lunged out, wrapped himself around me. I couldn't take seeing Hiccup like this and attempted to calm him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He lifted his head and rested it on my chest. I slowly combed my fingers through his hair, hushing him and trying to calm him down. But it only made it worse.

"Fall asleep with me here." He whimpered like a child.

"Hiccup, I don't-"

"Sleep here with me." He whined again.

I gave in. "Okay." I kissed his head and rocked him 'til he finally slept. Shortly after, I closed my eyes and forced myself to bed down for the remainder of the night.

"The love between us should not exist but I fall apart whenever I am with him."

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now