Chapter One

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A dark cloud hung over the pond much like the one in my heart. The snow was falling at a miraculous pace. All I did was sit on the rocks, my legs pulled into my chest and my chin resting on my knees. My heart ached too much for me to move, so I just stared. All I did was think. Soon I was thinking out loud.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hiccup?" I questioned myself, "you can never seem to make anyone happy."

"Well its not my fault I don't feel the same about Astrid, it's my heart's fault." I answered, "honestly, I don't know if I will ever feel that way about anybody!" I tipped over and flopped to my side. I just layed there, sprawled out in the snow.

"Why do feelings have to be so complicated?"

My grumbling was interrupted when a boy stepped from behind a tree. He looked up at the branches and fealt the frost on the bark. His white hair was almost unnatural, and the way his blue eyes shined I could see them from the other side of the pond. I ducked down into the snow to try and hide myself. The boy slumped down the trunk and sat at the roots of the tree. The staff he he had in his hand was covered in ice, just like his leather cloak. He started to draw in the snow with it, dragging it in circles. I just marvled at his appearance. He looked so comfortable in that pile of snow. He never shivered or twitched. His toes had no signs of frostbite either. He sighed and stared up at the moon.

"Tell me, why am I so alone? Why do I have to be invisible to all?"

I tried to listen more, but a crack echoed beneath me.

Oh no.

I scrambled to get up but the small cliff crumbled and sent me crashing down into the water. I squealed and yelped. The cold seemed to seep into my veins and travel all over my body.

"Help!" I yelled, but my cry had already been answered. A hand reached out and pulled up from the water. I shivered and shaked.

"Are you alright?!" The voice asked.

The boy was sitting right next to me, untieing his shawl.

"Here." He draped it over my shoulders. "Im sorry that happened, it was probably my fault."

"I-it's fine." My teeth clattered, "who are you anyways?"

"I'm Jack" he answered with a gleaming smile, "and you?"

"Hiccup H-horrendous Haddock... The Th-third."

"Thats quite the name" Jack giggled, "what do you do?"

"At the moment, break hearts."

"Is that even a job for one of us? Maybe not. Wait a sec.. are you a human?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What else would I be?"

"Oh um nothing. But you can see me right?"

"Am I not supposed to?" This kid was really creeping me out.

"Nevermind... we should get you home."

I was still confused but I was cold as a bewilderbeast. So I accepted his offer.

We talked a bit on the way back to Berk. I asked how he could walk barefoot and where a regular shirt without freezing to death. He responded with a simple answer; "the cold has never really bothered me".

We arrived at my home and I handed him his shawl.

"Thank you for walking me home, do you want a cup of soup or something?" I motioned at the door behind me.

"No thank you," he smiled, "I'm not a big soup kinda guy."

I shrugged, "alright then, guess I'll see you around?"

"I'm sure of it."

I waved goodbye and stepped inside. I fealt sort of relieved to have gotten away, like I had dodged a bullet there. But something in my heart told me otherwise. I sook it off and sat in front of the fire. I took off my vest and boots and let them dry. Today had been a long, awful day.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now