Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: I couldn't help myself because I am dying to see how you guys will react. Screw Thursday, Here's chapter 21. Enjoy the hurt! ♥

~two years later~

I thought he would come back to me. I thought he would come running, apologising, begging me to take him back. He didn't. He didn't come back. He came no where near Berk. It hadn't snowed here since that night. Now, today was the first day of the winter season. It was cold, dry, depressing. There was no snow anywhere. I hated it. I had taken the whiskey out of the liquor cabinet and chugged nearly half the bottle. It was the best feeling in the world, I was completely numb. My brain felt like jelly and my limbs felt untied. I still held the neck of the bottle in my hand, my face flat against the table as I stared out the window. I laid there for so long, waiting for the first snowflake to fall. The sun slowly peaked over the horizon, and I was coming down off my high. I picked myself off of the table and brought the bottle to my chest. It hadn't snowed that night. I held it up to my lips, hoping to finsh the rest off so I could just sleep through the day and not have to suffer another hour. But as soon as the glass touched my lips I shook. My bones rattled as I shivered all over. My lips quivered and my eyed clamped shut. The tears came spilling out. I slammed the bottle on the table, cursing at myself. I couldn't get over him no matter how much I tried. Alcohol couldn't help me, it only put me in a stupor. I couldn't- I wouldn't find anyone that I loved as much as I loved him. I stormed up, lifting the bottle off the table and smashing it on the floor. The bits of glass and drops of liquid strewed all over the cabin. My chest heaved as I panted, continuing to look at the mess I had made. I fell to my knees, resulting in the bits of glass cutting into my legs.

"JACK!" I wailed, calling out to him.

I slapped shards of glass and threw them at the walls, causing even more havoc. The door flew open, and someone ran in, though I was too occupied to even notice.

"Hiccup!" The girl shrieked, "what the hell happened in here?!"

I fell over onto my elbows, burying my face in my hands, folded up in a pitiful ball on the floor. She attempted to pull me up, to get me out of the mess.

"Hiccup, please get up! We can talk about it!"

"NO!" I hollered.

It took me hours to finally settle down. I dont know how i had ebough liquids in my body to keep the tears coming but they wouldn't stop. Astrid picked me up off of the floor and helped me drag myself to a chair. I hunched over, hiding my face shamefully in my hands. She rolled up my pant legs, reavealing cuts and dried up blood.

"Oh, Hiccup..." she sighed.

I remained bent as she cleaned up my wounds with a wet cloth and raw alcohol.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked while dabbing at my scabs. I only sighed, rubbing the salt from my face.

"I miss him so much..." I admitted, "it was so damn stupid of me to fall in love so quickly..."

Astrid paused for a moment. She looked up at me. "So that's who Jack is? You love him, yeah?"

I slowly nodded. I was so embarrassed and ashamed she would have to find out this way. "I'm so disgusting."

"No you're not! Love is love, Hic! If you wanna smooch on a guy then go for it!"

"But I thought you were in love with me?" I sniffled.

"Sweetheart, that was a long time ago. You should know that I've moved on by now. I knew that our friendship wasn't meant to be like that."

I looked down at her, and she looked up at me. I must have looked like absolute shit. She forced a smile and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "Thank you..." I whispered, a knot forming again in the back of my throat.

"Please don't start crying again!" She begged me.

"I'm sorry..." I ran my fingers through my hair, "I just can't stop thinking about him..."

"Well, maybe letting it all out will make you feel better. I'd like to know all about him. So tell me all the good times you had together. Spill it!"

"Well, I mean, when we first met I thought he was a total loon. But as I got to know him he got really cute." I choked up a bit, but continued, "I was so eager to form some kind of... physical bond... I guess I sort of jumped into it. He got really shaky and jittery even when we just hugged. Surprisingly, he was the one who kissed me first. But..." I growled, "I don't know! He just got so distant after I had lost my leg! He blamed himself... he said we couldn't be together." A few tears slipped out. I quickly wiped them away. My head was pounding and my stomach was sour.

"I'm tired..." I whined, rubbing my eyes.

"Hic, the sun just came up!"

"I'm tired." I whimpered again.

Astrid sighed, "Fine. Let's get you to bed."

She helped me up and led me into my room. I fell limply onto my bed, rolling around to get under the covers.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No problem. Just don't hurt yourself like that again, okay? Talk it out, don't drink it up." She walked out, closing the door behind her. I started to weep almost the moment after she walked away.
"Don't get hurt like that again..."

I cried so much I started to yawn in between sobs. I bawled for who knows how long before I finally keeled over.

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now