Chapter Fourteen

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I stormed into the house, slaming the door behind me.

"Hey! There is my little man! How did it go?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I growled.

"What? Wait, what went wrong?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled, nearly cracking the door closing it. I threw myself on my bed. I didn't want to get up now. What was the point? But there was a knock at my door.


"Go away," I moaned.

I could here my dad sigh outside the door, "Hiccup, please. I would like to know what happened."

"Fine," I snarled.

The door creeked and I could hear my father step in.

"Hiccup, sit up. And pull up your trousers."

"Make me." I invited. And he did just that. Snatching up the back of my collar, standing me up and pulling up the back of my pants for me. "I didn't mean that literally."

He pulled out a small stool and took a seat. "Now sit," he demanded. 

I set myself on my end of the bed and sighed. I didn't say anything, in hopes my father would just give up and go away.

"You know," he started, "your mother would have been a whole lot better at this. She always knew what to say."

I sighed, "it didn't go very well. I short of ran away after she attempted to kiss me..."

"Kiss you?! Well I think you two are swell together, but kissing? You two are too young for all that. But that can't be whats really ticking you off."

"Its just everything. This Astrid thing, i had a falling out with a friend, this drogon hive crap, I-."

"Dragons? What about the dragons? Do you know something about this? You said something about a hive?"

"No! What? No. I- why would I know anything about it?" I was already sweating as the anxiety wrenched my lungs. I was done for now.

"You said something about a hive?"

"Well yeah, Tooth- yeah, Toothless was playing with a beehive and got stung. He's been really hard to take care of, but its okay. Yeah, it's okay."

He must have seen it, the lie. I must have worn it like a mask because he squinted his eyes at me. He searching me for something to prove me wrong, looking me up and down. He growled, "If you say so..." He got up and pushed the stool against the wall. "I'll leave you be then." He gently closed the door behind him. I flopped back on my bed. I took my pillow and held it over my face. Maybe if I kept it there long enough I would die from oxygen starvation. I was so mad, but one thought about what Jack said made me start crying all over again. Why was I crying?! I'm a viking! Vikings are strong! Vikings don't cry! But saying such things to myself didnt help. I only felt worse. I'm the weak little Viking Hiccup, who fucks everything up and can't kill a dragon to save his life. I just cried my heart out, not that it would change anything.


My feet dragged through the snow. I was so tired. I had taken all my energy and turned it into tears. I lugged the bucket of fish behind me. I was almost there, although I wasn't sure I had the energy to make it the next fifty feet.

It felt like a hundred miles, but I made it. I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened it and found Toothless laying on the ground.

"Wake up ya big salamander, I got food for ya."

I could see him stir and stretch until he finally got up. He slinked over and stole a fish from the bucket, nearly swallowing it whole. I dropped it in front of him and slowly made my way to the wall, where I slid down and sat. I pulled my legs into my chest and rested my chin on my knees. Maybe I should take Toothless and fly away from here. I could probably fend for myself, and the nightfury, if anything, could hunt. I thought about it for a while making scenarios up in my head. Thinking about what would happen if we ever got attacked by bears or ran out of food. Every one ended with death. I hated it here. Berk was no place for me. A knock echoed from the door, interrupting my train of thought. 'Maybe its Jack?' I hopped up and jogged over to the door, swinging it open.

"Jack?- oh... hi Astrid."

"Hi Hiccup." She muttered.

"I just wanted to see how you were. I was a bit worried. And I wanted to apologise for... sort of pushing my limits there."

"Yeah I'm fine." I grumbled, as I leaned against the door frame.

"Oh okay... so, uh, who's Jack?"

I could feel myself blush, I looked away in attempt to hide my discoloration. "He's a, uh, a friend of mine. We had a bit of a falling out yesterday..." thinking about it made me tear up a bit.

"Oh I'm sorry... would you maybe like to talk about it?"

"No!" I yawped, "I mean, no. I- I'm fine." I closed the door behind me. "I need to go. I guess I'll talk to you later." I wandered off, into the trees.

"But the village is the other way!"

"I know!"

Jack told me to go find him when I knew what I wanted. And I did know. I walked to the pond, the one where we had met and the one where Astrid had ruined everything.

"Jack?" I called out, "Jack!" I walked up to a tree. Frost. But it swirled and turned all around the bark. I touched it, and it immediately melted. Fresh.  He had been there.
"Jack! Come on, I know who I want!" No answer. "Jack please!" I sat against the stump of the tree. "Then I'll just wait here." I reached for my sketch book and searched around in my pocket. "Crap." I sighed. I had left it at home. It was going to be a long day.

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