Chapter Twenty-Five

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I kept to my word and went back to Berk the next day. Hiccup was feeling better, which made me feel better. He had invited me to go see Toothless, so now we were making our way over to the barn. We walked side by side, silently. I kept one hand in my front pocket and one hand on my staff. The silence wasn't bad. Actually, it was really nice just walking together. Unaware, Hiccup stopped behind me. I paused and took a peek back at him. He was staring off Into the woods.

"Look." He quietly called.

I silenty came next to him and looked through the bare trees, a small splash of color catching my eye. "What is it?" I asked.

He walked towards it, and I followed behind.

"It's a flower..." he crouched down and looked at the pink bloom.

"But its too cold for it to grow here..." I walked up, leaning down and looking at the small daisy. I hesitated, but reached out and touched it. I was startled when it didn't frost over, or turn blue, or wilt. I picked it out of the ground and looked at it more. Suddenly there was a ruffle from behind, then a stifled mumble. I took my staff in my fists, and spun around to face whatever was there. My eyes came in contact with a large patch of fur. My sight climbed up the body, soon joining with green eyes. Hair hung down from the thick face like a mustache, and covered every inch of it's body. A second just like it stood tall on its right.


The first had a bag, which wriggled and squirmed. "What are you doing? Let him go!" I kept aft. The second grumbled as it snatched me up by my hood. "Hey! Put me down! I didn't do anything!" I thrashed around.

The monster didn't listen and threw me into a velvet sack. It was dark and crammed. I heard a distorted twinkle and what sounded like shattering glass. The yetis grumble back and forth. A sudden russle came from the top of the bag, and before I knew it I was tossed through the air. The temperature suddenly fell, and I hit a surface with a thud. My shoulder popped when it hit the floor and I hissed.

"Sh! He is here!"

Light shined through the opening of the bag. I slowly looked out and up at a large man. Red suit, white beard, forearm tattoos... I knew who it was.


"Welcome!" His belly bounced when he laughed, "I hope the yetis treated you well!"

I picked my self up off the ground and brushed my sweatshirt off. "Yeah!" I rolled my eyes, "I love being shoved into a bag and thrown through a magic portal!"

"Good!" North chuckled, "that was my idea!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes again.

A low moan echoed from behind and I turned around. The bag rustled and Hiccup proceeded to roll out of it.

"Ow..." he groaned as he rubbed his forehead. I ran up behind him and patted his back.

"Who is this?" North gasped, then turned to the yetis, "I didn't tell you to pick up anyone else! Who is this?!"

The yetis jumped back, speeking in quick defences.

"Hey, hey!" I spoke up, "it's okay! He's a friend!"

North calmed, shooing the yetis away. He crossed him arms and nodded. Hiccups eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Hiccup," I helped him up, "I want you to meet a few people."

"People?" He spoke lowly.

"Yeah. This is North, Sandman, the kangaroo-"

"Don't call me that!" Aster boomed, making me laugh, "I'm a bunny!"

"Whatever, pooka." I smiled, though he continued to scowl at me, "and last but not least, Tooth."

Hiccup stood there, paralyzed and in awe. He had seen me, so I didn't see why a few more immortals would be too much of a shock. He tapped my arm, his eyes still stuck to the group. "Are-are they- is she?"

"Yeah," I laughed as I rubbed his forearm, "Nicholas st. North, The Sandman, The Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy."

Hiccup flushed, growing pale. He gripped my arms. Hic looked me in the eyes. "I'm dreaming," his eyes frantically darted around, "right?" I shook my head.

"Uh, mate?" Bunny spoke up from behind, "are you alright?"

"Oh gods..." Hiccup sighed. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me, "it's cool! Just say hi," I slid my hands down his arms and linked our hands together, "yeah? Okay?"

Hic took a deep breath, regaining his composure. He took his hands back and nodded. His eyes wandered over the group, "Hi," he announced, "I'm Hiccup."

North startles all of us after laughing deeply. "It is very good to meet you!"

"So what does this guy do?" Bunny spoke up before leaning against the wall and continuing to paint one of his eggs.

"Um-what?" Hiccup turned to me, though I returned with a shrug.

"You know, like, what powers do you got?"

"I- I don't have any... powers."

Aster froze for a moment before his eyes narrowed, "wait, wait, wait! You meam to tell me you're a mortal?"

Hiccup nodded, hesitant. I started to pick at the bark on my staff. I could sense this wasn't going to turn out all that great. Tooth layed a hand on Bun's shoulder, "Bunny,-" Aster shook her gentle touch away.

"No, no! I want to know how this clown got someone to believe in him!"

"Hey!" I stepped forward, "what makes you think I wouldn't have any believers?!"

The rabbit scoffed, "you don't know anything about bringing joy to children!"

"Have you heard of a snow day?" I dug a finger into his fluffy chest, "I mean, hey, its no hardboiled egg! But if you haven't noticed, kids seem to like what I do!"

"Boys!" North spoke up, but I never peeled my eyes from Aster's smug expression.

"And yet, still, none seem to believe in ya."

"Bunny! Enough!" Tooth scolding him.

"No, no! The kangaroo is right!"

"Jack!" Hiccup chided from behind me.

"What'd you just say?" He leaned in, in which I returned the favor, "I am not a kangaroo, mate!"

"Okay! That's it!" Hiccup grabbed my arm and dragged me back. Sandy quickly flew up to Bunnymund and yanked him away as well.

The moment was tense and stretched on for a while. North suddenly broke the long silence, "So, cookies? Anyone?"

A/N: Sorry about the late update. I'll admit, I put it off so that I could watch Supernatural. :P

P.S. thank you sosososososo much for getting me to 800 votes/likes!!!! You guys are so awesome I don't think awesome is good enough of a word!

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