Chapter Six

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This had been the worst three days of my life. The only thing I was able to do was sketch and read over all my old notes. My mind was starving for anything more than my old books and the sights outside my window. I layed in my bed, staring at the wall. I thought about my life. Maybe it was bet I was trapped in my room. But maybe not. A creak came from behind me and I whipped around. The window had been blown open by the wind. I looked out the window and closed it again. I started to walk back when another creak came from the window. I groaned and went to close it again. I heard a giggle and my head immediately whipped up.

"Jack!" I growled.

He gasped and disappeared onto the roof.

"Jack, get back here!"

He didnt appear so I slammed the window. Rolling back into my bed, I continued my loath staring.

"Hic?" Jack called through the window, "I'm sorry, I just haven't seen you. I just wanted to have some fun."

"Just go. I can't do anything anyways. "

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm grounded." I flopped over onto my back. Jack was already climbing through the window.

"That doesn't mean we can't sneak out." Jack smirked, showing his white teeth.

"If my father finds out... well, I would rather be in hell than that happen."

"Come on!" Jack urged, "you'll be home by eight! Promise!"

I thought about it. Contemplating the chances of my father finding me gone. It couldn't be that bad. Plus it was already five, at the least.

"Well..." I rolled it over in my mind one last time, "alright."

Jack's smirk turned into a beaming smile.

"I know the perfect place to go!"He waved me over and I got myself out of bed, again. "Hop on my back!"

"What? Why?"

"Well how else are we supposed to get there?"

"I don't know. feet?"

Jack rolled his eyes and turned around, motioning to his back. I knew it was no use so I decided to just go with it. I climbed up onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. He climbed up onto the windowsill.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked.

I wasn't, but I replied with a muted "yes".

A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere. We were lifted up and out in the sky. I buried my face in his shoulder and wrapped myself together around him. I was used to flying, but I was used to being attached to a dragon, not a, er, human. Jack giggled and squealed, turning and flipping. I kept my head buried in his frosty cloak. The wind calmed and the air grew stiff and even colder than Berk.

"Open your eyes Hic!"

I slowly lifted my head out of Jack's shoulder. The air was filled with flurries and we were surrounded by tall, snow capped mountains. In the middle of it all, branching off a cliff, was some sort of... castle. A beautiful mansion with icicles hanging from the roof. A bridge connected it to small houses on the crag below.

"Welcome to the north pole!"

"This is amazing... I've never seen anything like this..."

"It's nothing really. I sit here and stare out at the mountains all the time."

"Who lives here?" I asked.

"Nicholas st North. The man who gives gifts to the poor every winter."

"I thought that was just some sort of fairy tale."

Jack sat in the snow. "Nope."

"So there's more spirits like you? He's one of them?" I sat next to him and rested back on my palms.

"Well yeah, but he's a Guardian."

"Guardian?" I felt stupid asking so many questions.

"Yeah, the big guys. They protect all the children."

"From what?"

"The boogeyman."

I snorted, "you're kidding! He's just a myth!"

"No! Really!" Jack smiled, "he's the king of nightmares. But he gets his power from fear, all fear, whether its from an adult or a child."

"That's a bit frightening." I said.

"Careful youll only make him stronger!" Jack teased, angling his fingers like claws and pretending to attack me. We both laughed.

"You know Jack, when I first met you I thought you were crazy. But now I'm glad I met you. And I'm glad we stayed friends." I turned to jack, who was already wearing a grin, and smiled. My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to burst. I wanted to know why I felt like this. Jack's smile slowly turned into a slight smirk. Our eyes were still stuck on each other. Jack took a deep breathe, but before I could say a word, our lips crashed together. I felt like I had been set on fire. My stomach was turning and my heart was getting ready to pop. Jack quickly disengaged. His face held a look of shock.

"Hic, I, uh- oh my gosh I-"

"Oh my..." my hand flew over my mouth and my throat closed up a bit.

"I'm sorry! I just-"

"Jack..." I gasped. I knew what it was now, I just never knew it would happen so quickly, or it would happen like this.


I mustered up everything i had and blurted, "I love you..."

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now