Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The night had gone on and neither of us barely got a wink of sleep. My shoulders and hip bones were an unpleasant purple. When I woke up I was still sore. My back ached from bending in unhealthy ways. The only thing that seemed to be a pleasent feeling was that of the heat beneath me; The warm body and thick chest that laid below my body. I moaned, stretching out my muscles and burying my arms under his back. He chuckled, which startled me, but let me now he was awake.

"That tickled," he chortled in a raspy voice. He pushed his upper body off of the bed, and from underneath me. I rolled to the side, but kept my arms wrapped around his stomach, in fear that if I let him go he would leave again. But Hiccup wriggled out of my grasp anyways, and moved to a standing position beside the bed. I layed my chin on my arms and stared at his beautiful body. I smiled while my eyes layed apon the red marks that flowered across his shoulders.

"Can we lay here a little longer?" I begged him, "I don't want to lose you again; If we stay here there's no chance of that."

"Aren't we supposed to help Tooth out?"

I sat up and crossed my legs. I rested my head on the palm of my hand and stared at his glorious figure. "That's probably over by now." He pulled his underwear over his ass and I frowned. "Come on, just take it off and let's cuddle a little more."

Hic laughed, proceeding to pull his pants on as well. I climbed out of the bed and stood up behind him. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head down on his shoulder. "What's so funny?"

He chuckled again with a shrug. He turned around, tangling his fingers in my hair. I hissed as my smile grew.

"You wanna start all over again?" I laughed. I attempted to steal a kiss, but was blocked by Hiccup's cheek. He walked out of my arms and picked his shirt up from beside the bed. "Later," He winked.

I rolled my eyes and scooped my leggings off of the floor. I walked out into the kitchen, hopping my way into my pants as I did. 'Where the fuck did my staff go?' I thought, 'I must have dropped it out here...' I looked uner the table and around the rest of the room before an outcry echoed from the bedroom, "let g- AH!" I ran as fast as I could and rushed through the door.


He was nowhere to be seen.


I dropped to the floor and peered under the bed. A light twinkled caught my eye and I reached my hand underneath. A familiar grit stuck to my fingers. I held my hand out in the light and the evidence made it clear. "Pitch!"


I needed to help Hiccup, and i knew i couldn't do it alone. So, I jumped to the wind as fast as I could and flew to the north pole. I was thrown through an open window and ended up tumbling into the workshop. I landed in a mangled mess. I picked myself up as the pain had finally gotten to my brain.

"Jack?" A rustic Russian voice called to me.

"Oi!" Bunny shoated out, "you missed all the fun last night, where ya been?"

I didn't even bother to brush myself up, but instead jumped to my feet and got down to it. "Pitch took Hiccup. We need to find him!"

All got to their feet. Their smiles were now gone and replaced with serious looks.

"Why would he kidnap him?" Toothiana gasped.

"I don't know, but I do know he doesn't have any nice plans for him."

Bunnymund growled, "I knew we shouldn't have let a mortal get involved in this!"

"Hey! I wasn't the one-"

"Stop it!" North interrupted, "this is no time to be arguing!"

Sandy, on the other side of the group, suddenly started to wave his arms. A lightbulb appeared over his head, then the symbols began frantically changing. The only thing I could make out was a depiction of the moon.

"What? You're a loon!" Bunny scoffed.

"What?" I was desperate for anything that could help, "what is it?"

"He says we should split up and search for Pitch."

I shrugged at him. "Well Pitch is the one who has him, so that's not all that bad of an idea."

"I agree," North spoke up.

Sandy gave a thumbs up and Tooth just shrugged.

"That's about three and a half against one," I smirked at Bunny, "Looks like we're splitting up!"

A/N: Hello everyone!  Happy thanksgiving! I recently reread the first part of the story and it SUCKS. Like, I was horribly embarrassed! As soon as im finushed with this book im going to edit it. Sorry you all had to suffer through that! Ily and I'll be sure to post next week! ♥

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