Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up alone in bed. The cold body that held me when I fell asleep was no longer beside me. I lifted my head, looking out the window. 'The sun is high,' I thought to myself, 'it must be pretty late.' I sat up, stretching out my back.

"Oh, Hic." I turned towards Jack, who wiped his chin with the back of his hand, "you're up..."

The frozen lines that streaked down his cheeks shined in the light that crept through the window. I stood and walked over to the chair where he was sitting.

"Jack?" He quickly turned his eyes away, "have you been crying?"

"No." He quickly refuted, but the icey streaks said otherwise. I brought my hand to his face and started to wipe away his tears.

"Please tell me what's wrong." I begged him.

"It was nothing... just a bad dream." His eyes were red-rimmed, and his nose was raw. I took his chin in my hand and turned his eyes towards me. He looked at me with tears forming again in the corners of his eyes.

"I love you. You know that right?" He urgently grabbed the collar of my shirt. I slowly nodded. He pulled forward, linking our lips together. I felt him as his lip started to quiver. His grip on my shirt tightened and he pulled me even closer, increasing the force of the kiss. He broke away, taking in air and sobbing. His forehead rested on mine, and I looked at him as the tears that fell froze to his face. "Don't get hurt like that again..." he gasped in between sobs, "don't..." seeing him break down like that made me weak. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jack dove into the crook of my neck, crying uncontrollably. That must have been one hell of a nightmare. He stayed there, sniveling and choking for a few minutes more before finally calming down.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed, "I'm such a fucking idiot."

Jack laughed through his tears, making me laugh too.

"You are. But that's alright." He peeled his face from my shoulder, wiping the tears off of his jaw. He took my hands and held on to them. "Just promise me that you won't get hurt again. You have no idea how guilty I felt when you were laying there." Staring down at our hands the two of us seemed to mull things over. My thumbs rubbed over his knuckles. He sighed again.

"I know you love me." I broke our foreheads apart to kiss his nose, which was cold, as always. A small smile played at the corners of his lips.

We sat together, cuddling for a while. We didn't say anything to eachother, which was alright with me. The silence was nice. Jack ran his fingers through my hair and planted a kiss on my forehead from time to time. It was a tender moment. It was peaceful.

"Never leave me..."

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