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We are in the midst of a somber ceremony, marking the passing of someone. Burning candles encircle the room. Sandy sets down a candle and stands shoulder to shoulder with Tooth and Bunny. The three hold hands in solace. Jack, facing a window, frost over the glass with his finger. The shape of a dragon spreads over. North comes up become him and slowly removes the hood from his head.

"Are you going to join us?" His deep voice rumbles softly.

Jack sighs, continuing to stare out unto the wide fields of snow outside the North Pole. "I dont think I can take another year..." he mumbles.

"Jack..." North rubs his back, "today is two-hundred years... I believe you should do it. For him."

Jack nods, knowing that North is right. They are here to honor Hiccup and the good moments they had, not to sulk in the corner. Jack slowly stands and starts to walk to the circle of candles. He walks up to sandy and Tooth, taking their hands. Sandy smiles up at Jack, who smiles back at him. North joins the circle as the event begins. The ringing of somber bells can be heard echoing throughout the chamber, as we reveal the elves and a yeti ringing the elf bells as part of a ceremonial dirge. Jack can feel his throat closing up as a small tear trickles down his face. The room is quiet and calm as the five stand together, hand in hand.

The moon rises into view, high up in the ceiling; its rays of light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the walls of the globe room. Sandy notices and pokes Jack's hand. He points up and the two look. The circle of moonlight intensifies, concentrating further at the center of their circle. The symbol at the middle rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pillar.

"A new guardian?" Jack gasps.

Then a bright flash, a rush of wind - and a figure resolves over the central pillar: A large winged creature with glowing eyes, its tail winding around its body. Next to it is what looks like a young man. Jack gasps, and stands in awe in front of the pedestal.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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