Chapter Twenty-Six

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I tried not to look stung by Bunny's remarks. I tried to look big and tough. I mean, I could take on that furball but Hiccup held me back. I wanted to beat the carrots out of that pooka, but I knew it would wouldn't solve anything. I noticed Sandy nudge North, who must have then acknowledged the tension in the air.

"Jack!" He let his voice be heard, "walk with me, yes?"

He walked off. I patted Hiccup on the back then followed behind him.

"So Jack," North had to shout over the ruckus the toy making had caused, "are you ready to become guardian?"

North stormed through the factory floor, and I had to jog to keep up with him. North's factory is bustling with activity: Yeti's are building toys, and moving packages, while Elves are test piloting the various flying toys.

"Look, North. This is all very flattering, but ah... you don't want me as a guardian. I honestly don't know why you guys even picked me in the first place!"

"Pick? You think we pick?" North chuckled, leading me into his office, "No, you were chosen like we were all chosen. By Man in Moon."

There were shelves filled with toys. Sketches and prototypes everywhere. I stared around trying to think of what to possibly say.

I sighed, "but you're hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowballs and fun times."

North plucked a small train from his desk, spinning the wheels with his stubby finger. He took in a deep breath, "Jack, the children. They are in danger. Pitch Is back."

"Yeah but-"

"The lights on the globe. Every light is a child. A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them."

something suddenly jetted past a window outside. Almost simultaneously, Bunny and Sandman came busting down the door.

"What is it?!" North growled.

"We got big trouble at the tooth palace!"

North took me by the arm and dragged me out of the room, "come." He commanded, "we need to go."

North lugged me to the opposite end of the chamber, on the way I finally got a glimpse of the orchestrated chaos of the entire workshop, in all it's splendor. As we passed Hiccup I waved him over, and he jogged after us. North shoved open a set of doors, and following closely behind was Bunny, Sandy, and Hic. Several Yeti's rushed by as they prepared the hangar for launch.

"What is this?!" Hiccup stood in awe.

A sound like thunder started to echo through the room. Out of nowhere, a team of reindeer came running in, beastly snorting and clopping their hooves. Hauled behind it was Santa's sleigh. It was a huge, polished, tricked out, hot-rod of a sled. Both I and Hiccup were completely dumbfounded by the awesomeness of it, so much that one of the reindeer nearly trampled us.

"Hey! Moi deti, moi deti. Quiet, quiet." North hushed them.

"Oh, holy crap!" I laughed, admiring the detail painted on the side of the sleigh, "this is awesome!" I climbed up the side and jumped into the leather seating.

"I would rather ride Toothless..." Hiccup grumbled, unnerved.

"Yeah..." Bunnymund chimed in, "I think my tunnels might be faster. And safer...."

Sandy hopped into the back seat with me and patted the spot next to him, a small image of rabbit ears swirling above his head.

"Aw!" I laughed, "come on Bunny! Afraid of a few feet of air? And what about you Hic? You practically live in the sky.

"I'm just not sure..."

North climbed into the sleigh, "Ah come on, the two of you are cowardly!" He grabbed the both of them by the nape of their neck and the collar of their shirt, hoisting them into the sled and throwing them into the back seat. I scooted over to let Hiccup sit next to me. I snickered at him, but he answered with crossed arms and a sour expression.

"Buckle up!" North chuckled.

Bunny frantically searched around the seats, "where are the bloody seatbelts?!" 

North chuckled, "that was just expression!" He took hold of the reigns and wrapped them around his arms. With a snap of the leather and a strong "Hyah!" the sleigh is off. The reindeer are dashing down the runway. The four of us flew back into our seats. The animals jump off of the track and took flight, but the sleigh took a nearly vertical drop. Sandy grinned calmly. I fucking loved this. Bunnymund - not so much. North pulled a lever, kicking the sleigh into overdrive. He looked back as the sleigh rocketed into the sky and entered a corkscrew. Hiccup grabbed onto my waist for dear life while I threw my hands up, laughing hysterically. North, reins in hand, leaned into the wind as the reindeer climbed higher.

"Hold on everyone! I know a shortcut!" North pulled a snowglobe out of this coat and held it eye-level. "I say... Tooth Palace!" An image appeared inside the glass. North threw the globe into the air and a giant vortex opened. A bright light envoloped us as we were sucked through the portal with a loud "Woosh"!

Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now