God Bless You

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"SAY SOMETHING!" Father Luke screamed out looking at me.

I cant I signed .

I have been mute since I was 15 I'm 19 now. Nothing has been the same around here since the incident. Most people try to forget and ignore what happened. It's easier for them because they didn't lose a friend nor did they didn't look those men in there bright red eyes and glowing pail skin as you begged them to not do what they where about to do.

I saw the look of confusion on his face to, I pulled out my brown aged leather sketchbook and flipped through a page to write it down.

I cant it read.

"What do you mean you can't. How is god going to hear your sins." He spoke through gridded teeth. I would of laughed at how he said that if we wasn't screaming it in my face. I was told god was all seeing and can hear your thoughts so I thought this was pretty stupid. I was here because my mom is the youth minister and forced me to come here. My mom kicked me out of the house when I was 18 but still manages to make my life a living hell but sister Marge let me live in the spare room in the church.

I was about to write something down in my sketchbook but he snatched it from me. I panicked as he flipped through my drawings. It landed on a drawing of a beautiful angel with dark skin and Long butterfly locks then went to her knees she was curvy and just so beautiful. There was a demon on the right of her she was pale with long blond hair and green brown eyes she was hovering above the demon there face's just inches apart. Father Luke looked at the image in front of him. His face turning red with anger as he slowly looked up at me.

" What is this- right you don't Speak" his voice full of anger he spat as he spoke. " Go and get sister marge" he finally said still anger in his voice.

I got up swiftly from the small reconciliation room to the large church room it was a beautiful room with high ceilings. The room had white walls and gold trimmings. The alter had red carpet and a crucifix hanging above it. I took a right to the vestibule there was a small hallway and three doors down was her room. I straightened my light blue dress that fell right below my knees. It was loose on the bottom and tighter on the top but not to tight to show anything. And it had long sleeves. Thank god the church had ac because I would be a sweaty mess. Well more then I already am. I know what's about to happen because a similar thing happened to my best friend Lilith. I put my hand into a fist and knocked on the door.

" Who is it?" And old woman's voice questioned.
I didn't know what to do so I just knocked again. I hear some creaking in the floor as it sounded like it was getting closer to the door. I saw the knob wiggle a bit before the door opened.

" Oh it's you, what do you need my dear" sister Marge spoke softly. She was an old woman with a little hunch in her back. Her aged face formed a smile when she saw me.

Father needs you I signed to her.

She's one of the few people who understands me in this church. She must of saw the look on my face because she quickly realized what was happening and a frown approached her face replacing the smile she once had.

"Oh.. you wait here I'll be right back" she answered softly. She knows what's about to happen because she had done the same thing for me and Lilith 6 years ago. Now it's just me.

She came out a few seconds later before motioning me to follow her. She started to speak up " Feels like yesterday I was making you and Lilith follow me" she paused " I know what you did was probably wrong but what you have gone through in your life and after all the exorcisms that this man has put you and your friends through you shouldn't still be here" she turned back right before the huge church doors that where closed " I'll tell you this (Y/n) Im not going to be around here much longer." She paused and started to tear up " I know what god has planned for me. I wish I could say the same for you my dear but I know it's all good things. And I know after what happened that night you should not be kept here it's not good for you. (Y/n) I love you as if you where my daughter and I'm giving you a chance to get out. Go to my room and under the floor bored is some money it should be enough to get you started in getting out of here. I need you to take it and get out of here." She spoke softly and urgently. I nodded in response starting to tear up as well. She's like the mother I never had.

" I know I'm a nun and it's strange coming from me but I know that you need to see the world beyond this church. Your talent is far more impressive then to be in the band here at church.. I will miss you (Y/n) please write to me." She looked up in desperation tears coming out of her eyes.

I will I signed as I hugged her and sobbed.

"Now hurry Father Luke is going to get angry if he doesn't see you soon. I'll make an excuse saying you felt ill and had to leave.. be quick and careful" she hugged me one last time.

I did as she said and booked it to her room found the floor bored and peeled it up there was a huge stack of money I took it then ran to my room to grab my bags and any money I had. I looked over at my dresser and saw a pink build a bear that me and Lilith made when we where 14. I grabbed it quickly and shoved it in my bag. I also took the bracelet sister Marge got me for my 18th birthday. One last look at my guitar in the corner then I ran out of my room and out of the church.

A:N  this is my first story sorry if it's shit

Word count 1110

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