Writing On The Walls

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     I wiped the tears of my face as I was sitting on the yellow bus seats back to the church. We were almost there and it was six o'clock so I was just in time for dinner.

I walked off the bus all the bags in my hand as I made my way to the church. I opened up the dark wooden doors and made my way to my room to put everything back. As I walked down the hall I saw the girls laughing as they walked to dinner I just ignored them as I made it to my room. I set the bags down then grabbed the bag sister Imperator needed. I took my book out glancing at it for a bit looking at its leather cover. It felt leathery but there was something off about it. There were bumps coming out of the cover but the back was completely smooth. It looked worn out and the pages had yellowed.

   I put the book down then went off with the bag to give it to sister Imperator before I go to dinner. I walked down the hall  with the bag in my hand. The halls were empty my feet echoed along the ground as I walked to her office. I made it to her door with a knock she lets me in.

   "Ah hello (Y/n) how are you? Thank you for getting me these books." She smiled at me. I gave a small smile with a nod then walked out of the room making my way to the cafeteria adjusting my jacket as I left.

   I walked into the courtyard with food in my hand and the other wrapped around me to keep me warm. I saw Rain's shadow in the greenhouse.

"Hello love how was your day?" He smiled up at me.

Good! How was yours? I smiled as I sat down.

"Good. I got your gift!" He began eating the food I laid out on the table. "Anything else happen?" He asked. I then told him about the weird guy in the music store. "Ew what the fuck. Who says that?" He asked rhetorically with disgust.

    I know, I was so annoyed I just ignored him barely even looking at him. I told him smiling. I then explained the weird old witch woman that was in the store who told me to be careful because "it's dangerous out" .

   "So you bought a book on curses from a weird old woman in a store that's completely hidden? What is this Harry Potter? Why would you do that?" He asked with a laugh threatening to leave his mouth.

   I figured that if sister Imperator trusted the strange witch woman I could to. I attempted to explain.

   "What kind of curses does the book have?" I could see he raised an eyebrow at me through his mask.

    How to break them. I was hoping it had something on the cures I have. The book looked promising okay! I let out an audible chuckle.

    "I don't think you're really gonna need that book." He smiled. I was going to tell him that I spoke but I didn't know if he would appreciate that I went to my old church to visit a nun. For now I won't tell him. "What are you thinking about love bug?"

   Nothing much. I smiled out a lie. I'll tell him about it later but for now I won't stress him out. When are we exchanging gifts? I curiously asked.

    He stammered a bit before answering. "Uh maybe Christmas afternoon? I don't really know I'm pretty busy the night before. With uh- um decorating for it." He licked his lips.

    Okay that makes sense. I nodded knowing the real reason he didn't want me to go down but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

    "Let's talk more about this book. Are you busy tomorrow? We should look through it tomorrow."

    Yeah that sounds like a plan.

    "Great! I'll see you tomorrow love." He got up to throw away our food and we walked out the courtyard.

    I awoke the next day just changing straight into my uniform so I can start my chores early and have more time to look at the cures book. It made me incredibly nervous I didn't know why but it made me feel sick. I was nervous no matter what was in that book. I hope it has something for what I have but at the same time I'm getting along just fine like this. I'll look through it for Rain though he sounded excited to read it.

    "No breakfast today love?" Rain looked up concerned. I just shook my head no as I began work. "Are you feeling alright?"he asked and I nodded not turning around. That's when I felt his hands on my hips and he turned me around. "What's wrong?" He asked again.

    Nothing, I'm fine love. I looked up at the water ghoul.

    "You're lying." He stated sounding hurt. "Please don't lie to me." He whimpered. I let out a sigh of defeat.

    I don't know if I want to look through that book.

    "Oh is that all?" He asked his voice almost a whisper.

    I know it sounds stupid but I'm scared to look through it. It feels wrong to do so like I have guilt for buying it. I just feel like I was meant to have this cures like I deserve it. I rubbed my hand on my upper arm looking down. I know how dumb that sounded and that there was no reason for me to feel that way but I still did.

    Rain crouched down lower then I was standing and looked up at me. His hand gently rested on my face.
    "My love I can assure you that you don't deserve this curse however I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do. I understand that this could be a big change and that takes time." He softly said as he rubbed his thumb against my face.

     Thank you. I sniffled a bit and Rain smiled. His smile quickly faded though and his eyes went wide.

   "You have a bloody nose!" He quickly spoke as he stood up and looked around. "I don't know if you should stay here or go to your room." He spoke then turned back to me. I was scared. It was the morning and from what I know vampires very rarely come out so early. Rain must of saw the fear in my eyes because he then spoke up. "Stay here because we don't know where they are." At that there was a loud thud on the ceiling of the greenhouse. In panic we looked up and saw a blurry person on the roof. He was pounding his fists on the glass trying to break it.

   With a loud crack and crash the vampire fell through. Rain who was behind me and farthest from the vampire grabbed me and pushed me behind him causing me to fall to the ground with a oof. I looked up to see Rain clawing at the vampire and the vampire to his in pain.

    "Fuck! I'll go I'll go!" The vampire screeched falling to his knees.

   "Who else is here?" Rain growled through gritted teeth his hand on the vampire's wrist holding it tightly.

    "I-I don't know! I don't think anyone." He whimpered in pain.

    "Get. Out." Rain growled.

    "Right away s-sir." He squeaked. It felt like I was watching Rain attack Jax again but this time I'm not about to pass out.

    The vampire scurried out of the greenhouse to leave through the doors into the church.

   "Fuck are you okay!" Rain ran over to me to help me up.

   I let out a silent giggle which only causes my body to shake.

    I'm fine but that vampire isn't going to be.

    Rain let out a hum of agreement.
"Yeah I don't know what he was thinking. I need to go report this to sister Imperator, wanna come?" He asked. I nodded.

Word count 1354

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