Always Wandering

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    I walked to my room after dinner to lie down for a bit I wasn't really that tired I just needed to rest a bit. Looking over at my alarm clock I saw that it was almost 9:00 and I remembered what me and Rain had talked about the night prior. I had to come up with a plan for me and Rain to sneak out with as little people or ghouls knowing as possible. Maybe Swiss could know he would willing cover for us. I'll ask him about it after I talk to Rain. I looked at my phone and saw that the ghouls should've started patrolling by now I got up and threw some shoes on before making my way to the courtyard with my sketchbook I'm hand.

I made it into the doorway of the courtyard with Swiss asking again why I was there and I told him it was to hang out with Rain.

"You two have been hanging out a lot recently. Any reason?" I pulled my phone out. We are friends? I wrote. He gave a shrug and let me in.

I saw Rain at the table he was at the night prior with his sketchbook. Tonight he actually heard me come in.

Don't forget it this time. I laughed.

"Oh don't worry I won't this time. What's brought you here?" He asked.

We need to make the plan.

"Oh right okay I have an idea-!" Rain told it was clear he already was thinking about this. He had told me there were a couple hidden passages ways that no one really knew about that we were gonna take. We had discussed the plan and the dangers it could have like a vampire coming up to us but I knew I would be safe with Rain. Not only were vampires scared of ghouls Rain was also pretty intimidating and judging by that night he wasn't afraid to hurt them either.

After about an hour and a map in my sketchbook we finally had a plan on how to sneak out.

"Alright this could work. I'll ask Swiss to cover for us."

Sounds like a plan.

"Alright we will leave tomorrow!" He spoke with excitement. We both nodded and I got up walked out of the courtyard.

Don't forget your book! I turned around and smiled at the tall ghoul.

"I won't thank you!" He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. I walked out and was met with Swiss and Sodo. Him and Aether had to change places, I had no idea why.

"Well hello (Y/n) how are you this fine evening?" Swiss asked with a smile. I gave a thumbs up with a smile. "That's good I don't think we have time to hang out tomorrow so if I don't see you have a good day!" He smiled at me. I returned the gesture and heard a certain ghoul scoff then a thud. "Don't be rude Dewy- oof-!"

"Stop calling me Dewy." Sodo spoke through gritted teeth and I could only assume Swiss punched Sodo then Sodo returned the favor.

I made it to my room and fell asleep excited for the next night fall.

The next day I made it to breakfast with the rest of group already there chatting amongst themselves. I couldn't help but smile with excitement. I quickly ate my food laughing at the jokes that were being told and looking at my sketchbook I took a picture on my phone of the map for later. Me and the girls got up and went to our rooms to get ready to help out in the garden. We changed into our uniforms and walked into the garden.

   "I'm so excited to pick vegetables from the ground." Zara spoke sarcastically throwing her arms up to do jazz hands. Me and Jordan snickered in agreement. Zara and Jordan picked the vegetables while I watered all the plants. I started with the plants outside then put the hose back then went into the greenhouse and grabbed the hose there and watered the flowers in there. I went over to the corner and saw bleeding hearts. They were my favorite flower that was the name of the band me and Lilith tried to make. I smiled as I watered them. 

   I made my way out of the greenhouse and over to were the girls were finishing up planting the seeds.

   "(Y/n) can you water the seeds?" Zara yelled from across the courtyard putting her hand over her eyes to block the sun. I gave her a thumbs up to which she yelled back a quick 'thank you'. I ran over and grabbed the hose and began watering the seeds.

"Thank you." Mumbled Jordan as she took her glove off and wiped of sweat on her face.

"Welp we are done here let's go get ready for dinner." Zara had decided. We all got up and went to our rooms so we could get ready and freshen up a bit.

I got to my room and quickly changed into something flexible but nice. I don't know why I wanted to look nice but I felt like it would be weird if I just went to the lake in my pjs. I heard a knock on my door and I knew it meant the girls were ready for dinner. With a twist of my heals I grabbed my bag and quickly went out the door.

During dinner I couldn't contain my excitement my leg was bouncing up and down and I had to try really hard no not smile so hard. Dinner felt like it was taking forever and I couldn't just get up and leave them. They would question me and I would have no excuse.

Dinner was finally over and I walked back with the girls then went back into my room to wait. It felt like forever as I waited for Rain to start his patrols in the courtyard. I packed some chocolates I had gotten from that time we went out to get some new clothes. I packed them in my bag along with my sketchbook and some colored pencils. I looked at my phone and l checked to see if the map me and Rain made the night prior was still on my phone. It was. I smiled as I looked at the time. I could leave in 10 minutes so I just sat on my bed looking at the ceiling occasionally looking at my phone then I saw it was time for me to leave.

"You excited for tonight? Don't worry Rain had told me all about it." Swiss winked as he opened the door to let me in. I gave a huge smile and passed right through the door to see Rain smiling sitting at the table. I heard the door close behind me

"Ready?" Rain asked

Of course. Where too?

"This way we need to go through this weird passage way that's actually in the greenhouse. I don't think anyone knows about it." He spoke quietly. As we walked To the green-house. He took a weird turn by the bleeding hearts that were in the corner. "Alright so we have to move this flower bed and there is a trap door underneath that we need to go down. You go first so I can move the flower bed back into place behind us." He spoke with a low voice that sent a shiver down my spine. I nodded as Rain moved the flowers to reveal a trapdoor that was hidden underneath. I opened it and slid down the dirty ladder that was a good 20 feet under the ground. I looked up as I heard some movement above my head and saw Rain had closed the trapdoor and all the lights from the moon had faded away. I pulled my phone out to turn the flash on so we could somewhat see. "I forgot humans can't see in the dark." He observed.

You can see? I asked amazed.

"Um yeah, here turn off the light I don't want you to waste your battery." He told me rubbing the back of his neck. I did as he said wondering how I was going to manage making my way around here. My question was quickly answered when he grabbed my hand and lead me through the dark hall. Thank all things unholy that it was dark In here because my face must've been incredibly red."I can't wait for you to see the lake." He spoke with a certain light in his voice. I smiled at his excitement and ran along with him through the hall.

   We had finally made it to the end of the tunnel. I knew this because there was a dim light coming from a stone staircase.

   "We are almost there (Y/n)!" He now spoke quickly still not letting go of my hand. Not that I'm complaining of course. We ran up the stairs and finally made it to the top of the stairs. I looked around and saw tall bushy trees above us. Still looking above me I saw a clearing in the leaves and looked over to were the trees had stopped growing and saw a huge lake that had clear water but glowed a bright blue color and there was a bunch of tall rocks that were flat and smooth. Easily climbable my mouth fall open it was absolutely beautiful.

    "Come on let's go!" Rain jumped up and climbed his way onto a rock. I followed quickly behind him a smile not leaving my face the entire time.

Word count 1610

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