Puppets 2 (The Rain)

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    The crowd erupted with with cheers.

     "Good good we are gonna start with a song you guys may know it." Copia yelled into the crowd and started playing. I looked over at all the ghouls on stage just playing doing there own things. Aether getting all up in Sodo's business was really funny. Swiss was on a separate little stage in the corner with his tambourine and singing. I saw the ghoulettes on a stage higher then Swiss. I saw Mountain on the drums then looked down and saw Rain he was the closest to the crowd but not as interactive. He kept looking up from his bass and it looked like he was looking in the crowd for something. Or someone.

"Who do you think he's looking for?"

"I don't know he's never been so close to the crowd." Some voices from behind us spoke.

"You look good tonight (Y/n)." Lance yelled in my ear so I could hear him over the crowd I blushed and tried to thank him while covering my face looking away from him. My face still red . My eyes glanced over at the stage. At that moment someone pushed me and I fell backwards almost onto the floor but Lance caught me and pulled me up and held on for a second making sure I was stable. My face must've been bright red from embarrassment. Thankfully my dress didn't flip up as I did that. No idea who's idea it was to wear a dress to a concert. Finally the he tall skinny bassist looked over at our group and though I couldn't see his eyes I could tell he was looking at me. My body finally turned to face him and I gave a small smile and wave. I saw his tail drop but he waved regardless then turned around.

"Who did he wave too?"

"Why did his tail drop like that?"

"Why did he turn like that?"

"Do you know him?" Lance questioned me leaning into my ear. I shook my hand back and forth to say somewhat.

"Ah Papa must've asked you to do something for them." He looked back up and sipped on his drink. Thank Satanas he came up with that conclusion to because I would have no idea how to lie and tell him how I actually know them.

I focused back on the stage to see all the ghouls dancing around. Rain was farther back then he was before and didn't really move or look up from his bass only to look at the other ghouls and Copia.

I looked behind me at the rest of the group and saw Zara staring at me I could tell she was suppressing anger and she was doing a very poor job doing so. Probably because she was drunk. I moved back and walked next to where Jordan was she was to invested in the music to even notice what was going on. Zara looked at me and huffed before taking the spot next to Lance at the barricade.

I danced to the music and saw that Rain was over by Swiss and Swiss pointed in the detection of us and saw Rain look over and he started walking closer. I had a huge smile on my face with my hand in the air going to the beat of the music. He was over by the part of the stage we were in front of. He looked directly at me and I saw him smile and it was a real smile I could tell because his tail perked back up. He was back to bouncing around the stage occasionally glancing back at our group.

     The Ritual was over and our group stayed behind while everyone else left to either go back to there rooms or home. Zara and Jordan were wasted along with the Jason's and Sean. Me Lance and Alec were the only sober ones. Zara's arm was thrown around Lances as we all talked.

    "Who is the bassist again? What was going on with him today?" Zara hiccuped.

     "I believe his name is Rain and honestly I have no idea. I couldn't tell if he was looking at us or behind us." Sean spoke.

     "Hopefully behind us he was probably looking for someone to eat." Zara laughed but was being serious. It really aggravated me that she didn't trust the ghouls but on the other hand she doesn't know them the way I do.

     "I don't think they would eat us." Jason2 told them. You honestly couldn't tell he was drunk unless you got him to start walking then it was a whole other story.

     "We should go back to our rooms." Lance stated.

     "You should come back to my room." Zara laughed drunkenly at Lance.

     "I don't think that's a good idea you're drunk."

     "What?! I'm consenting though."

   I grabbed Zara and Jordan and started leaving before she could embarrass herself any more. I waved bye to the guys kinda laughing at the situation. They  started laughing and walking out behind us.

     "Let go, I almost had him (Y/n)!" Zara cried trying to brake out of my grasp. I just shook my head and walked them to there rooms.

     After I walked them to there rooms I began to cross the hall to my room. I was about half way there when I saw a  tall shadowy figure of a man at the end of the hall. I stopped for a bit thinking it was one of the guys and he began walking closer getter faster only to see it wasn't one of the guys but Jax now running towards me in the dimly lit hall. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. I couldn't move I just stood there.

    How did he get in? I need to get out!

     Realization kicked in and I began running down the hall only to remember that this hall doesn't lead anywhere. I turned around my back pressed to the stone wall and watched as Jax ripped me off the wall and trapped me in his arms.

     And to my surprise for the first time ever I yelled as loud as I could and a noise actually came out.

Word count 1044


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