The People In The Attic

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I felt cold as I moved I heard the something creaking. I was in so much pain and discomfort and I couldn't open my eyes. I gave a deep breath as I recalled the events prior. I didn't know where I was but it felt soft and it was dark wherever I was. I mustered up some strength to open my eyes to reveal a dark room that looked kinda like mine but bigger and there was no desk in the room. Just a giant closet and bed. It was all illuminated by old Victorian era candles that were mounted to the wall. I felt like I was in an old castle with the size of this room.

How long was I out for? I thought to myself and grumbled. I need to get out. Why would Swiss do this to me?

I had so many questions and I just felt confused and angry but not just angry I was livid at Swiss. How could he just not do anything? Did he not feel bad at all? Is this why he had been so distant from everyone else? Did he actually mean the things he yelled at me about?

I began to let out a silent sob as tears fell from my eyes. I just want to go back home and go back to Rai-. Does he even want to see me? I choked out another sob. I began to stand up letting my feet touch the ground. I had no shoes on but I now had what looked like a off white Victorian night gown that went down to my ankles.

    There was then a knock on the door and I quickly threw myself back onto the bed. The door opened to reveal a woman who looked to be my age but knowing vampires I really had no idea how old she truly was. She had pale skin and long sleek black hair and a perfect little button nose. She was around the same hight as me as well and she wore a fancy white dress that made her look like a ghost.

   "Ah you awake! How are you feeling?" The girl asked her voice faint. I just looked at her with tears streaming down my face. "Oh you poor thing I know how scared you must be." She walked over and placed her hand on my face he thumb whipping the tear's away like Swiss had done that one time. "Your going to be okay he's not going to kill you." She smiled. I wanted to believe her but I knew I couldn't. I just pushed her hand back and shook my head violently. "Oh please stop doing that you're going to hurt yourself more that way, here let me get you something for your nose." She got up and left the room. I looked down and saw the now blood stained night gown. I put my hand to my upper lip shakily and felt the warm crimson blood flow down my face.

   A few moments later the woman from before walked in with some gauss to clean up the blood.

   "Are they common? The bloody noses." She asked as she ever so gently cleaned up my face with a smile. "I'm Ella by the way. I assume you're        (Y/n)?" She smiled. I only nodded. "More blood keeps coming out." She started getting frustrated at the situation. "Why is it doing this." She grumbled to herself. "It's not stopping. Here hold this to your face to keep it from making a mess." She handed me some cloth to hold to my nose. I smiled and gave a thumbs up to show I was grateful.

   She sat at the edge of the bed I was in and we just sat there in silence as he just looked at me. I couldn't read the look on her face but it didn't look like she was going to harm me in anyway but I couldn't be to sure.

    "You know you're the first human I'm meeting in 20 years that doesn't want to kill me. I mean I understand that you don't want to be here and you really want to go home but in a weird way I'm thankful that you're here." She looked at me. "I used to be friends with your father, same with Azalea and Jax. Then your grandparents forced your dad to met your mother and decided that he needed to grow up and go back into the church. That's where he met your friends father who was already a vampire hunter. Aaron didn't want to be a vampire hunter at first because he still snuck out to hang out with us but one day he was with your friends father out vampire hunting and someone came up behind your father who then in a panic killed the vampire. Your father felt horrible about doing so and he told Azalea what had happened so Azalea and Jax took it upon themselves to kill your father before he got to crazy." She began explaining this story and I started to cry. "I tried to stop them because Aaron truly just made a fucked up mistake and he could still be our friend but they were having none of it. By the time they could come up with a plan your dad retired that job because he couldn't deal with the guilt. This was around the time you were born. With your father's dying breath he begged to see you. This lead to Jax and Azalea going to attack you and Lilith." She now had tears in her eyes. "Your father was a good man, I miss him dearly."

    I just sat there taking in all that information. My father was friends with vampires and were friends with the vampires that killed my best friend and almost killed me.

   There was then a knock at the door that was just as gentle as Ella's was. The door then opened to see Azalea standing there. Ella quickly wiped her eyes.

   "Good evening Azalea."

   "How is she?" He asked.

    "She has a bloody nose but other then that she's fine."

    "Yeah that's not going to go away anytime soon. May I have her alone right now?"

    "Of course." She chirped up and walked out of the room. I felt panic as she did so and my eyes went wide as I heard the door click.

    "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you. Yet. We will see how you do and we will go from there." He began walking closer to the bed. "You look like your father." He said gently . "We used to be good friends the four of us. Then your father grew up and became just like his parents and their parents and their parents parents. I'm here now to stop this generational tradition." He gave a small sigh. I began violently shaking again. "And you won't be able to stop me. I can get whoever I want to do whatever I want. I mean you saw how easily I was able to get that ghoul to bring you to me. He didn't want to do any of it. I was the the last vampire to attack the church and that ghoul was just right there. I asked him to bring me to you but he just kept refusing." He bent down to hold my face but I kept backing away into a corner. "Then I was able to threaten the wellbeing of the whole church and all his ghoul friends. He truly didn't want to do it but he couldn't lose all his friends. He just kept begging me to leave and to not hurt anyone but in the end he had to sacrifice you-."

   "Stop it!" I yelled out.

   "Stop? When did you get your ability to talk again?" He spat. I crossed my arms and sat up more straight. "You won't have it for long if you keep acting like this you dumb human!" He stood up and just looked down at me. "You will start work tomorrow Ella will help you out." He opened the door to leave.

    I sat in the room trying to think about what just happened. I tried to now think of this from Swiss's perspective. I mean it makes sense get rid of one person for the wellbeing of the whole church. I was willing to give myself if it meant the ghouls were okay.

   Ella came back into the room with a sandwich that looked pretty appetizing but it could've been because I was starving.

   "Here eat this then go to bed you have a long day ahead of you."

  Word count 1454

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