Hell in The Hallways

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The very second we stepped out of the courtyard we saw the vampire whimpering in the hallway hiding behind one of the pillars. He got one look at us and began an attempt to run away but Rain caught him by grabbing his collar.

"What are you doing?" Growled Rain lowly so no one else could hear him. He grabbed the collar of his shirt which was black and he wore a red tie as well and he had black fluffy hair. He looked like Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day but he had red eyes not green.

"I- I'm sorry sir I just don't want to be seen in here and there are people all over the place." He whispered.

"What's your name?" Rain asked sounding more relaxed now.

"Orson." The vampire told him reluctantly after a few seconds.

"Well Orson I need you to come with me." Rain let go of his collar but the held a tight grasp on his wrist. With that we walked to sister Imperator's office.

We made it there and we heard Papa Nihils voice already talking about something but it was all mumbled behind the thick wood door.

I had always wondered what happened to vampires that were caught here and didn't make it out and I guess I'm about to find out.

Rain knocked on the door causing Papa Nihil to stop his talking and we heard sister Imperators voice telling us to come in. I opened the door to hold it open for Rain and with a quick 'thank you' to me I shut the door behind him. Sister Imperator then looked at the vampire and spoke up.

"How did you get in here?"

"I broke in the greenhouse."


"Through the ceiling."

"Is it broken?"

"Yes. I apologize." Orson looked down to which sister Imperator sighed.

"What made you come into this church today?"

"I was told to." Orson swallowed.

"By who?"

"Azalea." Said the vampire. The room went completely silent. He was the one who murdered my dad. Sister Imperator laid her hands down on the table her gaze not leaving him. Me and Papa Nihil started at each other wide eyed. The tension was thick Rain could feel the tension and was confused as all hell. He didn't know what was happening and why this vampire was so much worse then the one in front of him.

    "Why did he send you?" She asked.

   "I- I really don't know. There was someone he wanted so he sent me in to get her."

    "Do you know who?" She cocked an eyebrow at him. She already knew the answer she just needed to hear it from him.

   "(Y/n)." He swallowed he was scared I could tell. He was looking everywhere else and he kept wiping his free hand on his pants. Rain looked pissed and he tightened his grip on the vampires arm. Orson muttered out something in pain and looked at Sister Imperator.

   "Where is Azalea?"

   "I can't disclose that. I'm sorry." He stated puffing his chest out to seem more confident.

   "Yes you can." She demanded. "You will tell us or your not leaving. Rain." She spat at him. Rain took a deep breath and took his free hand and put it around the vampires neck clawing at it. I looked away at the situation happening in front of me. I knew vampires were dangerous and this guy was after me but the look of pain on his eyes I couldn't not look away. I didn't blame Rain in the slightest though I knew he had to do it and he looked uncomfortable doing this to him as well. I saw it in his eyes and the way he breathed before hand.

"Fuck! I'm sorry ,I'll tell you, I'll tell you!" He choked out with a plea. I looked up to see Rain letting go of Orson and wiping his hand on the front of his shirt. "He's in the woods behind this church!"

   "You're going to have to be more specific."

   "I wish I could be but he's always moving around in there. He never stays in one place but he always is in that forest. Unless he is out to eat that's the only time he leaves."

"Why has he brought you here?"

"I wish I knew but he only told be to get (Y/n) and bring her back to him." He explained and sighed. "I don't know what he wants from her."

Sister Imperator put her hands flat down on the desk and spoke up. "Very well you can go now but never come back here. You understand."

"Yes ma'am." He nodded.

"Rain please escort him out."

"Right away." Rain nodded and began to leave and I went to go follow before sister Imperator called me back in.

"(Y/n) I was told by Kate that you got a book on curses for your self. Please be careful and I'm not just talking about that book. Oh and you might as well change out of your clothes your chores will be postponed till we fix the greenhouse." Was all she said to me. I then left going to my room to freshen myself up and get the blood off me.

I got dressed and looked out the window to see gray clouds coming in. I smiled as I realized that winter is coming quickly it was always my favorite season and I loved how cold it was and how nice the snow looked. This was going to be the first winter without my friends. I tried to stay in contact with them but they all left after they graduated to go to college in other places. The only time we really talk is to wish each other happy birthday or a happy holidays. I miss them a bit but I'm glad we didn't leave on bad terms.

I looked at the book which was now on my bed and picked it up.

Why is everyone telling me to be careful? I thought to myself it was really weird that she was the second person to tell me this. I put the book back down and pulled the calendar out from under my bed and looked at it. It was under a month till the blood moon. I started feeling anxious about this I think I understood what sister Imperator meant by being careful and it was stressing me out. Now I had to worry about the blood moon and a vampire trying to kidnap me.

Word count 1083

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