Cursed to Die

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It was before breakfast that I walked to the hospital by myself to visit Rain I felt much better after having a full night of sleep. I made it to the room Rain was in and to my surprise he was walking to get water from the fountain that was in the room.

"Oh good morning (Y/n) how are you?" He greeted.

I should be asking you the same thing? I let out a huff of laughter and unsurprisingly no noise came out.

"I'm feeling much better but you still haven't answered my question." He insisted.

I'm doing good.

"Are you sure you don't look to good? Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Yes I'm doing just fine. Thank you for asking. Rain just hummed in response drinking the water. It was clear he didn't believe me but I was in fact feeling much better now that he's better.

"We should go get breakfast." He spoke after a few moments of silence.

I'll go get us breakfast you need to stay here so we don't get yelled at.

"That sounds like a better idea." He agreed with a chuckle as I walked out the door to get us food.

I made it to the cafeteria and got on line to get food for the both of us. Out of the corner of my eye I see Zara, Jordan and the guys eating while looking at me. I did my best to ignore them and focus on getting Rain and I food and getting out of here. I know that they were looking at me because they had barely seen me all week besides our chores and even then I was always in the greenhouse.

"You're finally back, I'm starving. Come sit down with me tell me how your week has been." Rain spoke as he got up to help with the food I was holding and sat me on the chair next to his bed. We began to eat and Rain was staring at me and I began to feel slightly uncomfortable.

What?! Is there something on my face? I blushed embarrassed.

"Oh no- you're just- I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare. Um how was your week while I was gone?" He stammered but laughed a bit at the end.

It was good. I lied. Would've been better if you were here. This time it was the truth. He just looked and let out a small hum.

"What did you do?" He asked curiously.

We visited you every night but other then that I didn't do much.

"Every night?" He asked with warmth in his voice. It made my heart absolutely melt.

Every night for at least an hour. I smiled at him as I got up to throw away our food or what was left of it. I went back to go sit down with with him it felt nice to be back in his presence it was calming despite what he went through.

Do you know when you will be out of here?

"No idea I hope it's soon though I'm done sitting in this bed." He let out a sigh. "I miss my room and everyone else." He picked up his arms to flop back down at there sides again. "I missed you the most though. I know that sounds weird because I was a sleep but the thought of that I didn't see you for a whole week stings a little you know?" He was rambling but my face went bright red.

Oh stop it. I flung my right hand in the air while the other covered my face.

"No really!"

My face went even more red. I missed you too. God breakfast and lunch were incredibly boring without you.

He frowned at this. "You know Swiss came back last night and we talked a bit and he said you barely ate or slept are you sure you're alright?" He asked concerned and all I could do was freeze. I brought my right leg up to the chair and hugged it for a quick second and put my chin on my knee before I signed to him.

Yeah I'm fine. I'm feeling much better today then I have been for the past week.

"You know you can tell me what's bothering you I'm not going to judge you but I'm also not going to force you to say anything you don't want to." He spoke with such kindness and love I felt butterflies in my stomach.

The door opened to Stephane and Swiss walking in to check on Rain.

"How are you feeling Rain?" Stephane asked.

"Much better those pain meds really work!"

"I'm going to keep you for a couple hours to see how you're doing and if you're feeling better then you can go." She spoke walking around the room grabbing something the leaving once again. Swiss stayed with us.

"How's my favorite human?" Swiss laughed while ruffling my hair like an older brother would do. I looked up and smiled at him then looked at Rain who then went stiff. Swiss looked at him then quickly put his hand back down as Rain stared him down. Swiss let out an awkward cough before he spoke again. "Um (Y/n) choirs start soon you should go before you get told off by someone." I looked up and nodded as I bounced out of the room relieved to get out of that situation.

As I walked out of the greenhouse I noticed Zara and Jordan were still here which wouldn't be a problem but they were looking right at me.

"Where have you been for the past week we barely saw you?" Jordan asked concerned.

"Yeah we thought the ghouls got to you." Zara chimed in with the same amount of genuine concern but I couldn't deal with that right now. I huffed and pushed past them to go to my room to clean myself up.

I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and I looked ever so slightly paler than I was before. I looked sick despite getting good sleep from the night before and food this morning. I got dressed and thought it would be a good idea to go the the hospital wing to ask if Rain wanted anything to eat and to see if Swiss was still there so I could talk to him about what he told Rain the night prior.

    I opened the door to see Rain and Swiss arguing about something before pausing as they looked at me. I gave a confused look before asking Rain if he wanted lunch to which he declined. I couldn't see his face but I could tell something was pissing him off. Swiss as well.

  What's going on are you two alright?

   "I'm fine thanks for asking." Rain spat. My eyes went wide Rain has never talked like that before it shocked me. I let out a small nod before backing up a bit towards the door.

   Sorry just thought I would ask.

    "We should go (Y/n), come on." Swiss got up and lead me out the door with him. We made it a few feet out the door before he spoke up again. "He's not mad at you he's mad at me. He was annoyed that I touched you before. If that's not proof he likes you I don't know what is." He sighed. "He's not going to like the fact that I told you that so please don't tell him he's gonna kill me if he finds out." I looked up gave a thin smile and a thumbs up. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I was about to respond before he cut me off. "Doesn't matter you barely ate all week come on we are getting food!" He grabbed my wrist like he had done all those times before as we ran to the cafeteria.

  Word count 1330

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