Reverse the Curse

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"(Y/n)! I have good news!" Ella came bursting through the door waking me up. I groggily wiped the sleep out of my eyes and wiped the dried blood from my nose. I sat up to look at the vampire that's now in my room. "Okay don't tell anyone but I've found an antidote for your curse! It is in the basement! Bad news though I need help trying to get to it because there is a lot of stuff in the way and the case it's in looks incredibly heavy." She finished with a shy smile. "Wouldn't that be great though? You would finally be able to speak and hopefully not get a bloody nose every time I try to talk to you." She let out a laugh. I looked up and smiled.

What else do I have to lose. I thought to myself. It's been three months anyway no one is going to be coming for me. Did they even look for me?

"We should go now Azalea is busy right now." She spoke eagerly. I quickly got up flattening the white nightgown but my hand was quickly taken from me as Ella took it and grabbed me as we ran through the hallways creating wind as we ran to a part of the house I've never been to. There was a huge staircase made out of dark wood but it had golden accents within the wood. The candles illuminated the hallway down to the basement but the farther you went down the stairs the less frequent causing it to get darker and darker.

Would be nice to have a ghoul down here to see. If Rain was here... I let out a sad sigh as I gripped Ella's hand a little tighter to stop myself from falling down the stairs.

"Oh careful there." She giggled. "Wait stay right here I'll grab a candle." She ran up the stairs as I stayed out not wanting to fall flat on my face. I just held onto the railing so I don't eat shit.

"I'm back!" I heard Ella call back down. I turned around to now see Ella holding a candle so now everything was illuminated around her and she looked like she was glowing. She went back down to were I was and I could now see. "I forgot you needed a candle down here, whoops." She let out a breathy laugh as we continued Down the stairs.

It was dark and incredibly cold down here and it was such a mess filled with random shit just piled up. There was only a thin walk way to get around but they would split off into other directions which felt like I was in some fucked up maze.

"It should be right around here." She whispered tightly gripping at the candle. I nodded as I continued to follow her around these tight walkways. It reminded me of my first time in the church with all those confusing hallways with the random turns but at least the ones at the church weren't so tightly together and I felt like I could breathe. There was dust everywhere along with spider webs that really freaked me out when I walked into them. Ella was very confused when I stopped and violently started to slap my hair and started spitting aggressively.

   "Are- are you okay?" She was laughing causing the light around us to shake. I gave a thumbs up while still spitting hoping that nothing was in my mouth. I stop after a few seconds and we continued are way to this antidote.

   Ella was right there was a lot of crap just around piled up what felt like hundreds of feet in the air. Everything was ancient to it could definitely be put in a museum. In the middle there was a very small clearing and there was a small box made out of glass that sat on a table but everything was still surrounded by random objects scattered around.

   "I don't know how to get in there safely." She said looking at the sea of objects in front of us. I looked down and began picking up the things and gently moving them out of the way.
"You could just throw then it will be quicker and no one is going to hear us anyway."

   After about an hour we cleared out a small opening to get to the box. Ella passed me the candle as she made her way over to the table and quickly opened the glass container and took out a small vile that had a blue liquid in it.

   "Got it!" She called out as she jumped out of the small opening back to where I was standing. "Here or in your room?" She asked. I took the vile from her because if I take it in my room there is a chance Azalea would see it. "Drink up. Don't worry I'll help you if something goes wrong." With those words I opened the small bottle and took a swig of the liquid.

   It burned.

   My head started spinning and it hurt so badly like the worst migraine to ever happen. I fell to the floor whimpering in pain clutching my hands to my head as I laid in a fetal position.

   "SWISS WHAT DID YOU DO!?" The voice cried out I could barely make out the voice but I was pretty sure it was Rain. It felt like I was waking up but I was standing in the church. There was Swiss on the floor and it looked like he fell. I saw Aether and Mountain standing behind him.

   "Rain- I'm - I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to!" Swiss was crying still on the floor.

   "What is happening in here?" Cirrus walked in to see Swiss on the floor. I realized I couldn't move myself and that I couldn't see Rain.

   This is from his point of view. I realized as I saw Rain's hands pointing at Swiss.

    "She- she's gone! It's all his fault! She's gone!" His voice was breaking. He was stepping closer to Swiss.

   "Rain pl- please don't hurt me-!"

   "OH you think you're hurt! How do you think (Y/n) is?! You probably ended up getting her killed Swiss!" He paused for a second not saying anything. "Where is she? I- I need her." Rain was full on crying now and his vision was blurring.

   Is this real? Did this happen or is it just this weird side effect of the antidote?

   "Rain please calm down we know you are upset- you have every right to be but we will find her okay." Aether tried to comfort Rain.

   "We need to start looking." Rain sobbed out.

   Everything turned a weird gray color and all static and there was a weird loud roaring sound that was incredible loud. Next think I know I'm in Rain's room. I could hear him sniffling and saw him blinking away his tears as he looked up at the ceiling. There was a knock on the door.

   "Rain please come out we all miss you so much." It was Sunshine.

   "N- not right now." He sobbed.

   "Please just come out we are worried."


    "Rain you know they are trying there hardest to find her right?"

   "I- I know." He wiped his nose. Then there were footsteps walking away.

    "(Y/n)! Please hurry wake up!" A very panicked Ella was shaking me. I looked at her and we were still in the basement. "Oh thank god I thought you were dying!" She pulled me into a hug. "How are you feeling?- Try to talk!"

   "I uh- woah! I- I feel fine. I- I just have a headache." I stuttered out surprised.

   "Oh my god it worked! Come on we need to celebrate!" She squealed as we made our way out of the basement.

Word count 1317



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