...And I Return To Nothing

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I didn't go to dinner yesterday I laid in my bed all night just crying not sleeping. I saw the vampire that killed my dad and best friend and I didn't do anything about it. I clung to the locket. God how I wished I could talk to Lilith like Rain said I could. I looked out my window and saw a slight glow in the green house and a shadow walking around in there. It was still dark out. It must've been early morning. I checked my phone and it read 4:27. I opened it and went to lay down mindlessly scrolling through instagram. I saw some adds for some clothes and remembered that I still need to buy some.

    Well I guess I know what imma do today.

      I fell asleep for a couple of hours before I got up I looked at the time that read 8:32. I got dressed with the only clothes I had left which where a pair of blue jeans and a dark green tee. I finished getting ready and headed off to breakfast with my money and phone in my pocket.

     "Hey (Y/n) knew we would see you again!" Zara waved over at me and poked Jordan who looked up from her food and smiled at me. I smiled and waved at them. I took out my notes app and wrote down I need new clothes wanna come? I showed them my phone and they looked at each other then smiled.

    "Of course we will show you all the shops around here!" Zara spoke excitedly. "But here eat first." She handed me an extra fruit cup she had and a fork. I smiled to say thank you and began to eat.

    After I was done we got up and threw away our trash and headed out the abbey.

     "Where are you three going?" Copia questioned from behind us.

    "(Y/n) needed some new clothes so we are going to show her some shops around town Papa." Zara spoke sparkly.

   He gave a hesitant look at me the looked out the window. "Alright be safe you three make sure to be back before dinner, the kitchen staff are getting tired of making meals late an night when they should be cleaning."

     "Will do, thank you Papa!" And with that we left the church into the real world.

    We walked along the sidewalk with smiles on our faces as we (more like they) told jokes and just talked about anything while walking through stores I only had a few bags of shirts and pants that where all black or dark shades of other colors.

    "Oh let's go in here it's our favorite store!" Jordan spoke enthusiastically repeatedly patting me on the shoulder.

    "Yes we must!" Zara agreed. We walked into the store the bells ringing as we walked in and the door shut. The walls were painted black but had dark brown shelves along them so you could only see some parts of the wall but it was extremely well lit. We walked in and there were so many things from clothing like dresses and formal wear to taxidermy animals as small as rats to a huge tiger in the back of the store. It was so amazing looking. I went over to where the jewelry was. Jordan and Zara went to go look at some of the more casual dresses. I looked over at the glass case holding the jewelry and saw a beautiful red crystal necklace with silver rose charms on it. I checked the price and saw it was over 500 dollars. I walked away and looked at some more clothes and got some more shirts and pants.

Thank god for sister Marge for this money. I thought to myself as I walked over to the dresses. Some casual some formal. Most of the where black and dark reds,blues and greens some purple. I walked over to where Jordan and Zara were talking. They where whispering to each other and holding something.

"Ah (Y/n) come here take this dress try it on." Zara rushed out putting the black dress in my hand and pushed me into the dressing room before I could even look at the dress. She shut the curtain behind me and spoke from behind the curtain. "Try it on and show us."

"Let us know if you need a different size but I think we got it right." Jordan called from behind the curtain.

I slipped out of my clothes and pulled the dress over my head and looked at the mirror. I stared at my self. The dress was short and was flowy that went around mid thigh. It had a square neckline with long black lace sleeves. It was beautiful and I honestly looked so good. I opened the curtain to see Jordan and Zara already standing there.

"Oh my Lucifer you look stunning!" Zara exclaimed with bright eyes.

"I agree but it's missing something."

"She needs a necklace,one second I'll be right back don't worry it won't be too expensive!" Zara called out while running to the jewelry section.

"You are going to look amazing (Y/n)" Jordan complimented. I smiled and blushed swaying from side to side to feel the bottom of the dress swish around.

"I'm- ba- back." Zara panted holding a necklace that was silver with an upside down cross on it. "Try- try it on." She gave it to me. I put it around my neck then looked in the mirror again.

"You look amazing." Jordan compliments. I took my phone out and typed out THANK YOU in all caps.

"Are you gonna get it?" Zara asked with hope. I nodded still looking in the mirror touching my chest where the necklace was on top of my locket.

"We we'll leave you to change." Jordan told me. I closed the curtain and undressed then redressed myself in my old clothes.

Wonder what the ghouls will think of the new fits? I questioned myself as I opened the curtain. I grabbed all the things I was buying and walked up to the counter and paid for my items with the help of Zara and Jordan. We walked out and looked at the time we were an hour away from the church and the time was 7:30 dinner starts at 8:00. Shit we are going to be late and the sun is going down.

"We need to start walking before papa suspects anything." Zara spoke as we all started speed walking to the church.

"We are going to miss dinner." Jordan spoke a few minutes later. The sky was turning pink and purple with the sun going down. Then it hit me. All these vampire sightings were at night. I started walking faster then before if that was even possible. They must've caught on because they began walking faster to.

It was now dark out as we made it to the church. We definitely missed dinner and we where all starving. We made it to the doors so we could sneak in quietly. We opened them ever so slightly then turned around to slowly close them and three of us panting. We all looked at each other and smiled.

"We did it!" Zara whispered yelled at us punching her fist in the air.

"Ahem" someone coughed behind us. We all turned around to see Cardinal in his face paint and robes on with a ghoul standing to the left of him that I recognized as Rain And to the right was Sister Imperator. They had there arms behind there back looking as menacing as ever.

"Did you three have fun today?" She questioned but clearly didn't want an answer. "I believe Copia told you three to be back before dinner it's an hour past that. Do you understand how dangerous it is out there right now with all these vampire attacks? Especially you (Y/n) do you not remember the talk we had yesterday and how you are there main target. Do you want to go out the same way your father and Lilith did?" She looked down at me. I shook my head no.

I'm sorry ma'am I lost track of time I didn't mean to be so late. I signed shakily.

"She said she was sorry they lost track of time." Rain spoke quietly but I could hear slight annoyance in his voice. I couldn't tell if it was at me or the situation

"Thank you Rain." She looked over at him then looked back at us. "Well I hope you three had fun however don't do it again." She finished then walked off with Copia and Rain following.

"Well then um let's go to bed." Jordan concluded. We all nodded in agreement then we walked to our rooms together in silence to not wake anyone up.

I walked into my room and put all my new clothes away then showered and got ready for bed with the thought of Rain and his voice I couldn't understand why he sounded like that.

Word count 1516

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