Left Behind

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I freshened up after I just laid in bed for the rest of the day getting ready to hangout with Rain. I had prepared myself knowing that it may not happen because of how they acted before. I wasn't going to force myself to handout with Rain.

I walked down the hall with these thoughts in my head and a bag on my back. I saw Swiss and Aether standing by the door talking to each other. I walked up to go through the door.

"You guys are still going to hang out?" Swiss spat. I only nodded. "Why, don't you have that other guy to hang out with?" He scoffed. I felt broken. I wanted to hang out with Rain and just sit by the lake. I missed him.

"Just let her in Swiss." Aether sounded annoyed.


I walked into the courtyard to see Rain looking down at his sketchbook. He heard me come In because he then looked up.

"Oh you actually came." He spoke up sounding tired.

Of course I did but I will go if you-.

"-No it's okay I'm glad you're here do you want to go to the lake?" He asked energy coming back to his voice. I nodded with a small smile. I decided to not ask why Swiss seemed to hate me.

Rain moved the flower bed to reveal the trapdoor and he slid down.

"Come on down love!" His voice echoed up the ladder. My face went bright red as I climbed down the ladder. "You're gonna have to stay close there was another attack on someone last night." He told me as he grabbed my hand. I looked up at him to tell him that I needed more information. "A different Vampire that didn't know that ghouls were around broke into a man's window to attack him in the middle of the night. He wasn't to badly hurt because a ghoul heard him brake in and stopped him before more damage could be done." He paused as we continued to walk down the tunnel.

Are you alright? My hand broke from his.

"Um yeah Sister Imperator wants me and a few other ghouls to start patrolling during the day but it's only me and three other ghouls. Which would be fine but clearly some people still don't like us." He used his free hand to rub the back of his neck clearly talking about his two previous incidents with Zara and Alec. "I'm just scared I'm going to mess up or end up like my brother." He whispered as we finally made it to the stone stairs.

Darling you are going to be fine I promise plus Sister must think you are fit for the job if she's making you do it. I did my best to comfort him. Plus there are definitely people that think you're fine. And I really can't see you hurting anyone that you didn't want to. Those people that are scared will learn.

"Thanks (Y/n) that's the most comforting thing someone has told me today. Swiss isn't that good at that sort of thing." He let out a chuckle as we sat on the rock. It hurt hearing Swiss's name but I tried not to show it because Rain was already incredibly stressed and I couldn't just lay my problems on him right now. "Sorry about Swiss I don't know why he got so angry at you before I'll talk to him later." He told me softly. I smiled at him like he could read my mind.

We sat there for a few minutes just drawing in our sketchbooks then Rain spoke up.

"Can I draw you I uh need to practice drawing people." He stammered mid sentence.

Of course I'd love to model for you! Get my good side. I laughed and did a random pose that was comfortable to hold for a while as he drew.

"Wow thanks." He laughed and drew as he talked about random things that amazed him. Like he loves red velvet and he swears that it tastes different then normal chocolate. He also loved playing the guitar as well not just the bass. He also always wanted a pet when he was younger but was never allowed to because his mother hated animals. It was so entertaining hearing him talk about things he loved.

"Okay. And. I'm. Done, what do you think?" He spoke as he did the finishing touches and flipped his book over for me to see and my jaw dropped. The drawing was just a sketch but it looked just like me and it was amazing.

Holy shit that looks amazing darling!

"Oh well the real thing looked way better." I could tell he winked through his mask.

You have been spending to much time with Swiss. I blushed he was obviously just joking though so I know I shouldn't be acting like this but I couldn't help it. I didn't want him to be joking.

    "You hungry? I heard you didn't go to lunch or dinner so I brought us food." He fumbled in his bag for two lunch wraps and handed one to me.

    Oh thank you you didn't have too. I smiled thankfully to him.

    "It's no problem really I mean anything for my favorite human." He giggled as he ate his food. My face heated up again but I played it off as I ate. I remember the first time he called me that. I was to tired to even register it but I couldn't stop thinking about it since.

     I finished my food and signed.

    Thanks for the food I honestly didn't know the next time I was gonna eat-

    "Why what happened? Are you alright?" He asked with concern flipping over in his seat to look at me.

    Oh my friends got into a fight and honestly with how my other friend acted when you guys were outside of my door I don't really wanna see them all right now.

    "So you really didn't want his arm around you?" He asks like something was finally clicking for him.

    No I have no idea why he did that. He has told me before that he thinks ghouls are kinda cool and doesn't see them as that scary.

    "It was probably because of what happened to that vampire, someone saw what the vampire looked like after what that ghoul had done and uh.. it wasn't pretty." He spoke but paused. "The guy must've told everyone I'm surprised you didn't hear."

    No I had no idea. That's so annoying though because that's the ghouls job and he did it and now people are annoyed. That's bull.

    "I know love that's why sister Imperator is taking the less violent ghouls to patrol during the day."

    Where are you stationed?

   "Same place as usual." He smiled at me. "Here let's head back it's getting late." He got up put his bag on quickly and reached his hand out for me to grab to help me up.

    On the way up to my feet I let out a giggle but I actually heard it this time. It surprised myself.

    Rain stared at me his mouth open slightly.

    "Holy shit a noise came out of your mouth.. you have such a cute laugh." He said awestruck not moving.

    I- I couldn't find something to say. Thank you I wasn't expecting it. I let out a huff of laughter. This time it was silent again.

   We made it back up the ladder back into the greenhouse and walked into the courtyard.

    "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n) good night." He waved goodbye as I left the courtyard with a smile on my face.

    "Have fun?" Swiss questioned with a spat. I only looked up and smiled I had a good night with Rain and nothing was going to ruin that. "We are gonna have to talk to Rain later." I heard Swiss whisper to Aether as I walked to my room with the smile not leaving me.

  Word count 1326



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