Puppets 3

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Jax held a tight grip on my neck. I tried to yell again but nothing came out. I couldn't tell if it was because I was being strangled or because again I had no voice.

"You're going to pay for what you're father did to me all those years ago you little bitch." Venom spat out of his voice. It was getting difficult to breathe his inner arm squeezed my neck. Black and purple spots were clearing my vision. I felt him grab something from his back which was probably a stake but I couldn't be to sure at this point. It felt like my brain was melting.

"HEY get off her!" A voice from down the hall yelled. It was filled with so anger I couldn't tell who it was. Jax turned around to see a tall ghoul running after him. Jax immediately dropped me and I fell on my knees my arms limp on the ground. It took all my strength to hold my head up and turn behind me to see them. Looking back up at the situation in front of me my eyelids grew heavy and started falling down.

    "I- I'm sorry sir I- I'll go now." Jax whimper. There was a noise that sounded like cutting fabric then Jax hissed falling to the floor in fear and he quickly tried to stumble to get up. Rain put a foot on his chest so he couldn't get up.

"I don't want so see you or your kind in here ever again." The voice I now recognize as Rain growled at Jax. As Jax ran out of the the hall and presumably out of the church. I felt myself swaying back and forth my eyelids closing even more before I fell to the ground with a puddle of blood falling from my nose now onto the floor.

"Shit, love get up. Come on please get up (Y/n)." He panicked kneeling at my side before I felt him pick me up. At that I fully passed out.

       I was now awake but I was too tired to open my eyes or move at all for that matter. I could tell I was in a bed but not wear I was.

     "So Rain what you're telling me is that you heard (Y/n) yell from the basement so you ran up and just yelled at Jax and he ran away." I recognized the voice of Sister Imperator.

     "Kind of I smelled blood to which is why I ran up Sister, vampires are very afraid of ghouls and try there best to avoid them at all costs."

     "Do they really?" She asked rhetorically.

     "Maybe sister it is time to have the ghouls allowed to be out of the basement again." Inquired Papa Nihil.

    "Papa I believe you're right. I'll make an announcement today at lunch." She sighed and thought for a second . "Okay but the ghouls can't go near the people I know that they won't hurt anyone but it's for the peoples well being. They will take turns patrolling at night. Does that sound good with you Rain?" She asked.

"Sounds fine to me Sister."

"Wonderful, lunch starts in an hour. Stephane let me know when she wakes up."

     "Will do Sister."

     Now I realized I'm in the hospital room. I heard the door closed and all the voices stopped talking. I didn't have the energy to wake up so I just fell back asleep.

    My eyes finally started to open and I could see that the room was dark I had no idea what time it was.

     "Ah you're awake. Here I'm going to call Sister Imperator to tell her you're awake." Stephane walked off to her desk to make the call. I sighed deeply and stared at the ceiling.

    After a few minutes the door opened to reveal Sister Imperator and behind her was the ghoul I recognized as Rain.

     "Glad to see that you are awake   (Y/n) how are you feeling?" She asked. I just gave her a thumbs up. I felt like shit but I wasn't going to die. Rain walked over next to me and knelt down and whispered.

    "How are you actually feeling?"

    Like shit I want to go back to my room and just sleep.

     "She wants to go back to her room is that alright?" Rain asked. Stephane hesitated then spoke up.

     "I suppose but someone needs to walk her to her room so she doesn't fall."

     "I can do it." Rain told them.

     "Fine but be careful you two." And with that Rain helped me up. I got a glimpse of what I looked like in the mirror and I looked horrible my hair was a mess and my makeup was smeared and I had eyeliner and mascara running down my face from tears coming out of my eyes. My dress though still looked good. We walked out the door and everyone else stayed in the room.

    "You looked really good yesterday- not that you don't look good now-." He fumbled on his words. I let out a little laugh. It was amusing hearing him talk. He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "That dress is really nice." He played off confidently. My body leaned into his to keep myself stable.

    Thank you it means a lot.

    "No problem lo- erm thank you for coming to the ritual it really means a lot." I had no idea why he stuttered in the middle of that.

    Thank you for inviting me I had a lot of fun. And thank you for saving me it really means a lot.

    "Oh it was no problem really. I was glad I could help. Lucifer you know how upset Swiss would be if he found his favorite human died." We both laughed at that. I stumbled a bit when we made it to my room and Rains tail wrapped around me to keep me stable. He opened the door and turned on the light for me before I stumbled into bed almost falling again but he caught me before I fell.

    "Careful there don't want another hospital visit." He laughed and picked me up and put me on the bed. "Want me to grab you anything while I'm here?"

    My sketchbook and pencils. They are over on the desk.

   He walked over and grabbed them and gave them to me. He also grabbed a cup from the desk and went to the bathroom to fill it up with water and put in on my nightstand.

    Thank you. I smiled at him.

   "Anything for my favorite Human." He smiled and walked out of my room.

Word count 1113


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