Vampire Money

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    I awoke the next morning and saw I had clothing laid out on the bed next and shoes on the floor. There was also food and tea on the nightstand displayed nicely on white and golden china. I got changed into the clothes and began slowly eating the food and drinking the hot tea. The thought of the food being poisoned crossed my mind but at this point I really didn't care at this point.

   What is everyone else doing? How is Rain? How is Swiss feeling? What does Azalea mean this "generational tradition"? Were my grandparents vampire hunters?

    My thoughts were quickly interrupted with Ella walking in wearing a short black dress and holding a old ass broom.

"Do you know how to sweep?" She asked. I thought she was being sarcastic at first so I smiled and shook my head no. "Oh well I can teach you." I then began waving my hand at her to stop as I got up. I took the broom from her hand. "So you do know how to sweep?" She asked with a 'are you serious' tone. I nodded. "Okay good. Follow me." She opened the door to a well lit hallway made with dark wood and there was an old dark orange carpet that made me feel like I was in a creepy hotel. "We are going to sweep up the kitchen and dining room along with the living room." She spoke looking ahead at the long hall. There were old paintings along the wall some of people in old middle aged outfits and some of what I could only guess was this house/ manor because there were multiple paintings of it. It was colored navy blue and had a old red rustic roof. They all were weary and old looking paintings it was clear they needed restoration.

We made it to the kitchen which was much warmer then the rest of the house because of the fire that was going in the fireplace that was in the kitchen. I didn't really think that vampires ate real food only blood.

"You sweep. I dust... you have a nosebleed again." She pointed at me and gave me a spare cloth then she grabbed an old feather duster from one of the cabinets. I was surprised when I saw it but quickly took

Do they still even make those? I thought to myself as I watched her dust for a few seconds before realizing I should start sweeping.

The kitchen wasn't huge so it wasn't long to sweep it all but there was one problem.

Dust pan.

There was no dust pan. I looked around for a bit probably looking stupid like a dog chasing it's tail.

"You can just sweep it into the fire. Are you sure you have swept before." She let out a chuckle at the end of her sentence. I looked down sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I felt like Rain when I did that. It was that weird feeling when you make like a face like someone you know and immediately feel like them. It threw me off so I just grabbed the broom and swept the dirty and dust into the fire.

   We then walked to the next room over which was the dining room. The color palette of this room was very similar to being in the church with the long dark wood table with matching chairs which had dark red leather cushions. The ceiling was tall and had a huge chandelier which was lit by candles. There was a black brick fireplace an the other end of the room which was also lit making it warm in here as well. There were tall windows that were covered with huge red curtains that were lined with gold.

    This house was absolutely beautiful but I feel like I would appreciate it much more if I wasn't being forced here against my will. I just wanted to go back to my bed or hangout in Rain's room and just talk about random shit.

   And I never tried Mountain's cookies. I thought to myself as I swept under the table.

   I know that I haven't been here long but I miss my ghouls even though after what Swiss told me I would feel better if I just saw them one last time.

   "Let's go to the living room now."

   The living room had the same wood that was throughout the whole house but everything had green accents. The couch was green and the table was painted green and there was green decor around the fireplace. The house smelled like dust and just generally really old.

They need some fabreez in here, They went nose blind.

"And into the fire it goes!" Ella laughed out as I finished sweeping. We stood around for a bit Ella asked a few questions about random things that I did my best to answer to.

   "(Y/n) I need you to come with me." The familiar voice of Azalea called from behind me. "It won't be long if you cooperate with us." I turned around to see Azalea in a black velvet suit his eyes looking down at me but his head still straight. I nodded and began to follow him.

    The halls felt darker and colder then they had before. The house was big but me not knowing where I was going only made it feel so much bigger. I began to notice more and more as we walked ever so slowly down the dimly lit hall. Like how badly the carpet needed a good vacuum and that there were people who I assumed were mades walking in and out of rooms doing laundry. I could tell they were vampires just my looking at them but also the gush of blood that would expel from my nose. I'm surprised I hadn't passed out yet.

   "We are almost there, don't worry." He said as he continued to walk. It did not make me feel any better in fact it made me feel a lot worse. There was a growing pit in my stomach that just felt like it was getting bigger. Azalea abruptly stopped at a door that was painted black. "In here darling." He held open the door and I frowned at the nickname as I walked into the cold dark room. "Remember to cooperate and this will go smoothly."

   Word count 1069

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