Feels Like Summer

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Despite the warm summer air being wet from the lake then walking underground made me absolutely freezing my teeth were clattering, I tried to stop it and Rain must've noticed because instead of grabbing my hand he wrapped his arm that held a dry towel in it around me his tail snaking up my torso. Making me warm up just a bit so we could walk through the dark tunnel.

   "If Dew was here it would be much warmer." He softly spoke. I shot him a confused look hoping he would see it in the dark. "He's a fire ghoul he makes it so much warmer sometimes he can control it most of the time sometimes he can't though." He spoke as we kept walking I nodded to show I understood. It made sense every time I was around him it was warm. We continued down the dark hall and we heard something moving behind us me and Rain quickly turned our heads around though because of the fact that it was extremely dark down here I couldn't see anything.

   "I don't see anything." He whispered in my ear sounding sure of himself however the grip he had on me tightened as he pulled me closer to him. My face heated up and I could only pray that Rain doesn't see it.

   After walking for a couple more minutes we finally made it to the ladder. He went up first to open it and I followed behind. He grabbed my arm to pull me out of the hole in the ground.

   I pulled my phone out to check the time and it was 1:30 in the morning and it was Friday meaning there was mass today meaning there were no chores today.

   "Thank you for joining me today to the lake I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too." He smiled.

   Thank you for inviting me I had so much fun we should definitely go back again! I smiled brightly at him.

    "Yeah we can do that. I guess I'll see you later. Good night lo- OH um you're coming to the mass tomorrow eh today right?" I nodded smiling. "Good I'll be there." He rubbed the back of his neck.

   Good night I'll see you later. I waved and walked out of the yard.

    "Sooo how was it- what happened to you?" Swiss chuckled looking at me. I remembered I looked like a wet dog. I pulled my phone out. We went swimming. "That better be the only thing that happened- ow Dew what the fuck!" Sodo punched Swiss.

   "Don't be gross Swiss!" He whisper yelled.

   "Like you've never acted "gross" before Dew. Well I'll see you later    (Y/n) good night."

    I ran to my room and quickly started the shower so I could wash myself clean before bed. I got out of the shower and dried off to dress in my pajamas. I grabbed my bag to take out the extra chocolate that was at the bottom. As I moved my hand along the bottom of my bag I felt something small and hard. I took it out of my bag and saw it was the crystal that Rain took out of the lake. I looked and smiled at it. I was able to see it more clearly in the light of my room. It looked like a clear blue shard of glass and it was absolutely beautiful. I put it on a little black tray on my nightstand as I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

I awoke to the alarm I set and got ready for the day and went to breakfast. I came back and I sat on my bed with my sketchbook just doodling. Because it was Friday I had no chores to do today.

"(Y/n)!" Someone yelled behind my door. I hopped up out of bed and opened the door to see Swiss standing there he quickly ran into my room closing the door behind him. "You miss (Y/n) need to give me all the details about last night, please say you at least held hands!" He squealed like a teenage girl talking to her friend about a crush. I blushed deeply and hid my face in my hands. "Oh my Lucifer you DID!" He yelped with excitement.

    I took my phone out. No it's not like that! I wrote.

    "Do you wish it was like that?" He asked with a whispered like Rain could hear us and I could hear the smirk in his voice. My face went even more red. I felt like I was on fire. "Aw this is so cute!"

    Why aren't you asking Rain about this? I wrote.

    "Oh I tried to but when I did he shut me up and shoved me out of his room." He laughed. "You two are so cute, ah young love." He sighed with a smile his right arm going up to his chest.

   Oh please he definitely doesn't like me.

   "Oh don't say that, besides he definitely does. I've never seen him act the way he does since he met you. He's so much more— happier, not that he wasn't before but he's more." He paused looking for the right thing to say. "Out of his shell I guess you would say. I mean you went to the ritual you saw how he was bouncing around when he saw you. He's never done that before he always used to stay in one spot on the stage." He spoke moving his hands as he did.

   We are just really good friends.

    "Well I can tell he wants to be  more.— oh look at the time I need to go get ready for mass. I'll see you there!" He got up and started to walk out. "Oh don't worry Rain will be there to." He smirked then walked out. I flopped on my bed and shoved my face into my pillow and did my bed to let out a squeal, nothing Came out. I decided to skip lunch today to just relax and doodle for some fun.

I got dressed and walked to mass with Jordan and Zara. They chatted amongst themselves mostly talking about Lance and Sean on the way there.

"So (Y/n) do you like anyone here? Maybe Jason?" Zara smirked at me. I shook my head no but smiled at her guess. "Come on you gotta like someone." I shook my head no again. "Oh I know who you like, It's Alec! I mean it makes sense you guys are like the same person both quiet but funny." She said like she found something out. I playfully rolled my eyes playfully and smiled at her.

    We sat in mass and I saw Swiss and Rain standing behind Copia with their arms folded behind them. And just like the first mass I was at we didn't pay attention at all. The only thing different was that we were in the last row farthest from the alter and we were sitting next to the guys. I sat between Jordan and Alec with Zara next to Jordan and Alec next to Jason2. Jordan and Zara were talking about something I couldn't care for because me and Alec were playing sticks. He was winning.

"You need more practice." He whispered with a small laugh as he took his turn. He won. I held up my hands again for a rematch which he took. "I'm gonna win again." I shot him a glare and smiled playfully. The game getting as intense as it could for a game of sticks.

   "Ha I win!" He whispered excitedly after our eighth game.

   "Hail Satan." Mass was now finished. And we all walked out of the church back to the abbey with smiles on our faces. I noticed that Swiss and Rain were staying behind at the altar. They were looking over at our group.

   "Do they know you? They are always looking at you." Alec whispered in my ear so no one in the group could hear. I didn't know how to answer because I don't know how he feels about the ghouls. I decided to play it safe and shook my head no. "Oh just wondering. It would be cool if you did they seem so interesting." He spoke with slight amazement.

    They are pretty interesting. I smiled at the memory of playing telestrations after dark with them.

    "Can't wait for dinner I'm starving!" Lance yelled out Zara and Jordan laughed.

   I felt someone grab my shoulder as we walked into the cafeteria "(Y/n), Cardinal needs to talk to you." Someone spoke with an extremely serious voice. I turn around to see Swiss standing there with Rain next to him. I have a confused look to the both but Rain only smiled. I nodded to them.

   "Well we will see you later (Y/n) bye!" They all said together as I turned to follow them.

    "Don't drown!" Alec called from behind me with a laugh I let out a silent laugh as well.

    "Copia doesn't actually need you we just miss you." Swiss spoke as we passed Copia's office.

    "Come on let's go!" Rain yelped and grabbed my hand running to the basement clearing thinking it was to slow to walk.

Word count 1554

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