Bomb This Track

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"This is our practice room I know it's not much but it gets the job done" Swiss chuckled.

"Alright (Y/n) come here I'm teaching you how to play, here I'll take Dews you can have mine just in case you know." Aether handed me the guitar and a pic. It felt good to hold the guitar and feel one again.

"Here place you fingers like this" he moved his hands on his guitar and I put my hands in the same spot on my guitar.

"Okay now strum like this" His right hand moved down to strum it. And I copied. "That was simple, here try this now" he played some notes together moving his left hand around more then before making it more challenging only if you never played before I thought about the guitar I left in the corner of my room and frowned a bit then I played what he did just before.

    "Wow I'm impressed." Aether looked up from his guitar. He then started to fettling with the strings playing random notes quickly clearly not telling me to play those notes.

   "Okay now you're gonna pl-" he started to speak but I cut him off playing what he just did and kinda added on to it. His mouth fell open.

    "You didn't say you could play- well I mean." Aether stumbled on his words.

    "AETHER you cant say that." Swiss panicked and quickly slapped Aether. I fell to the ground in laughter making wheezing noises my arms fell to my stomach trying to contain my laughter it was the kind of laughter you where gonna feel the next day.

     "I uh don't think she minded." Aether hesitated.

     "A fan of dark humor?" Swiss chuckled as he tilted his looked at me. I sat up wiping tears from my eyes and nodded.

    "But really where did you learn to play like that?" Aether questioned realizing I can't fully answer he shifted his position.

"Wait here I'll get you a white bored that we have down here, here give me a second." With that Aether stood up and went over to a little closet in the corner of the room. Swiss walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me.

    "Whats in the locket?" He questioned pointing at the necklace around my neck. I opened up the locket and it had two photos on either side of the locket one of me and my dad and the other of Lilith and I.

"Who are they?" Swiss questioned and out of habit I signed

My dad and my friend . I realize I must of confused him because he was quiet for a second.

"She said it was her dad and friend." Rain spoke up from behind us.

"You understood that?!" Exclaimed Swiss. I turn around to see Rain sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um yeah I learned quite a bit of sign language when I was in hell." He told Swiss rubbing the back of his neck again.

"That's so cool you guys should definitely teach me sometime." And with that Aether came back over from the closet.

"Here take this." He gave me the whiteboard and marker. I began to write down that When I was younger my dad taught me a bit of guitar and I continued to take lessons till I was 15.

"Wow that's impressive dare I'd say you're better then Sodo." Aether let out a chuckle obviously joking around.

"WHO'S BETTER THEN ME?" A loud muffled voice called from down the hall. Two seconds later the door opened to reveal a shorter ghoul walking in. "Who is better then me and what are they better then me at?"he questioned quickly it felt like you could feel the heat coming off of him.

"Satanas calm down Sodo we can feel your anger." Aether calmly told Sodo.

"Besides Dew we where joking it's all good fun." Swiss walked over to where the shorter ghoul was standing and put an arm around him to which he grumbled and moved away from Swiss. He looked over at me holding the guitar.

"Are you saying she's better at guitar then me." The shorter ghoul pointed at me slowly moving his head. Despite his size he was still extremely threatening. I shook my head to say no but Swiss spoke up.

"Yeah she's quite good honestly."
If I could speak I'd be yelling at him to shut the fuck up but clearly I can't.

"Really? Come show me what you can play." Sodo snapped out. I shook my head no again. "Why, if your so good you should just play, come on." He edged on.

     No really it's alright. I panicked again. I don't know what's wrong with me but this guy is actually scary I don't know why he has a problem with me. He started walking closer he sat where Aether sat before grabbing the guitar from the stand next to him. It got way hotter when he sat down.

     "She said she didn't want to play." Rain spoke up again.

    "Rain please if everyone else here says she's good then she'll be fine." Sodo talked back at Rain though much more calmer and nicer to Rain then he has been to anyone else.

    "Alright copy what I'm gonna play and we will see how amazing you are then." He spoke sarcastically. Then put the guitar strap around his body and started playing really fast notes that went all over the fretboard. My eyes widened sure I can play this but I've never had in front of people I don't know. He stopped a few seconds later then moved his hand gesturing at me to play what he just did. I swallowed the lump in my throat and started playing exactly what he did. I must of been really nervous because I felt sweat running down my back as Sodo got closer to me . My fingers grazed across the fretboard of the guitar. As I was finishing up I messed up the last note.

    "See she's not better then me!" Sodo exclaimed loudly. I flinched at his voice because he was right in front of me.

    "Wow Dewy she messed up one note at the end of the song that you purposely made difficult." Swiss spoke  sarcastically crossing his arms.

    "Well I'm still better and stop calling me dewy." He stood up. I was just thankful this was over.

     "Well since you are here Dew would you like to play guitar with Aether to practice a bit more? I'll sing and Rain will do Bass obviously with (Y/n) on piano." Swiss asked.

"Why can't Cirrus play it?" Sodo asked kinda annoyed I was there

"She is busy doing her chores." Swiss responded and rolled his eyes.

    "We need a drummer." Aether told Swiss .

    "I can help with that." The tall ghoul from before spoke up in a monotone voice walked in.

    "Great, everyone in there places!"

     I stood up and went over to look at the piano. The one in the church is much nicer but this one will do. I go over to sit on the bench and look at the sheet music in font of me.

    I got this

    "Alright you guys ready." Swiss called out. And we all nodded in response.

      After the song was over I checked my time on my phone and saw it was 5:00.

    "That was so good (Y/n) you can really play that piano." Aether told me I smiled at him.

    "Yeah better then Dewy can!" Swiss laughed out and punched Dews shoulder.

    "I guess I can agree with that." Sodo grumbled.

    "THERE YOU ARE!" A familiar Italian red suited man walked in. "I've been wondering where you went. Come on guys we got church in an hour let's go." Copia rushed out and with that we all got up and walked out of the room.

     "You ghouls are lucky sister Imperator was so busy trying to figure out what's going on with these vampire sightings or else you guys would of been in huge trouble." He scolded us. "Now who's turn is it to hold the gifts to Lucifer?"

Word count 1369

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