God, If You Are Above

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       As I ran out of the the church I passed the grave yard. There was a pain in my chest knowing I may never be able to go to my father's grave. He died when I was very young in an accident at work. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember being so angry at him for leaving me with my mom and this church. I remembered all the jokes he would tell and how hard I would laugh. I felt horrible when I got a little older because I couldn't fully understand the concept of death and how I barley cried at the funeral it didn't hit me until a couple months later that I would never see him again. Although my father was religious he wasn't crazy about it. He was the reason I could play video games and dress up for Halloween. He was kinda frowned apron in the church. Many people where fake at his funeral pretending to cry and be sad. No one cares until your dead.

    It was very hot out because it was the end of August and I was sweating my hair must of been greasy because of the outfit and the fact I was running. I was getting strange looks from the towns people I just kept walking. The heart shaped locket bounced on my chest it was getting hot because it was in direct sunlight.

  My feet had started to hurt because I had been walking for so long. The sun had begun to set and the moon was out. It was a beautiful sunset with pink and oranges on the horizon. I found a cheap motel it was all raggedy and falling apart but it will do for the night. I walked in to the building there was crusty red carpet and brown walls that I can only imagine where once white. I approach the front desk and there is an old woman working the desk.

    "Hello dearie how may I assist you tonight" she graggily spoke her voice sounding like a frog.

     Freaking out I sign I need a room for the night.

"Uhh do you need a room dear?" She questioned. I nodded

"Oh alright that will be $10" I handed her the money and she gave me the key. Room 10.

"It's the hall to the left"

     I made it to my room and locked the door behind me. I plopped down on my bed letting out an audible sigh looking at the ceiling.

Suddenly everything just hit me. I just ran away from the only life I've ever known. I never liked the church it's not that I don't believe in god it's just I don't believe that he's the savior everyone makes him out to be. Like have they read the Bible, god is not all that. I just can't believe that sister Marge just told me to run away like that I know why she had done it though. Every time we talked she made backhanded comments about the priest saying things like
"The father is going to be the reason all the young children leave the church" or "that's not something god would be to keen on hearing" god I'm gonna miss her. I turn on my side to grab my phone.

      I need a job. I thought to myself
And a place to actually live. So many thoughts circled my head. What kind of job can I get without talking. This is gonna be difficult.

    I went and got in the shower and changed into a blue nightgown. I slid into the bed the covers being really tight because they where tucked in. I was drifting off to sleep when I remembered my sketchbook. I shot awake in my bed. It was the last one Lilith got for me. She got me a bunch for my 15th birthday. Im never gonna see it again. I'm never gonna see anyone in that church again. My mom probably doesn't even care. She never really has since my dad died. She only acted like she cared when I was taken to the hospital that night four years ago. She didn't care that my best friend died or that I was gonna join my father in the cemetery that night. The doctors said if they where any later I would be dead. There was no chance in saving Lilith they told us. Her parents where so heartbroken that after the funeral they left the church to go somewhere else. They were like the parents I never had I was so devastated then they left but I understand why they did. She's buried in front of my dad. I would go there every night and now I can't. Where do I go from here. I'm gonna need to get another sketchbook to I'll do that in the morning to. And probably Leave this town to.

Short chapter but whatever
Word count 827

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