Sweet Dreams

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    One week. There was one week till the blood moon. Rain still has no idea that I know what a blood moon is. I could tell he was stressing out but trying to hide it.

   It was after dinner and we were sat in his room just sketching with each other. He barely spoke up and I could see him shaking while he was drawing. I just looked at him and put my book down. He heard me put it down and his head snapped up at me.

   My love what's wrong you're shaking. I'm worried about you. I then put my arm on his shoulder. He melted into my touch.

   "I'm fine really it's nothing." He tried to calm himself.

   Love please don't lie to me. I frowned. He let out a deep sigh looked at the floor then back at me. The grip on his pencil tightened and you would of thought it was going to break.

   "I'll tell you later but I can't right now." I only nodded to this.

   Tell me when you're ready. I smiled at him. I didn't read anything in my book about the week leading up to a blood moon. Maybe ghouls are just a little more on edge the week leading up to the blood moon.

   I saw the look of relief in his eyes when I told him that.

   "You really are something (Y/n)." He whispered and smiled up at me. He was sitting at his desk and I was standing next to him my hand had removed it's self from his shoulder as he looked back down at his sketchbook. When I did this he looked back up at me and smiled slyly. Rain the swiveled his chair to face me then put his hands on my hips and pulled me on to his lap my back facing him.

    "Rain!" I squeaked out at the sudden movement of me going from standing to sitting on his lap. Laughing silently again at the situation Rain froze for a second then took his hand and moved me so he could look at me. He gently put his finger tips on my face like I was going to break if he put anymore pressure. I could see his eyes through his mask and he looked at me softly. He didn't speak for a moment but I knew he wanted to because he kept opening and closing his mouth.

"I am the luckiest person alive right now." He softly smiled. My face went bright red as he put his thumb right under my eye. He was incredibly close to me right now and I felt my face heat up even more. He was so close to me and I felt butterflies everywhere as I felt his warm breath on my face.

"Rain Copia needs you!" Dew yelled from down the hall.

"Now?!" Rain pulled back as he yelled back clearly pissed off.


I stood up and got off of Rain and he did the same. He growled a bit at the interruption and cursed Dew under his breath. His tail was flicking behind him spatially.

"I'll walk you back to your room on the way there." Rain spoke. He sounded angry but not at me. I just smiled back at him with a nod.

   We walked down the marble hallway on the way to my room. We were quiet all the way there not saying much and his tail had finally stopped flicking around.

"I'm sorry about that love." He whispered down to me.

   Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow.


I didn't see him tomorrow or the next day or the day after. And now it was three days till the blood moon. It worried me that I hadn't seen him. None of the ghouls had been on patrol so I didn't see any of them. Knowing how Swiss normally is I decided that I shouldn't go to the basement just in case. If I see the ghouls then I will ask how they are but seeing how it's been I probably won't see them.

   I sat on my bed just sketching, board out of my mind. I could hear the people fixing up the greenhouse in the back as I looked out the window. I shivered at the thought of that vampire. I still hadn't explained to Rain why Azalea is after me. I don't really know if I could explain. I'm scared. I have some idea of why he wants me but I don't really know the full reason. I don't think he really wants me dead because if he did he had that chance four almost five years ago.

    What does he want from me? I thought to myself as I got up to go to dinner. I've been eating by myself the past four days in my room mostly because I don't know where else to go.

    I sat in my room reading more of the book on ghouls and it does say that they can act up a bit the week before a blood moon. They can also act up more and feel more anxious around people they like.

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Water ghouls are typically quiet and reserved but during a blood moon they can act up more like most ghouls do but as seen in water ghouls they get more loud and violent then they normally are.

   The rest of the page was about other moons and what they do to the water ghouls.

    It must've been a blood moon that made Rain's brother kill that child. I thought to myself as I put the book back down to get ready for bed.

As I laid sleeping in bed I heard a knock on my door. I groggily woke up to see that it was 12:34 in the morning. I got up out of bed to open the door to see Rain standing there his tail was wrapped around his leg.

"Hello love, I know it's late but I haven't seen you in a while and I need to tell you what's going to happen in three days." He whispered to me as I moved to the side to let him in. I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me telling him to come sit. He did and let out a deep sigh. "Um (Y/n) there is going to be a blood moon in three days." He paused and gulped. "And basically during blood moons um ghouls they get more uh violent during that night and it's not that they choose to it's just um." He was stuttering. "I know this sounds weird but the blood moon puts us in a weird trance and it's like we can't really control ourselves." He spoke with his hands. I noticed he does that a lot when he's nervous. "That's why I, or any of us haven't talked to you for the past four days. We need to prepare ourselves for this." He explained looking down and I just nodded slowly to show that I understood. "So I probably won't see you but we can hangout the day after though just probably a little later then normal. Don't come down to the basement before hand it will be to dangerous for you." He looked up with his eyes and I smiled at him.

Good because I need to give you all your gifts!

Word count 1243

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