Bad Moon

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      There Swiss and Rain stood behind Cardinal who was behind the alter. I sat between these two girls who who where clearly friends because they kept passing each other note's during the mass. One of the girls must've noticed I was looking at the ghouls because she turned to whisper in my ear.

"Hey I know you're new here so I'm telling you right now those ghouls are off limits." I shot her a confused look and she continued. "Yeah they are dangerous they have killed before." She told me. I honestly couldn't believe that they would kill sure Sodo was a little mean but I honestly couldn't picture him killing anyone.
"I'm Zara by the way, nice to meet you. Your (Y/n) right. We have heard about you and your encounters with the vampires. Is it true?" She whispered. I nodded. "Oh you poor thing so it's true you can't speak." I nodded again kinda getting annoyed with all the pity I've been getting.

"She should sit with us to dinner tonight." The other friend spoke. "Oh I'm Jordan by the way." She moved awkwardly to shake my hand.

"Yes that would be wonderful you will sit with us right?" Zara asked softly. It felt like I didn't really have a choice.

"Yay we are going to have so much fun later!" Jordan spoke again.

"Hail Satan." Copia finished the mass. Everyone got up. I felt bad I hadn't paid attention to the mass and it was the first one I had been to. I smiled at the ghouls as we left and they smiled back.

"Hey what did I tell you about those ghouls, they are extremely dangerous!" Zara scolded me. As we walked to the cafeteria.

"Ugh I'm so happy it's dinner time I'm starving I hope no one heard my stomach during mass." Zara laughed out. As she sat down at the table with her plate. I sat there poking at my food.

"I didn't hear anything." Jordan said truthfully.

"Well that's good"

We sat there eating our food when I hear Copia walk up to us in his priest uniform he began to speak up.

"Ah hello ladies how are all of you this fine evening? Did you enjoy the mass?"

"Hello Papa, mass was good as always." Jordan spoke looking up at him.

"I'm glade you ladies enjoyed it." He smiled and looked at me. "Are you enjoying you time here mi amor?" His voice with concern. I smiled and nodded.

"Ah that's good. Well I shall talk to you ladies later." He smiled and then with that he left.

"Wow you're out here getting special treatment!" Zara laughed out slapping my shoulder in a joking manner. I just smiled sheepishly looking down.

    They continued to talk and talk occasionally asking me questions which I answered or did my best to. I was getting tired and honestly just wanted to go to bed. I don't think I can talk to these people anymore they just keep talking and talking about other people in the church.

    "Did you know that those ghouls are actually from hell?" Zara asked. I nodded. "They are really dangerous they murder. You are lucky you weren't there for that, the church lost some people from that because they where so scared." I have a confused look trying to get her to continue the story. "A little boy wondered down into the basement and some ghouls saw he was alone and killed and ate him. His mother went downstairs to see where he was and the only thing left of him was his bones and his teddy bear. People have come back to the church but not as much as before obviously but that was three years ago." Zara spoke quietly and shivered.

    "Weren't those ghouls sent back to hell though?" Inquired Jordan clearly not liking the story Zara was telling.

    "Well yes but who's to say that those ghouls up there wouldn't do the same." Zara answered. I thought for a second I mean it really didn't make sense they really didn't seem like they would kill or eat me. Swiss seems like he wouldn't hurt a fly same with Rain. Obviously Aether and Sodo are a little more intimidating but I'd never imagine them killing anyone.

     "I mean clearly the clergy doesn't think it's safe for them to wonder around anymore so there has to be something wrong there. I bet that ghoul Swiss would do something he seems a little off right? Oh you know who really seems off. Rain something about him the way he stands and barley talks. " Zara continued. Jordan just gave a silent nod to not wanting to continue arguing with her friend.

    We began to get up and started throwing away our trash and walked out of the cafeteria.

    "Come with us we will walk with you to your room." Zara told me. I hesitated I really didn't want to be around them anymore. I nodded but to my surprise my savior came up to us.

   "Eh (Y/n) I need to talk to you for a second." Copia told me and pulled me aside to let Zara and Jordan walk back to their rooms.

    "We will talk tomorrow thank you for hanging out with us (Y/n)" Zara called out. Thank god this conversation was over I couldn't take it anymore.

     "Sorry if I took you from your new friends but you did look really uncomfortable." I nodded agreeing extremely thankful he came.

    "Well I have to go I need to help sister Imperator with these sightings I shall see you later you remember where your room is right?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

    "Good good you should hurry up the ghouls will be aloud out soon." He told me and then walked off. I turned around to go to my room. I walked along the halls taking all the twists and turns I had done the night prior. I took a turn into the next hall when I bumped into someone and fell flat on my ass.

    "Oh my Lucifer I'm so sorry." The ghoul I recognize as Rain apologized and helped me up. I stood up.

   Don't worry about it it's fine.

"Well sorry again. Where are you off to?" He asked.

    My room. Where are you going? I asked confused he was by himself.

   "Right that makes sense. I'm going to dinner. Would you like me to walk you to your room?" He asked kinda awkwardly but tried not to show it. I nodded. We continued down the halls talking about the mass.

    How long have you been doing the masses?

    "Well I've been here for five years doing them I started doing them when I was 17." Rain told me. That means he was here for when that boy was murdered. However it was nice having someone to understand me so I'm not just constantly shaking my head and writing things down.

We finally reached my room and I opened the door to go in.

    Thank you for walking me here. I smiled up at him.

    "Oh it's no problem really, I have to go to dinner now but I'm sure I'll see you soon. I believe Swiss is making another plan to get you to come back down to the basement tomorrow or sometime this week." He stumbled a bit on that last part. "Don't tell him I told you though." His hand finding placement on the back of his neck again his tail swaying lowly behind him.

"Well I'll see you soon, bye (Y/n)" he walked away and waved as he did. I smiled and went into my room. I went to shower and I just fell face first into my bed and fell asleep making sure to check my alarm was on.

Word count 1298

A/n should I change povs or just keep it the way it is?

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