Love Song for Lucifer

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"You are free to go!" Stephane bounced. It had been a week since I've been in the hospital and we decided that it would probably be better for Rain's mental health to not see me on the brink of death otherwise he might've killed Swiss or something. I really don't know but Aether said something along those lines.

I began to stand up and felt a little woozy from getting up so fast and from staying in bed for a whole week.

   "Careful there! Don't fall now." Stephane giggled helping me up to my feet. She held on to make sure I didn't fall. "Walk a bit so I know you won't fall." She let go and I began to walk around the room (pretty well I may add.) "I think you are good to go! If something feels off come back immediately." She warned me.

"Will do thank you." I smiled at her.

"How did you get your voice back?" She asked.

"Oh um. Well I took an antidote for all curses or something and I guess it worked."

"How did you get it?"

"There was this vampire named Ella who helped me." I felt a lump in my throat form when I said her name. She nodded and looked down at my arm.

"When did you get that bite mark?"

"Uh Christmas Eve."

"The blood moon?" She asked and I nodded confused on where she was going with this.

"Did anything strange happen when you drank it?"

"Um yeah, why?"

"Did you see things from a certain ghouls point of view?" She looked like she was going somewhere.

"I did? How do you know this?"

"I've read something about this! It's all making sense now-!"

"What makes sense now?" I asked confused as all hell.

"He marked you that night he bit you! I'm sure he didn't mean to but it makes so much sense now. You too are sorta connected in a way now and because you were in danger and or pain you were able to see what he went through! And that's why he's been so sad!"

"He marked me?!" I whisper yelled in shock.

   I need to look at my book again!

"You need to go see him immediately! Go!" She yelled out and I walked out the door quickly because I was to scared to run at this current time. I didn't care that I was in a hospital gown and that my hair was all greasy and there was still some dried blood on my neck.

I made it to the basement and I walked down the stairs carefully to make sure I don't fall but the second I made it fully down I ran to the ghouls common room. I opened the door to see them all on the couch except for Rain. They all looked over and all just kinda looked at me. I couldn't really see there eyes by the way the light was shining on there masks. I looked at them for a second and ran to Rain's room. I didn't even bother knocking in hopes that it was still unlocked.

It was.

Rain jumped in fear in his bed as he heard the sudden commotion that was now in his room.

"(Y/n)?" His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in years and dry. I ran over the the bed and jumped on top of him and buried my head into his neck. He put his arms around me and hugged me back so tightly.

"I love you!" I mumbled into his neck. He stiffened for a second before he relaxed and melted to my touch.

"Fuck I missed you so much love!" He whimpered sounding like we was about to cry holding me even tighter. "I'm so fucking happy you're here! Please never leave me ever again! I can't lose you again! Fuck I love you so fucking much!" He was crying now.

"I won't leave you ever again don't worry darling." I began to cry into his neck.

"No don't cry love I don't want to see you like this." He rubbed his hand on my back as he hiccup.

"You shouldn't cry either then darling!" I huffed out.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered in my ear.

"I know. I know but I'm here now."

"It's so nice to hear your voice." He put one of his hands on the back of my head.

"I have so much to tell you." I laughed causing my body to shake.

   "I'll always listen." He smiled pressing his lips to the top of my head. "I'm sorry that Swiss told you differently. I almost killed him when he told me." He muttered into my head.

    "I know-."

   "Did he tell you?"

   "N-no I saw."

   "I- how?"

   "Um do you remember the blood moon?"

    "The aftermath, yes." He sounded scared.

    "Well when you bit me I guess you accidentally marked me-."

    "I did WHAT!- oh my love I'm so sorry-!"

    "Rain it's okay it's okay!" I interrupted.

   "No it's not. I didn't give you a choice and now you're suffering."

    "Rain I love you and it is honestly okay!" I tried to get in desperately.

    "So your okay with being with me?" His voice sounded scared.

   "Mhm. I like you a lot... obviously."

   "So like, you would be in a relationship with me? Like you would be my girlfriend?!" He started to sound more hopeful.

    "Yes Rain I would love to be your girlfriend!" I chuckled.

   "Woah okay, okay! This is.. wow! I actually can't believe this is happening." He smiled trying to sit up so I moved away as he did. His back was now pressed against the headboard of the bed and I sat to the side of him by his knees so I wasn't as close to him. "Come back here!" He put his hands on my hips and pulled me back so my back was pressed against him. "So what now?" He asked.

    "Hmm can we just stay like this a little bit longer. It's nice."

   "Of course my love, anything for my favorite human." He smiled against my neck planting a little kiss. I giggled a bit at the tickling sensation. "Satanas I missed your laugh so much." He held on a little tighter.

    "I missed you so much Rain." I smiled holding on to his hands.        

    We stayed like that for a while just holding each other and feeling the warmth of each other it felt incredibly nice after being in a freezing cold hospital room. I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck as we just sat appreciating the fact that we are finally together.
   "... Rain I hate to do this but I really need to get ready." I spoke after a couple moments of us laying in a comfortable silence.

   "Do you really have to?"

   "I'll be right back down. Then I'll tell you everything that happened."

   "I can't wait my love."

   Word count 1167
I think imma do one more chapter then start a second book. What do y'all think?
(If anyone wants to share ideas in what I should do for the next book lemme know.) Also I'm probably gonna rewrite some parts so it makes sense bc there are some parts that I feel I can write better so.🤪🤪

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