The Plot Sickens

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  "Do a flip!" Swiss yelled as Rain jumped into the lake. We ended up sneaking out of the church to hang out at the lake. No one knew we were not even the other ghouls. I mean they may have some idea because Rain and Swiss were missing but other then that.

"Rain how did you find this place? It's beautiful." Swiss asked awestruck drying himself as we got out of the water.

"I was walking around outside the church one day and just stumbled upon it." Rain said drying himself off. "I found the staircase first then the entrance from the greenhouse." He finished.

"That's insane Rain!"

Rain only laughed at this as he continued to dry himself.

"Thank Satan bellow that Sister Imperator is out doing whatever right now. What is she doin anyway? When is she coming back?" Swiss asked.

"No idea." Rain replied. We were now sitting on the rock just talking when there was wrestling in the trees behind us and we all turned around to see that nothing was there.

"Just the wind." Swiss tried to comfort the situation but it was clear he was uncomfortable. I looked back up at the sky there wasn't a moon in sight because it was a new moon. That made it darker out then it was the last time I was here. I was zoned out I couldn't tell what the two ghouls next to me were talking about but I knew it didn't concern me. There was more movement behind us but then again when we turned around we saw nothing.

"I think we should head back I have a bad feeling about this." Rain whispered.

"I agree come on let's go." Swiss spoke quickly and we got up. The wrestling behind us got louder and closer. "Who's out there?!" Swiss yelled into the forest. The trees started to sway back and fourth. Swiss walked forward towards the edge of the rock looking into the forest Rain stood next to me looking out as well. I sniffed a bit as I felt something running down my nose and I put my hand up to my face to wipe it off. I thought it was weird that I had a runny nose all of a sudden but I didn't think to much of it. Swiss turned to say something but as he did a tall shadowy figure came up behind him. It was wearing a black cloak and it's face was in a shadow because of how dark everything was.

"We need to go!" Rain spoke urgently putting his arm around me as he turned around. I fumbled a bit as I turned and started to run with him.

   "Get back here (Y/n)!" The figure called it was clear he was after us.

    "You guys run I'll hold him back!" Swiss yelled from behind us as we ran away.

   We ran to the stairs and looked back at the rock to see the shadow and Swiss fighting but it was obvious that the shadow was winning.

  "I'm going to help Swiss you run back to the church!" Rain spoke urgently as he put his hands on my shoulder nodding before running off to help Swiss. I watched as he ran up to help I saw Swiss get picked up by the shadowy figure and throw off the rock behind him. Swiss let out a loud scream in pain as the figure jumped down. Rain followed behind him pounding on the shadowy man I know this happened because it started to yell to get off of him. I felt like I couldn't leave them I had to make sure they would be okay however I knew I had to stay where I was.

   "RAIN YOUR MASK!" A dampened voice yelled out that I knew was Swiss's.

   "WE NEED TO GET OUT- FUCK!" Rains Voice called in pain. It must've scared the shadow because it quickly flew back into the tree and disappeared. A few moments later I see Swiss limping while holding something in his hands. He looked up at me and his mouth was about to say something but he stopped. As he got closer I noticed that the thing that was in his hands was Rain though this time he didn't have a mask so I saw his light gray skin and little horns coming out of his head. His eyes were closed and there was a blood stain on his lower abdomen. I gasped and ran over to help Swiss carry the tall unconscious ghoul back to the church.

   "You have a nose bleed by the way." Swiss spoke defeated slumping over as he walked. I picked up Rain wrapping one of his arms around my neck and Swiss did the same as his feet dragged on the ground behind him. "We gotta get him to the hospital room." I nodded as we walked down the stairs.

   We made it to the ladder and realized that we needed to get up with basically a dead body so Swiss told me to go up and get Aether to help because I couldn't hold up Rain on my own no matter how hard I tried.

   I quickly ran out of the courtyard to the door that Aether was stationed at and he was there just standing looking at the ceiling I grabbed his arm to get him to the courtyard.

   "(Y/n) what's going on? Are you alright?" Aether asked concerned. I ran with him to the  green house and showed him Swiss and Rain at the bottom.

   "Aether we need your help I'm going to push you pull him up." Swiss panted. I stood out of the way as Aether grabbed Rain. Thankfully the hole wasn't that deep so it wasn't that difficult of a job.

   "We need to go to the hospital." Aether stated wrapping his arms around Rain and holding him bridle style to the hospital wing.

   "Oh my what happened?!" Stephane gasped looking at Rain.

   "Something started attacking me and Rain and it stole his mask."

   "Those damn vampires-."

   "I don't think it was a vampire." Swiss stated. "He wasn't scared of us. obviously." He pointed his hand at Rains wound.

   "Was (Y/n) there?" She asked removing his shirt to clean the wound.

   "She was."

   "Did it go after her?"

   "No but she got a nose bleed."

   "Oh no. That's not good, not at all." She was scurrying around fixing up Rain and talking to herself. Me and Aether looked at each other confused. "That's not important right now." She muttered to herself. And she kept doing that saying things 'that was four years ago' 'is it because of her dad?' And 'what did she drink?' Me, Swiss and Aether were all looking at each other now confused. Then Swiss spoke up.

   "Is he going to be okay?"

    It was like she was broke from a trance when she looked back up at the three of us.

    "Oh yes of course of course. He should be just fine, he is a ghoul after all." She muttered the last part.

   "Right um do you know when he will be up?" Aether asked.

   "Uh I don't know?" She told us. "You guys should just go to bed." She shook her hand to tell us to get out which we agreed to do.

    "What was up with her?" Swiss questioned.

   "No idea but you both need to clean up and Swiss when you are done you need to tell me everything that happened." Aether spoke calmly but it was clear he was ticked off. "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n), good night." He waved and I did the same before running off to my room to clean up.

   Word count 1294



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