Peptalks In The Mirror

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      We made it into the basement finally without anyone seeing us run down.

   "I think I scared one of your friends is she okay?" Swiss asked me before turning to Rain and saying. "Rain translate."

   She's not a fan of ghouls but as far as I know everyone else if fine with them.

    "She's not of us but everyone else is fine with us as far as she knows."

    "I see." He said then I saw through the mask his eyes light up. "Oh you know what we should do today, you guys should teach me sign language!" We walked into the practice room and we all sat down in a circle.

    "Okay I'm gonna say some words and you show me how to sign them."

    K boss. I signed as a joke but showing I agreed.

    "What did she say?" He asked Rain quickly.

    "K boss"

     "So that's how you say that." He said and he copied the hand movement. "Gonna sign that a lot." He laughed. "I alright how do you say?" Swiss thought for a second before he said. "Come on or let's go?" I signed it then he copied. "I'm gonna need a lot of lessons." He chuckled.

After a couple more sayings that Swiss wanted to learn including but not limited to. Fuck off , fuck you, you're not funny, you're actually funny, fuck you im not doing that, fuck that shit. And many many more.

"Well that was fun." Swiss smiled.

"I agree." Rain responded with a yawn followed by the rest of us yawning.

"Oh shit we have patrolling to do!" Swiss remember popping from his seat.

"Shit we do! (Y/n) I'll walk you back to your room." Rain panicked the sat up his tail sticking up straight behind him.

"Alright you two have fun!" Swiss bounced up the stairs in front of us.

"Ignore him he's so." He paused thinking of the word to describe him. "So I've never seen a teenage girl before but I've seen movies and that's how he acts." Rain explained trying to find the words and laughed a bit.

Oh my god no because I one hundred percent agree! I laughed with him. It's so funny!

"I'm glad you agree." He chuckled walking up the stairs through the halls.

We should go to the lake again soon. Only if you want to.

"Yeah I'd like that, let's go tomorrow." He smiled as we made it to the hall. I saw the girls standing by my door. They both turn their heads to look at me and Rain. I froze I was extremely close to Rain with my arm just barely touching his.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Zara screeched. It terrified me I couldn't imagine how Rain felt.

"I was just making sure she was alright and safe to walk back to her room!" Rain yelled back down. I was surprised Rain did that, despite Rain talking to me normally I've never would've expected him to do that. "I'll still see you tomorrow right?" He whispered in my ear a little worried like after what Zara yelled I would change my mind. I nodded to show I was still on for tomorrow. "Okay thank you. I'll see you tomorrow lo- good night." He stammered before running off to the courtyard.

I walked down the hall to talk to the girls still angry at what Zara had done.

"Oh my are you alright?" Zara asked with concern. "He should not of been so close to you. Do you realize how dangerous they are." She breathed.

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