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    I put all the gifts in a bag as I made my way down to the basement for the gift exchange. I wore a black knitted sweater and some red pants along with some black doc martens. I put on some makeup mainly to hide the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and how much I cried.

   I got to the ghouls common room and before I even get to knock on the door I could hear shitty Christmas music coming out of the room and could smell fresh cookies. I knocked on the door to then have Mountain wearing a Christmas themed apron that was black but had red and green stitching open the door and smiled at me as he did. I returned the gesture.

   "We are all over sitting on the couch." He pointed at the ghouls that were laughing amongst themselves. I saw everyone there except for Rain. I went over to them and gave a small smile at the group.

   "Here come sit." Swiss moved a bit to the left and patted the spot next to him so I could sit In between him and Dewdrop. I put the bag on the floor between my legs as I looked around at the ghouls and listened to the jokes they were telling. I wondered where Rain was and if he was coming out tonight. I mean I hope he would because he told me what time it was at.

"Where is Rain?" Dew asked looking at the group.

"In his room I think." Aether responded.

"Is he coming out? I wanna start opening gifts." Dew bounced in his seat like a child. At that moment we could hear a door close and we all looked over to see Rain walking towards the couch. I gave a small smile at him as he sat at the opposite end of the couch next to Aether and Mountain.

"Who wants to go first?" Swiss asked the group.

"I will!" Aether jumped up to get all the gifts.

   Everyone in the group had exchanged gifts except me and Rain and I had managed to collect quite a few gifts like Swiss got me a cute little piano figurine that can go on my desk, Aether had gotten me a new all purpose sketchbook because of that one night we had hung out I mentioned that mine is running out of room and Dew had gotten me a water color paint set to go along with Aether's sketchbook. Mountain gifted me new gardening gloves because he noticed mine were falling apart last time I saw him.

I now decided to give all my gifts before Rain and it didn't seem like he minded all that much. He really didn't look or speak to me much all night but I didn't let that get to me because everyone else was having a good time.

I handed Swiss the first gift just because it was on top. He opened up the mini brown box that had a red glitter ribbon sealing it. He pulled the string causing the bow to fall apart in his lap. He opened the box to reveal the guitar strap and the picks that I got to go along with them.

   "Oh my Satanas I love it!" He spoke delighted as he picked up the strap to look at it better. "Aww thank you."

   I then got Dew and Mountain's gift out and passed it to Dew the got up to give it to Mountain. They both unwrapped their gifts with smiles on their faces then Mountain was the first to thank me then Dew Spoke up.

   "Holy shit I really wanted this album! How did you-?" He spoke with shock as he stared at the record. I then handed Aether his and he had a similar reaction.

   Before I could hand out Rains gift to him he quickly began handing out his gifts to the other ghouls. They didn't seem to notice what had happened because they were now all caught up in looking at all the gifts they had gotten and how everything was now covered in colorful wrapping paper. I noticed that Rain didn't get me a gift because he didn't have any boxes near him. I tried to not look kind of upset about this because after all I did tell him he didn't have to get me one and I did basically just show up to a tradition that they do. So I just smiled as I watched the ghouls fidget with the paper that was scattered around the floor. I put all the gifts they got me in my bag and if I had a chance later I would give Rain his gift.

   Mountain got up after a couple minutes and grabbed the cookies that were now cool enough to eat and brought them over to the coffee table that was in the middle of all of us. All the ghouls quickly went to grab a cookie except for Rain. He got up and it looked like he was leaving to go to his room so I just let out a quiet sigh as I debated if I should try a cookie.

   "Grab your bag." I felt the warm breath of Rain grumble by my ear. I grabbed the handles of my bag and I was about to stand up when Rain put his hands under my arms and lifted me from behind the couch. "The others are too busy they won't know we are gone." He whispered in my ear as he placed me back down onto the stone floor. He then began to walk down the hall into his room and I followed.

   Rain's Room had a tiny little Christmas tree that was decorated on his desk which was now cleaned and organized of all his art supplies. Everything else looked the same if not cleaner which I didn't think was possible because Rain was a very clean person. I wish I could relate.

   "Here, sit on the bed." He told me to so I walked over as he went into his desk and grabbed a book sized velvety black box with silver ribbon holding it together. "For you." He handed it to me looking down and smiled. I took it out of his hands and began to unwrap the ribbon slowly and open the box.

   Inside the box was the same beautiful necklace I saw In that store that time I went shopping with Zara and Jordan. The red crystals shimmered a bit with the Christmas that were to the right of us. My hand went up to my mouth in shock as I looked at it. It was so beautiful and I couldn't believe I now have it. I then looked up at Rain and placed the box on the bed next to me.

   Rain I- I don't even know what to say. It's beautiful, thank you so much! Can you put it on?

   "Of course my love, I'm glad you like it." He smiled. I took the necklace out of the box and gave it to Rain then turned to the side and moved my hair out of the way so it was easier for him to clasp it. I could feel his cold hands on the back of my neck as he clasped the necklace together. I let my hair back down and looked back at Rain and we just gazed at each other for a few moments. I felt like I was floating as I looked at his eyes. "I'm sorry about before." He sighed bringing his hand up to my face to hold it. "I shouldn't of yelled at you, you didn't deserve that." He whispered. I shifted a bit to hug him. He returned the gesture and hugged me back tightly.

   "I forgive you." I mumbled into his neck and he relaxed at this then began to let go.

   "Swiss told me you spoke to him before but wouldn't tell me what you said. What did you tell him?" He asked softly but still very confused. My face went bright red.

   I'm going to kill him. I thought to myself.

   Not important. I waved my hand around dismissively. I have your gift.

   "Oh okay." He chuckled and I pulled his gift out of the bag.

   It's not as good as yours. Sorry. I smiled and shrugged.

   "I'm sure its wonderful Love." He smiled as he unwrapped the gift looking down at the sketchbook and pens that laid in front of him. "Oh Love this sketchbook is beautiful, thank you so much this is amazing!" He smiled at me again as we held our gaze like we did before. It lasted longer this time before Aether knocked on the door.

   "Cards against humanity! Come on guys!" He yelled through then we got out to join the festivities.

  Word count 1485

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