The Ending

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I walked out of the shower still freezing and with a really bad headache. I took the shower on the hottest setting and it helped but the second I stepped out I was still so cold. I wasn't shivering though which I thought was strange.

   I wiped off my mirror off so I could finally get a better look at myself and I just looked horrible. There were dark circles under my eyes and I looked sick and pale all the blood looked drained from my face however the wound on my neck was completely gone. I looked at my arms to see all the scratches on my arms are gone except for Rain's bite mark.

   What is happening?
   Is this a dream?

   Is this real?

   I began to freak out as I slammed my fists on the edge of the sink. I tried to calm down as I put clothes on but I could feel tears coming from my eyes as I did so. I blinked away the tears as I put my shirt on looking at the mirror again. I held I tight grip on the side of it just staring at myself.

    Why do I look dead?!

   I looked and felt terrified so I ran out of the bathroom in some weird hope that it was just the bathroom lighting. I ran to the full body mirror in my room in hopes that I would look better in that. It was highly doubtful though because it was old and stained and was very obviously put here or has been here since the church was built.

    "...No!" My voice barely audible as I looked at the mirror.

   I cant see myself!

   My clothes were in the mirror and so was everything else. But any part of skin I couldn't see.

   This can't be happening!

The mirror is made with a silver backing. It's a pure metal meaning vampires can't be seen in them.

   I need to see Sister Imperator! I quickly put shoes on and ran out the door to her office.

   "I need your help!" I ran in not even bother knocking. She was writing something but looked up at me looking slightly annoyed at the intuition but I didn't blame her.

   "What's wrong?" She cocked an eyebrow.

   "I-I think I'm a vampire!" I stuttered still in panic. Her eyes went wide.

   "How did you come to this conclusion?" She was starting to have panic in her voice as well.

   "Well I noticed that my neck was healed along with all the scratches on my arm and I panicked because they shouldn't be so I went to look at the other mirror and I- I couldn't see myself." I was speaking quickly. She looked at me with wide eyes at what I just told her.

"You do look a little um dead... Let's bring you to Stephane she can check your vitals and we can go from there. Okay?" She stood up in her seat and I held the door open for her as we both got out of the room.

   We made our way to the hospital wing and opened the door to the reception room in hopes of finding Stephane in there. She was sat behind her desk writing something down before looking up at the both of us. She could clearly see the anxiety radiating off of me as I was shaking in fear trying to make myself smaller. The room was so bright compared to the rest of the church and the ac unit was on so I was even more cold then before and now had a major headache and my eyes felt like they were burning. They were tearing up in pain and I kept needing to blink so I wasn't full on crying.

   "Is everything okay?" She asked worried getting up from her seat.

   "I need you to check her vitals, there might be an issue with something." Sister Imperator sounded calm but there was a slight rush in her voice.

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