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02. Who're you?

Jamie was now one of those things, after three days she had finally turned. Her death was slow and it was hard to not know when it had happened. Jamie and I had talked, we spoke through the doors— long conversations with laughs and cries between us. It didn't stop me from talking to her though, her death didn't stop me from loving her. I'd talk and she'd bang against the door, it was probably me being delusional but it was a way for me to know she was okay— as one of those monsters.

It had now been a full week since I'd lost her, since all of this had started. It had been a full week of me not digesting a thing, there was water, for now, there was water in the bathrooms and it was just enough for me to drink everyday— just a sip.

I had found a weapon, something to kill the monsters with; a crowbar. It was hidden in one of the supply closest and there were enough clothes around for me to switch into, even though I had never felt so dirty in my entire life. There was nothing I could do about my hygiene, no toothbrushes or toothpaste, no showers, nothing to make me feel clean enough. I was surviving off of water, clean clothes, and the protection of the walls around me.

I was alive because of Jamie, yet, there was no way I could thank her.

A couple more days and I was survival ready. I had more weapons and I knew how to use them, practicing didn't make me less scared but the thought of dying of hunger when the world was surrounded by those slow ass zombies made me upset. I was traveling outside of the small room that I resided in, surfing and tiptoeing through other rooms— other buildings and looking for more food, maybe other things that I needed, maybe wanted.

'I see him walkin', I sense the danger. I hear his voice and my heart stops.'

I had found a black walkman cassette player with headphones, the headphones that had the softness over your ears. I stole random sets of tapes from the shelf right next to them, rushing away before any of those monsters could sense I was around. It was something I had wanted, yes, it was dumb to risk my life for something so small but I had found out that music had calmed me.

I nodded my head along with the music, slipping the headphones off and resting them on my shoulders. I could still hear the music while placing the player into my back pocket. It was time to change, the clothes were already sitting on the counter I slept behind. Just as my hands cuffed the bottoms of my shirt a noise was heard in the distance— it wasn't the sound Jamie made, no, this one was much louder, as if someone had tripped over boxes or bumped into a wall.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now